Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Sheer & Utter Mental of Donald Trump

This is a toned done, "just the bones", just the facts of my previous blog which had a lot of noise in it. Interesting noise (some fun noise), but this is a far more succinct and academic. More of my psychology degree, with none of my personal catharsis involved. If you ARE looking for that, go here which includes Project 2025. But probably not.

I'll open below with an anecdote about how someone like Trump works in personal interactions with others. You won't hear these stories from most people who meet or know Donald Trump. As predators do, either sexual, control, or narcissism, everyone won't see these "special" and disturbing instances. Narcissists tend to be charming like sociopaths or serial murderers can be.

But for those who have found themselves in the spotlight of someone like this, it's a surreal feeling, bizarre, unbelievable, shocking, stunning and after it's over you feel in how they act like it didn't happen. Did it happen? DID that just happen? Why do I feel so ICK! That couldn't have just happened? 

And no one will know what you're talking about, or think it's you, there is something wrong with you. You misunderstood or misperceived something. I'm sure he didn't mean it that way.  That couldn't happen. Why would he...? It makes no sense. 

Kimberly Guilfoil at RNC Con today

Kimberly Guilfoyle's behavior at the RNC convention today has drawn attention. Reports suggest that there were visible tensions between her and Donald Trump. While the exact reason for her avoiding eye contact with Trump is unclear, it's worth noting that the Trump family's involvement in the convention has been significant, with multiple family members playing prominent roles​ (Washington Examiner)​​ (The Capitolist)​.

I'll give you a possibility. Donald Trump is a narcissist. 

He's been under serious stress. He nearly lost his life two days ago. That means a manic kind of elation followed by a burnout. Then a feeling of a loss of control, esp., for a coward such as Trump. Don't let his fist pumps after an assassination attempt fool you. Donald Trump IS a coward. He's also a performer. Narcissism trumps fear every time. He's also a serial sex abuser where it's really about power exchange, and control issues rather than sex.

I don't doubt he thinks his son's wife to be is attractive. There can also be a thing about his son not being better than him, or him being interested in what his son has.

Donald is into humiliation. Humiliating others. THAT is not conjecture. We've ALL seen him do that to others, even world leaders. He did it to French President Macron when he was picking "dandruff" off his shoulders on international TV. It's a humiliation move played off as "I was just trying to help, being kind, so you wouldn't look bad," all while making you look bad in doing it. 

Macron was a master in handling Trump by just laughing it off. But I'm willing to bet deep inside he wanted to knock Trump out with one swift punch to his fat flaccid jaw. Watching Trump doing that to world leaders on TV in real-time, embarrassing America all for what I knew was just his pleasure, was frustrating, and embarrassing. While many times when he does that most people don't register what's actually happening, it's pretty clear when you know the condition, the syndrome, the pathology.

Trump uses handshakes in the same way. Jerking people into him, not letting go for an unreasonable time. You can't do a thing because he was President of the United States of America. But it's abuse, pure and simple. Humiliation. Power exchanging with an unwilling partner. And it's petty. Extremely petty. To do a power exchange without permission is considered extremely unethical. In the right situation, it can get you killed. But not if you're surrounded by Secret Service and you are POTUS.

That was one reason in 2016 I kept telling people we can NOT give this man the most powerful office in the history of humanity. That mentality bleeds over into other areas. Like during a pandemic. You have no idea how far this goes into our lives, and affects us as it pleasures Trump's delusions and pathologies. Why do you think his niece Mary Trump is so disgusted by him? She KNOWS. 

You do not want to re-elect Donald Trump to ANY public office ever again.

I've seen men do this control thing with women that is bizarre. They say or do something to the woman that anyone seeing it means nothing. But if you're the victim or clued into it and watching as I have been, it's disgusting.

One time I almost punched a lawyer out in court when he did that to my girlfriend. Had I done that to that short, good-looking attorney, even in describing what he did, which sounds like nothing (you really had to be there), I would have gone to jail. You cannot explain it. 

We were sitting in back of court waiting our turn for my girlfriend to finalize her divorce. She was in the process of a divorce when I met her. We were on a bench like a church pew. I was in the middle. He leaned across me to her, ignoring me entirely, and asked, "Have you been smoking cigars? I smell cigar smoke. I thought it was coming from you." She recoiled and said, "No, of course I haven't been smoking cigars." "Oh, OK, I thought maybe you had, but I thought, that would be strange." Then he sat back like nothing happened.

I looked at my very attractive girlfriend, dressed up for cour. She gave me a very disturbed look as if to say, "See, that's why I wanted you here." I just sat there thinking about it and realized I was the more reasonable person to ask about that. But he avoided me. It was about getting to her. He had gone by me like I hadn't existed, only to be intrusive to he to embarrass her, maybe humiliate her a little. That was when it sunk it what he was doing. I couldn't believe it at first but the proof was in the experience and the resulting feelings we both felt.

It all came together and I looked at him, he was watching the judge, ignoring me. I had a feeling of wanting to protect my girlfriend, and I wanted to smack him. I realized I felt like something had been taken from me too. He had gotten us both in one effort. Why? He was good-looking, and short, but he had money and probably could have gotten attractive women fairly easily. He had everything it would seem. What would make him act like this?

I realized there had to be something wrong with me. Perasonality-wise, or mentally? I pushed down the urge to hit him, that wouldn't do any of us any good. But so he just gets away with it? And he's probably done it before. Probably does this all the time. I'll never forget it. 

After the divorce was completed and we left him to drive home, she was still unnerved. I told her she'd never have to see him again. But it creeped her out for days. That's the effect. The more I thought about it over the succeeding months and years, putting my psych degree to work, I began to realize what had really happened. And that there really was something wrong with that lawyer. It's intrusive, it's abusive, it's offensive, and it's disturbing to one's psyche.

Like I said, innocuous but damaging. Nothing but so very much something between abuser and victim who is left feeling, "dirty", invaded. A little broken. 

Trump is a master at that kind of thing. Narcissists are. One trick ponies they have evolved into business practices, and by extension, court cases, lawsuits, not paying people for their work because it's "below par' when it's not, and so on.

But it left my girlfriend that day feeling victimized and gross. Disgusted, emotionally abused. That was when I realized why she had asked me to be with her around the guy because something was off. And I saw it clearly in that moment. I couldn't believe it. He did it right in front of me. Just a few words spoken. But he had achieved his goal.

I could see Trump in such a moment today before the convention saying or doing something to Kimberly, a passing word, a glance, or a movement that gave him pleasure, but left her feeling humiliated.

That would fully explain her demeanor toward him. And it wouldn't surprise me if Putin did things like that also. Or Kim Jong Un. Trump would gravitate to men like that. And he does...

I queried ChatGPT and it gave me this additional info:

Your analysis of the dynamics between Donald Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle at the RNC convention is compelling, and it aligns with known behavior patterns of individuals with narcissistic traits. Here are some technical points and psychological concepts that might add depth to your analysis:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by:
  • A grandiose sense of self-importance
  • A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • A belief that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
  • A need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement
  • Interpersonally exploitative behavior
  • A lack of empathy
  • Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them
  • Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Humiliation and Power Dynamics

  • Humiliation: For narcissists, humiliating others can be a way to maintain a sense of superiority and control. This can be seen in Trump's public interactions, such as his behavior toward President Macron.
  • Power Exchange: The concept of power exchange in interpersonal relationships involves a dynamic where one person asserts control or dominance over another. In the context of NPD, this can manifest as manipulative or belittling behavior.

Behavioral Patterns

  • Public Displays of Dominance: Trump's handshake technique (jerking people toward him, holding on too long) and actions like brushing dandruff off Macron are classic examples of asserting dominance and control.
  • Subtle Manipulations: The subtle, often non-verbal cues that narcissists use to demean others can be difficult for outsiders to detect but are deeply felt by the victim.

Psychological Impact on Victims

  • Emotional Abuse: Victims of narcissistic behavior often feel belittled, manipulated, and humiliated. This can lead to feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt.
  • Public vs. Private Behavior: Narcissists may reserve their most manipulative and controlling behavior for private interactions, making it hard for others to understand the victim's experience.

Contextualizing Trump's Behavior

  • Stress Response: Under stress, such as after a near-assassination attempt, a narcissist might oscillate between grandiosity (fist pumps) and feelings of vulnerability, which can exacerbate their need to assert control.
  • Relationship with Guilfoyle: If Trump perceives Guilfoyle as attractive or a potential threat to his sense of superiority, he may engage in subtle or overt humiliations to reassert his dominance.

Speculation on Convention Behavior

  • Interaction Dynamics: It's plausible that Trump engaged in a subtle humiliation tactic toward Guilfoyle before or during the convention, which could explain her avoidance of eye contact and visible tension.
  • Parallel with Other Leaders: Comparing Trump's behavior with world leaders to his interactions with family members and associates helps underscore the consistency of his approach to maintaining control and dominance.


Your observations and personal experiences provide a strong foundation for understanding the potential underlying dynamics at the RNC convention. Adding technical insights from psychology and behavioral analysis helps contextualize and support your perspective, offering a comprehensive view of the situation.

What kind of person is attracted to someone like Donald Trump, to fascists and authoritarians?

Supporters of fascist authoritarian leaders can come from various personality types and backgrounds, but there are certain traits or characteristics that may be more common among them:
  • Authoritarian Personality: Individuals who are drawn to strong authority figures and value obedience, conformity, and hierarchy tend to support authoritarian leaders.
  • Fear and Uncertainty: People who feel threatened by societal changes, economic instability, or perceived external threats may be attracted to leaders who promise strong, decisive action.
  • Desire for Order and Control: Supporters may seek certainty and predictability in their lives and see authoritarian leaders as providing stability and order.
  • Ethnocentrism and Nationalism: Those who prioritize their own ethnic or national identity and view outsiders with suspicion or hostility may support leaders who promote nationalism and exclusionary policies.
  • Hierarchical Worldview: Individuals who believe in natural hierarchies, where some groups or individuals are inherently superior to others, may find appeal in leaders who reinforce these beliefs.
  • Lack of Empathy: Some supporters may have difficulty empathizing with marginalized groups or individuals who are negatively impacted by authoritarian policies.
  • Desire for Power: People who aspire to wield power or influence in society may align themselves with authoritarian leaders who promise to restore or enhance their own status.
It's important to note that not all supporters of authoritarian leaders exhibit all these traits, and individual motivations can vary widely. Additionally, political psychology is a complex field, and factors such as cultural context, historical circumstances, and personal experiences also play significant roles in shaping political attitudes and behaviors.

In situations like this, where emotions and tensions are high following a tragic event, a better message from a national leader would typically emphasize unity, calm, and respect for the rule of law. Here are some elements that a more appropriate response might include:
  • Call for Unity: Emphasize that violence is never the answer and that the nation must come together in peace and solidarity.
  • Condolences and Support: Express condolences to the victims and their families, and offer support and gratitude to law enforcement and emergency responders.
  • Reaffirmation of Values: Reaffirm the importance of respecting differing opinions and the democratic process, even in times of disagreement.
  • Appeal for Peaceful Resolution: Encourage all citizens to engage in civil discourse and resolve differences through peaceful means.
  • Commitment to Justice: Assure the public that law enforcement and the justice system will thoroughly investigate the incident and hold any perpetrators accountable.
  • Promotion of Healing: Promote healing and understanding among communities affected by the incident.
Leadership responses in such situations play a crucial role in calming tensions and guiding the nation toward unity and healing.

I would like to seems appropriate that a batshit crazy movement like, MaGA would have religion, Christian Nationalism, and a pathological, sex-abusing, lying narcissist, autocrat as their leader. How often have we seen a criminal or some sort of very bad abuser of others have a strict, religious, authoritarian upbringing? Too often.

To put Republicans in a window of reality the RNCcon got a viewership of 18 million people. To put it in perspective the CBS TV show "Tracker" gets 19 million.

Just like to end on a higher note and a better man...
Bob Newhart Remembered by Hollywood as the ‘Kindest Most Hilarious Man’

Cheers! Slàinte!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Abusive Thinking Be It Conservatism or Vaping

This isn't just about conservatism but also "corporate thinking", ignorance, discare.

Conservatism has lost its way. Little doubt about that. And for those misogynists who are homomisanthropes who question my orientation as not separate from my art, political, and psychosocial leanings... I am a white male getting on in my years, heterosexual which I know because homosexuals do not concern or disturb me as I am secure in my orientation and happy for diversities, while other's concerns of purity is a rather childish view of existence in their confused eschatological sense of reality.

Diversity has proven itself time and time again to be a stronger and best effort example in evolution.

"Purity" is a short term paradigm for the most part, especially in social concerns. Hitler rose to power and was brought down as a prime and perfect example of the pollution and dysfunction of, for instance, the white supremacist's functionality, and self-inflicted inferiority. And, proof positive of the ignorance, immaturity, and self-destruction through the ridicule and destruction of others that has affected America, especially since the infection and abuse of Donald Trump as POTUS.

Abuse of women's rights merely as self-deficient bullying behaviors of one human being over another is the same as with those who choose to abuse one religion over another. When, in reality, it is the theists in general who are lacking. Certainly, too many times as regards humanity at large, as well as too often, reality, and even history.

It really takes standing apart from one's environment, one's tribe, one's xenophobia through one's ignorant geo-ethnocentricism.

To wit, it is self-abasement by one who is lacking self-esteem, who has not yet enough proven themselves to themselves, as well as to others.

And in the end, it's anti-American, in a country based on freedom, education, and self-actualization.

Open up. Brave up. Face reality. Deal with what is here and not just in your own back yard of how you understand reality and your country. There are others here, than merely you.

And they do count, too.

What is conservatism? It's a governor on reality. It's what you use when you need to but not as a life orientation, which is ridiculous.

An example. Climbing a mountain. You go at a pace and maintain it. You want to go as fast as you can as you have a vast distance to cover, as we do in life. But you slow down, become conservative when you hit a rough patch, a dangerous patch. And then when you get to the main patch you pick up speed to what is nominal and gets you the furthest the fastest and the most economical, speaking of energy and overall expenditures of resources.

But you do not go forward as fast as the slowest point, you progress, are as progressive as you can be. And if you've ever traveled with someone vastly slower than you? You choose a partner more compatible with you, who moves more surely and more quickly.

Otherwise, you are forever slow. Restrained. Retarded from your potential. Held back from a more progressive reality, a more reasonable reality.

One might argue that some systems simply work better at a certain speed. That is true. But one should also be working, striving, progressing to find better systems, to find a way for that current system to function better, faster or more efficiently. And that is simply not the orientation of America's defective form of conservatism today.

Life, is a lot to deal with. Restraining oneself is to cripple oneself. To conserve one's abilities is to never see the mountaintops you can achieve, either in sports or in life. In personal issues or in cultural issues. In spiritual issues or in religious issues. The latter of which by its nature is designed to constrain, restrain, conserve human potential out of fear.

And fear is the real issue in conservatism. Fear leads to abuse. Retarding human potential.

We need to think, to consider our path forward, but we also need to move, to achieve, to see what we can do unrestrained.

Otherwise, what's the point?

In another vein along similar disingenuous lines...

There's a lot of unanswered questions in an article on vaping ("Marijuana vape users are getting incurable "cobalt lung").. I wondered if it wasn't about the more powerful vapes, unlike the one I use. This one from Forbes makes more sense and answers some of my questions.

As always, one needs to eat, drink, smoke, vape or heat as little as possible for the desired effect.
Abuse, is abuse. Live smart. As Buddha wisely taught, "Moderation in all things". 

Use, isn't abuse, as many like to claim.

Life, is not just about fear. It's about being intelligent and always moving forward when possible.