I have a local brewery near me, only a couple of miles away down a long winding forest covered country road called Hood Canal Brewery. 26499 Bond Road NE, Kingston, WA.
Talk about a fun place and they're open seven days a week. This is a photo (above) of when it's inordinately busy, which is unusual.
View when entering, bar at far end before rest room. |
located to the left of the photo above this one |
Their beers are named for areas in the northwest. How can you not like names like:
Dosewalips Special Ale,
Bywater Bay ESB,
Dabob Bay, I.P.A.,
Agate Pass Amber,
Big Beef Oatmeal Stout,
Southpoint Porter (Seasonal),
Breidablik Barley Wine (drink this one slowly, it's potent)?
Well admittedly, they taste better than they sound. And that is pretty damn good. Drop on by some time. These beers are also available in local stores and locations.
I like to ride my bike (motorcycle bike that is) in there after a ride, or just to give my bike a small run to jump up the road a ways for a break. Check them out and tell them I said hi.
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