The blog of Filmmaker and Writer JZ Murdock—exploring horror, sci-fi, philosophy, psychology, and the strange depths of our human experience. 'What we think, we become.' The Buddha
Monday, May 28, 2012
How much help, is enough?
How much help is enough? Just to make this easier to digest, let's consider the civilian side of this for now....
It has nothing to do with me, in speaking of another. We don’t charge our kids for raising them. But as children, we can feel we owe something. Maybe you see the word “owe” differently than I do. But I think we see things the same.
I see that I owe this planet, I owe my ancestors and my descendants, I owe my children and I owe my parents, my teachers. I owe them my thanks, my appreciation, my help when I can give it. It can go to a level of whatever I have if they need it, maybe even more, if they truly need it; but when it gets to where they aren’t just receiving but they begin to try and take, or they just take and expect; if they make me unhappy or miserable or worse for my helping them, then any owing to them that I had felt, begins to cheapen, fade and disappear.
The more aggressive they become, the faster it fades. It never really gets into anything negative on my side. It shouldn’t, there is no need and it’s a waste of energy. And when others are sucking you dry, you shouldn’t waste any more energy on them at all, once the decision is made, that’s it, you’re done. Move on. Otherwise you start playing a game with them, doing a dance; the negative ones thrives on that and they have to be cut off.
But there is no need for ill feelings really, they have a personality disorder, an incorrect way to view life, or a sociological disorder, whatever. They are needy and cannot take care of themselves. People can change (maybe) and we should give them a chance to, but we should also be intelligent about our observations and actions toward them and trust ourselves.
If they truly cannot help themselves and fight against help anyone other than you, well, that’s your personal decision to continue, but it is also your right to choose to get them help, or leave, or suffer helping them till they die and that may BE the best decision though it may not even seem like it at the time. But again, you have to trust yourself and make a decision. You then have to acclimate to it so that you can let it go in the future and simply not let it kill you. If you are getting depressed and would kill yourself, surely that is a reason to change things and there are degrees of that, surely; but at some point, you make must the judgment and then act upon it.
There are some things in life where there simply are no easy decisions to make. Yet just still, a decision. So, make it. Live with it. Be well.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Death of Heaven - JZ Murdock Big Horror now available in paper!
Finally! My book "Death of Heaven" is now on Amazon as a trade paperback! I'm very pleased to now have it available in this format.
Please feel free to visit for more on this book as well as more interesting graphics by cover artist, Marvin Hayes! Thanks also to Cal Miller of Zilyon Publishing!
Death of Heaven is the story of two guys, Jimmy and James, who have been best buds since childhood. At one point they suffered a horrific event, destroying James' family. He moves in with Jimmy's family and they go through school together. After High School, they get a job together but then drift off from one another for some years. That, is when their lives get interesting. But not as interesting as it gets once they hook back up together.
Jimmy ends up going into the military and then special ops for the government. James just beats around through life until something extraordinary happens, leaving him a wreck. At that point they get together again by way of James' therapist. He is quite a wreck so Jimmy invites him to move in with him for a while, just until he can get things together again.
They hold up together in Jimmy's home while they piece together just what in the Hell is going on. Jimmy has a big decision to make. Is James insane? For that matter, is Jimmy? Eventually they come to find that Life, their World, in fact, all of History is not what Humankind has always believed it to be. God, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Joseph Smith even, are who the are, or were, for reasons entirely different than what we have been lead to believe. Very possibly the end of the world as we know it, is about to break out across the world.
What these two friends then discover, aside from the true History of the Earth and its situation, is that something massive is about to happen. Something that will either maintain the status quo, or change the entire Universe forever!
Is this the Death of Heaven? Will the Earth survive?
Please feel free to visit for more on this book as well as more interesting graphics by cover artist, Marvin Hayes! Thanks also to Cal Miller of Zilyon Publishing!
Death of Heaven is the story of two guys, Jimmy and James, who have been best buds since childhood. At one point they suffered a horrific event, destroying James' family. He moves in with Jimmy's family and they go through school together. After High School, they get a job together but then drift off from one another for some years. That, is when their lives get interesting. But not as interesting as it gets once they hook back up together.
Jimmy ends up going into the military and then special ops for the government. James just beats around through life until something extraordinary happens, leaving him a wreck. At that point they get together again by way of James' therapist. He is quite a wreck so Jimmy invites him to move in with him for a while, just until he can get things together again.
They hold up together in Jimmy's home while they piece together just what in the Hell is going on. Jimmy has a big decision to make. Is James insane? For that matter, is Jimmy? Eventually they come to find that Life, their World, in fact, all of History is not what Humankind has always believed it to be. God, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Joseph Smith even, are who the are, or were, for reasons entirely different than what we have been lead to believe. Very possibly the end of the world as we know it, is about to break out across the world.
What these two friends then discover, aside from the true History of the Earth and its situation, is that something massive is about to happen. Something that will either maintain the status quo, or change the entire Universe forever!
Is this the Death of Heaven? Will the Earth survive?
Monday, May 21, 2012
Voting to legalize Gay marriage should be illegal
Of course we should not vote for Gay marriage!
But... why? Because it is a rule of law issue, not morality; a consideration of constitutionality. NOT Public Opinion. Either it is a right that people deserve to get, or it's not. But this country was founded on the principle of pursuit of happiness and the right of the minority being equal to the majority without prosecution of opinion by groups or church, against other church or groups.
Why is it that a country founded upon the principle of not persecuting people because of their religious choices has turned into a country using religion as a reason to persecute people?
So no, we should not vote on or be allowed to vote on, gay marriage. Either they can have it under the law and it should then be granted, or it is illegal under the law and it should not. But Sam and George, or Sally and Jane, should not marry because Joe Bob at First Christian thinks it's wrong. That is what should be illegal, not Gay marriage.
Otherwise, what are we doing here?
What happened to religious freedom anyway? And how come religious polygamy is illegal? I would argue because there has been too many men in a hierarchical religious setting who ruled the roost and pressed women into mental (and let's not forget, sexual) slavery. That's illegal because it's too easy for it to happen. So yes, that should be illegal. Hmmm sounds reminiscent of Islam too doesn't it?
But in a typically male dominated religious setting where God is the leader, it's pretty oppressive to women if they would rather be doing something else. They don't get a choice where the foundation of the principles are male dominated. And it can be insidious. So to protect women, it would seem, polygamy needs to be illegal; as an institutional consideration. But there is also probably tax reasons behind it, too. Would it somehow shelter too many from paying too little in taxes? Or is that negligible and to be no concern? But we have a lot of tax issues that are a big deal when in reality they will only supply a small deal in money.
But this type of thing has nothing to do with the situation of Gay marriage. Considering how badly "straight", religious types have screwed up in institution of marriage, don't you think they really have little or no leg to stand on in keeping marriage to themselves. When you look at people like Newt Gingrich and how badly he has abused marriage, what right does he have to be speaking out? Pompous idiocy, really is all I'm seeing from people wanting their thirty seconds of fame. All I see in this argument about marriage and sanctity are big egos by those in power and those who shout loud enough to be given a platform in the media from which to eschew total nonsense.
So no, we should have no voting for or against Gay marriage. It is NOT a religious matter. Give it up either way on rule of Law. And guess what? There is nothing saying that I can find that is saying no to it. Only, yes.
If you don't like it, move to Iran. Or some other country that enforces the rule of religion. Myself, I'm not a masochist. I like my freedoms, what little I still have left in the land of opportunity and "freedom".
But... why? Because it is a rule of law issue, not morality; a consideration of constitutionality. NOT Public Opinion. Either it is a right that people deserve to get, or it's not. But this country was founded on the principle of pursuit of happiness and the right of the minority being equal to the majority without prosecution of opinion by groups or church, against other church or groups.
Why is it that a country founded upon the principle of not persecuting people because of their religious choices has turned into a country using religion as a reason to persecute people?
So no, we should not vote on or be allowed to vote on, gay marriage. Either they can have it under the law and it should then be granted, or it is illegal under the law and it should not. But Sam and George, or Sally and Jane, should not marry because Joe Bob at First Christian thinks it's wrong. That is what should be illegal, not Gay marriage.
Otherwise, what are we doing here?
What happened to religious freedom anyway? And how come religious polygamy is illegal? I would argue because there has been too many men in a hierarchical religious setting who ruled the roost and pressed women into mental (and let's not forget, sexual) slavery. That's illegal because it's too easy for it to happen. So yes, that should be illegal. Hmmm sounds reminiscent of Islam too doesn't it?
But in a typically male dominated religious setting where God is the leader, it's pretty oppressive to women if they would rather be doing something else. They don't get a choice where the foundation of the principles are male dominated. And it can be insidious. So to protect women, it would seem, polygamy needs to be illegal; as an institutional consideration. But there is also probably tax reasons behind it, too. Would it somehow shelter too many from paying too little in taxes? Or is that negligible and to be no concern? But we have a lot of tax issues that are a big deal when in reality they will only supply a small deal in money.
But this type of thing has nothing to do with the situation of Gay marriage. Considering how badly "straight", religious types have screwed up in institution of marriage, don't you think they really have little or no leg to stand on in keeping marriage to themselves. When you look at people like Newt Gingrich and how badly he has abused marriage, what right does he have to be speaking out? Pompous idiocy, really is all I'm seeing from people wanting their thirty seconds of fame. All I see in this argument about marriage and sanctity are big egos by those in power and those who shout loud enough to be given a platform in the media from which to eschew total nonsense.
So no, we should have no voting for or against Gay marriage. It is NOT a religious matter. Give it up either way on rule of Law. And guess what? There is nothing saying that I can find that is saying no to it. Only, yes.
If you don't like it, move to Iran. Or some other country that enforces the rule of religion. Myself, I'm not a masochist. I like my freedoms, what little I still have left in the land of opportunity and "freedom".
As I said, if this truly is "America the Free", then Gay marriage is either legal or not under the Constitution. Joe Bob down the street at your local church should not have a say in an other's lifestyle if it is not harming anyone else and is simply who that person is, and they aren't breaking any laws. Any constitutionally supported laws that is.
Remember "Jim Crow"? Remember religious persecution? How is it the reason the pilgrims moved to America, those who had oppressed them in their home country, any different than what Christians are now doing to others outside their realm of magical and superstitious beliefs? I mean, it really points out how bad religions are bad for America.
Should we ban them? Do they have precedence and allowability just because they've always been allowed, and burdened by the public? My country really annoys me anymore. Too many ignorants have been given the bully pulpit to spew nonsense and separatism.
America should be a melting pot (yes, yes or a mixed (tossed?) salad, whatever) but we've turned into country of pigeonholes for a vocal minority who don't even want to belong in the same pigeonhole cabinet. As "good Christians" they really should be ashamed of themselves. "Turn the other cheek". What a bunch of nonsense. If you're not going to practice your beliefs then shut up.
Shouldn't we be more focused to helping those not of our lifestyles to adhere to the values and principles that your religions profess? Those of community, relationship, bonding, family, love and children? There are always going to be those who live differently than you do. Better to find a way to help them become more like the positive qualities in your beliefs, than force them outside into the wilderness to go whatever other direction you still haven't considered, so that in the end, things become far worse than your efforts have already spawned. Spawn love. Don't be a hater. It's actually Human nature to be promiscuous, that's why religion set standards in the first place.
Who would you rather have move in next door to you? A Gay couple who are promiscuous and single? Or a Gay couple who have publicly committed themselves to each other and at least practice to have a committed and monogamous relationship? After all, can they really do any worse than straight couples have for millinea.
Remember "Jim Crow"? Remember religious persecution? How is it the reason the pilgrims moved to America, those who had oppressed them in their home country, any different than what Christians are now doing to others outside their realm of magical and superstitious beliefs? I mean, it really points out how bad religions are bad for America.
Should we ban them? Do they have precedence and allowability just because they've always been allowed, and burdened by the public? My country really annoys me anymore. Too many ignorants have been given the bully pulpit to spew nonsense and separatism.
America should be a melting pot (yes, yes or a mixed (tossed?) salad, whatever) but we've turned into country of pigeonholes for a vocal minority who don't even want to belong in the same pigeonhole cabinet. As "good Christians" they really should be ashamed of themselves. "Turn the other cheek". What a bunch of nonsense. If you're not going to practice your beliefs then shut up.
Shouldn't we be more focused to helping those not of our lifestyles to adhere to the values and principles that your religions profess? Those of community, relationship, bonding, family, love and children? There are always going to be those who live differently than you do. Better to find a way to help them become more like the positive qualities in your beliefs, than force them outside into the wilderness to go whatever other direction you still haven't considered, so that in the end, things become far worse than your efforts have already spawned. Spawn love. Don't be a hater. It's actually Human nature to be promiscuous, that's why religion set standards in the first place.
Who would you rather have move in next door to you? A Gay couple who are promiscuous and single? Or a Gay couple who have publicly committed themselves to each other and at least practice to have a committed and monogamous relationship? After all, can they really do any worse than straight couples have for millinea.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Censorship is there to protect people. The question is, do people need protecting? Are people that morally or intellectually weak or uneducated that they need protecting? And who decides who the protectors are? Once decided, who decides what is too much censorship? The need for protection only comes in as necessary by the uneducated or the religious. I think the rating system in movies has been very handy in that people who care, can moderate their intake of concepts and orientations.
The comments about Casablanca are well taken. It is perhaps my favorite film. But you are delusional if you think that back when it came out, it wasn't as racy as bare-breasts and swearing is now. it's allusions to Bergman having had sex with Bogey are really less powerful than having shown it more as they would do now?
Yes, I think it was classier how they did it. But the meaning is still there. The intent and corruption is still there. But was she corrupt in having sex with Rick, in order to save her husband, someone needed by the resistance and the world? Or was it a sacrifice and a noble thing for her to please Rick to save her husband? Even if you don't read it that way, she was leaving with him. Was it only out of love for Rick, or a noble sacrifice of salvation? there is a lot of pseudo science on the claims of what the "f" word has done to society, conjecture and self belief in what you want to believe. Maybe it's true, maybe not. But certainly not something to base needing censorship upon.
Do you read a scene where there is coarse behavior and language (coarse to whom?) when it would be there in reality, or do you read a scene that is censored so that it is an unrealistic portrayal of such a scene? Does that cripple a society in thinking they are reading a accurate portrayal of a situation? Do we as a society and as individuals want to be informed in realty or delusional in our assumption that we have an accurate view of real life through the filter of censorship?
Censorship always takes the path of eventually overstepping necessary limits. The film industry in acquiescing voluntarily to the Hayes Office led to fear of the Hayes office and some ridiculous self censorship at times. Did they turn out good films regardless? Yes, there were some great films. Did it lead the country down a somewhat delusional path and did that lead to things like the 60s? No doubt it did. Is it better to fear (censor) media than not? Shouldn't censorship come from the individual, not an umbrella organization? Should you censor yourself as an author?
There are free citizens who do not want censorship. In a "free" society, do we take that freedom away from them because an entity or group thinks it should be? If we freely censor can we guide society down a path that can come back on us in a negative way? Do we want a society that is fundamentalist Christian? Or Muslim, a group who censor images of their Prophet, as well as women's faces and bodies, and behavior? Is that not enough censorship, not enough control and we need more?
Censorship has been warned about for decade after decade and still it raises its ugly serpentine neck from time to time. But always from the members of the same groups. What we need isn't censorship, but a way for those desiring freedom to maintain that which is guaranteed by the constitution; but also a way for those who are concerned about their mental, emotional, spiritual "garden" from being polluted with "weed" thoughts and conceptual blight. Or genre that only those concerned with such things can go to for their style of entertainment and enlightenment.
But we have to remember this is a country of diverse beliefs and they all have the right to be here if legal under the law of the land.
I swear a little, sometimes, but I attune it to my audience if any. Meaning most the time, I speak G rated, but my concepts are more sophisticated. The young, uneducated usually don't follow if I feel like swearing and think it's inappropriate. Besides a HS teacher of mine told us once that someone who swears every other word, or uses things like "ya know" are being lazy and wasting people's time taking up more words to speak. Never lying, never swearing, I think makes one more intelligent because you have to be more clever to have the same impact (if not more).
I do love General Audience, "G" rated material in comedy, in films, etc., if of good quality; they have to be well done after all. But there is also too much "G" rated pablum around. Still, I do prefer it. Of course, I love the other end of the spectrum, too. I like quality in all its senses. But to censor is to eliminate some of the things that need to use "questionable" words and situations in order to show them, to know about them, to experience them, to be aware of them. Sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad, however you define them.
Knowledge after all, is power and knowing about things is just another step toward making them better. I much prefer having my eyes open rather than shut, remaining ignorant. There is a reason why we have freedom of speech in this country. Once you start curtailing it, you begin that ride on the downward slope of losing that freedom. And so, the only step to take is to allow it.
Censorship simply is not the way to go.
The comments about Casablanca are well taken. It is perhaps my favorite film. But you are delusional if you think that back when it came out, it wasn't as racy as bare-breasts and swearing is now. it's allusions to Bergman having had sex with Bogey are really less powerful than having shown it more as they would do now?
Yes, I think it was classier how they did it. But the meaning is still there. The intent and corruption is still there. But was she corrupt in having sex with Rick, in order to save her husband, someone needed by the resistance and the world? Or was it a sacrifice and a noble thing for her to please Rick to save her husband? Even if you don't read it that way, she was leaving with him. Was it only out of love for Rick, or a noble sacrifice of salvation? there is a lot of pseudo science on the claims of what the "f" word has done to society, conjecture and self belief in what you want to believe. Maybe it's true, maybe not. But certainly not something to base needing censorship upon.
Do you read a scene where there is coarse behavior and language (coarse to whom?) when it would be there in reality, or do you read a scene that is censored so that it is an unrealistic portrayal of such a scene? Does that cripple a society in thinking they are reading a accurate portrayal of a situation? Do we as a society and as individuals want to be informed in realty or delusional in our assumption that we have an accurate view of real life through the filter of censorship?
Censorship always takes the path of eventually overstepping necessary limits. The film industry in acquiescing voluntarily to the Hayes Office led to fear of the Hayes office and some ridiculous self censorship at times. Did they turn out good films regardless? Yes, there were some great films. Did it lead the country down a somewhat delusional path and did that lead to things like the 60s? No doubt it did. Is it better to fear (censor) media than not? Shouldn't censorship come from the individual, not an umbrella organization? Should you censor yourself as an author?
There are free citizens who do not want censorship. In a "free" society, do we take that freedom away from them because an entity or group thinks it should be? If we freely censor can we guide society down a path that can come back on us in a negative way? Do we want a society that is fundamentalist Christian? Or Muslim, a group who censor images of their Prophet, as well as women's faces and bodies, and behavior? Is that not enough censorship, not enough control and we need more?
Censorship has been warned about for decade after decade and still it raises its ugly serpentine neck from time to time. But always from the members of the same groups. What we need isn't censorship, but a way for those desiring freedom to maintain that which is guaranteed by the constitution; but also a way for those who are concerned about their mental, emotional, spiritual "garden" from being polluted with "weed" thoughts and conceptual blight. Or genre that only those concerned with such things can go to for their style of entertainment and enlightenment.
But we have to remember this is a country of diverse beliefs and they all have the right to be here if legal under the law of the land.
I swear a little, sometimes, but I attune it to my audience if any. Meaning most the time, I speak G rated, but my concepts are more sophisticated. The young, uneducated usually don't follow if I feel like swearing and think it's inappropriate. Besides a HS teacher of mine told us once that someone who swears every other word, or uses things like "ya know" are being lazy and wasting people's time taking up more words to speak. Never lying, never swearing, I think makes one more intelligent because you have to be more clever to have the same impact (if not more).
I do love General Audience, "G" rated material in comedy, in films, etc., if of good quality; they have to be well done after all. But there is also too much "G" rated pablum around. Still, I do prefer it. Of course, I love the other end of the spectrum, too. I like quality in all its senses. But to censor is to eliminate some of the things that need to use "questionable" words and situations in order to show them, to know about them, to experience them, to be aware of them. Sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad, however you define them.
Knowledge after all, is power and knowing about things is just another step toward making them better. I much prefer having my eyes open rather than shut, remaining ignorant. There is a reason why we have freedom of speech in this country. Once you start curtailing it, you begin that ride on the downward slope of losing that freedom. And so, the only step to take is to allow it.
Censorship simply is not the way to go.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Be Wise. Be Brilliant. Be... Aware.
Since this is Mother's Day weekend....
"There never was a child so lovely, but his mother was glad to get him asleep." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Cheers to those who can celebrate a satisfying familial tie to their progenitors!
Having children is a privilege, but some treat it only as a burden. We dole out marriage certificates like they are candy; guns like toys; driver's licenses with more care than the most important thing we can ever do in our life, which is to create and raise our children.
Parents are just people who have had sex and a baby came from it. And some people have really bizarre beliefs. When they become parents, especially if they are the types that should never become parents, they treat their children through these strange beliefs and pass on their ridiculous thoughts to them.
I heard a guy the other day saying how he was on a plane and a kid was making a fuss. The dad got in the kids face and trying to be quiet but exhibiting terrifying passion to the kid, told him to shut up or else. The observer said he wanted to stop the parent, realizing the kid had just lost this last hold on safety and security and was probably traumatized, but instead, he went to the back of the plane to regain his equilibrium. While he was calming himself, he realized something. He realized that if that man had done that to a dog, the guy would have punched him out, but because it was the guy's kid, he didn't lift a finger, or say a word, or even project a look to affect the parent. What does that say about us as people? That we are living in a litigious society or age? That we are cowards? That children truly are still object of property? That these little people, the future leaders and rulers of our world when we're too old to manage, are being raised to be defective, untrusting, insecure, fearful?
I think we need a page for people who's mother's are not what they should be. There are many people out there for whom Mother's Day (or Father's Day, or both) is a painful thing. If you have had a bad relationship with either of your parents, well, consider this, have you ever had a bad breakup with someone, your girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with you leaving you raw, scarred, in emotional pain that almost feels like physical pain; maybe a divorce, or even a death? Death is a cop out though. As with a martyr, it leaves you with a different set of dynamics; unless it was a relief that they died.
My point is that when you have that breakup, have you ever noticed that you hear and see reminders of what you lost, simply everywhere? You turn on the radio for a distraction and it's all love songs. Every movie you try to watch or that is available to watch seems to be a love story. Or you find a good one, maybe a good thriller or horror film, something that in no way is going to have a love story in it by your reasoning. But then, there in the middle when you least expect it, bang, someone breaks up with someone, or someone is enjoying what brings you the most pain, romance before the down side in the film. Maybe that down side makes you feel better in a kind of negative feedback sort of way.
My point is, Mother's day is like that for some people (or again, Father's Day for that matter). Everywhere you turn this past week, has been marketing, marketing, marketing. Mother this, that and the other thing. For those who have no Mother, or whose mother is a horrible person, these people have to suffer through that. It's a tough time for these people, but no one thinks about it. If they think about it, they tend to think openly, or surreptitiously, what a horrible person, they don't love their mother, they have a terrible attitude about their mother, etc.
But inside, those people want to have a loving relationship with their parent(s). They just can't, and for most people in that situation, the responsibility is weighted on the parent's side, leaving the child with a painful wound that will never heal until either the parent dies, or that person does. Not only does the child have to go through life with a damaged parental relationship, a seminal touch point for every human being alive that needs to be healthy, they have to suffer hiding their feelings. Or if they open up about them, they only get ugly looks, negative feelings, or bad comments from people who don't, can't, or won't understand or try to understand, putting down people who simply do not deserve it.
Most people can't understand what these people have been through. Luckily, these people are in a minority. But they are out there.
So, the next time you start going on about your loving relationship with your parents, or their Day and what you are going to do for them, be aware of the people around you and how they react, what their body language is. If they wince, if they suddenly for no apparent reason come off negatively, perhaps in an entirely unrelated way, consider, you may have just unintentionally wounded them.
As with Thanksgiving and Christmas, New Year's even, being the "silly season" for the higher rates of suicides, Parent's Days, are one of the other, hidden and sad times of the year where we need to be a touch more aware, that not everyone has had, or continues to have, a pleasant live because of a random choice of who their parents are, or were.
That all being said, do give the respect and love, attention and care to your parents who deserve it and enjoy the time you have left with them; espeically, if they have been good parents to you. Because the good ones, deserve all you can offer them in thanks and love.
Happy Mother's Day!
"To nourish children and raise them against odds is in any time, any place, more valuable than to fix bolts in cars or design nuclear weapons." - Marilyn French
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." - Theodore Hesburgh
"Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist." - Michael Levine
Because this blog article has been so popular this past week leading up to Mother's Day, I wasn't going to do a blog for today, but I will post this as a reprise. All the best to you all and a Happy Mother's day to all Mom's everywhere (who haven't killed us by time we finish with puberty). For those Mom's who have killed us, well, hopefully we deserved it. I know I probably did.
Be Wise. Be Brilliant. Be... Aware.
Since this is Mother's Day....
"There never was a child so lovely, but his mother was glad to get him asleep." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Cheers to those who can celebrate a satisfying familial tie to their progenitors!
Having children is a privilege, but some treat it only as a burden. We dole out marriage certificates like they are candy; guns like toys; driver's licenses with more care than the most important thing we can ever do in our life, which is to create and raise our children.
Parents are just people who have had sex and a baby came from it. And some people have really bizarre beliefs. When they become parents, especially if they are the types that should never become parents, they treat their children through these strange beliefs and pass on their ridiculous thoughts to them.
I heard a guy the other day saying how he was on a plane and a kid was making a fuss. The dad got in the kids face and trying to be quiet but exhibiting terrifying passion to the kid, told him to shut up or else. The observer said he wanted to stop the parent, realizing the kid had just lost this last hold on safety and security and was probably traumatized, but instead, he went to the back of the plane to regain his equilibrium. While he was calming himself, he realized something. He realized that if that man had done that to a dog, the guy would have punched him out, but because it was the guy's kid, he didn't lift a finger, or say a word, or even project a look to affect the parent. What does that say about us as people? That we are living in a litigious society or age? That we are cowards? That children truly are still object of property? That these little people, the future leaders and rulers of our world when we're too old to manage, are being raised to be defective, untrusting, insecure, fearful?
I think we need a page for people who's mother's are not what they should be. There are many people out there for whom Mother's Day (or Father's Day, or both) is a painful thing. If you have had a bad relationship with either of your parents, well, consider this, have you ever had a bad breakup with someone, your girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with you leaving you raw, scarred, in emotional pain that almost feels like physical pain; maybe a divorce, or even a death? Death is a cop out though. As with a martyr, it leaves you with a different set of dynamics; unless it was a relief that they died.
My point is that when you have that breakup, have you ever noticed that you hear and see reminders of what you lost, simply everywhere? You turn on the radio for a distraction and it's all love songs. Every movie you try to watch or that is available to watch seems to be a love story. Or you find a good one, maybe a good thriller or horror film, something that in no way is going to have a love story in it by your reasoning. But then, there in the middle when you least expect it, bang, someone breaks up with someone, or someone is enjoying what brings you the most pain, romance before the down side in the film. Maybe that down side makes you feel better in a kind of negative feedback sort of way.
My point is, Mother's day is like that for some people (or again, Father's Day for that matter). Everywhere you turn this past week, has been marketing, marketing, marketing. Mother this, that and the other thing. For those who have no Mother, or whose mother is a horrible person, these people have to suffer through that. It's a tough time for these people, but no one thinks about it. If they think about it, they tend to think openly, or surreptitiously, what a horrible person, they don't love their mother, they have a terrible attitude about their mother, etc.
But inside, those people want to have a loving relationship with their parent(s). They just can't, and for most people in that situation, the responsibility is weighted on the parent's side, leaving the child with a painful wound that will never heal until either the parent dies, or that person does. Not only does the child have to go through life with a damaged parental relationship, a seminal touch point for every human being alive that needs to be healthy, they have to suffer hiding their feelings. Or if they open up about them, they only get ugly looks, negative feelings, or bad comments from people who don't, can't, or won't understand or try to understand, putting down people who simply do not deserve it.
Most people can't understand what these people have been through. Luckily, these people are in a minority. But they are out there.
So, the next time you start going on about your loving relationship with your parents, or their Day and what you are going to do for them, be aware of the people around you and how they react, what their body language is. If they wince, if they suddenly for no apparent reason come off negatively, perhaps in an entirely unrelated way, consider, you may have just unintentionally wounded them.
As with Thanksgiving and Christmas, New Year's even, being the "silly season" for the higher rates of suicides, Parent's Days, are one of the other, hidden and sad times of the year where we need to be a touch more aware, that not everyone has had, or continues to have, a pleasant live because of a random choice of who their parents are, or were.
That all being said, do give the respect and love, attention and care to your parents who deserve it and enjoy the time you have left with them; espeically, if they have been good parents to you. Because the good ones, deserve all you can offer them in thanks and love.
Happy Mother's Day!
"To nourish children and raise them against odds is in any time, any place, more valuable than to fix bolts in cars or design nuclear weapons." - Marilyn French
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." - Theodore Hesburgh
"Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist." - Michael Levine
Be Wise. Be Brilliant. Be... Aware.
Since this is Mother's Day....
"There never was a child so lovely, but his mother was glad to get him asleep." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Cheers to those who can celebrate a satisfying familial tie to their progenitors!
Having children is a privilege, but some treat it only as a burden. We dole out marriage certificates like they are candy; guns like toys; driver's licenses with more care than the most important thing we can ever do in our life, which is to create and raise our children.
Parents are just people who have had sex and a baby came from it. And some people have really bizarre beliefs. When they become parents, especially if they are the types that should never become parents, they treat their children through these strange beliefs and pass on their ridiculous thoughts to them.
I heard a guy the other day saying how he was on a plane and a kid was making a fuss. The dad got in the kids face and trying to be quiet but exhibiting terrifying passion to the kid, told him to shut up or else. The observer said he wanted to stop the parent, realizing the kid had just lost this last hold on safety and security and was probably traumatized, but instead, he went to the back of the plane to regain his equilibrium. While he was calming himself, he realized something. He realized that if that man had done that to a dog, the guy would have punched him out, but because it was the guy's kid, he didn't lift a finger, or say a word, or even project a look to affect the parent. What does that say about us as people? That we are living in a litigious society or age? That we are cowards? That children truly are still object of property? That these little people, the future leaders and rulers of our world when we're too old to manage, are being raised to be defective, untrusting, insecure, fearful?
I think we need a page for people who's mother's are not what they should be. There are many people out there for whom Mother's Day (or Father's Day, or both) is a painful thing. If you have had a bad relationship with either of your parents, well, consider this, have you ever had a bad breakup with someone, your girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with you leaving you raw, scarred, in emotional pain that almost feels like physical pain; maybe a divorce, or even a death? Death is a cop out though. As with a martyr, it leaves you with a different set of dynamics; unless it was a relief that they died.
My point is that when you have that breakup, have you ever noticed that you hear and see reminders of what you lost, simply everywhere? You turn on the radio for a distraction and it's all love songs. Every movie you try to watch or that is available to watch seems to be a love story. Or you find a good one, maybe a good thriller or horror film, something that in no way is going to have a love story in it by your reasoning. But then, there in the middle when you least expect it, bang, someone breaks up with someone, or someone is enjoying what brings you the most pain, romance before the down side in the film. Maybe that down side makes you feel better in a kind of negative feedback sort of way.
My point is, Mother's day is like that for some people (or again, Father's Day for that matter). Everywhere you turn this past week, has been marketing, marketing, marketing. Mother this, that and the other thing. For those who have no Mother, or whose mother is a horrible person, these people have to suffer through that. It's a tough time for these people, but no one thinks about it. If they think about it, they tend to think openly, or surreptitiously, what a horrible person, they don't love their mother, they have a terrible attitude about their mother, etc.
But inside, those people want to have a loving relationship with their parent(s). They just can't, and for most people in that situation, the responsibility is weighted on the parent's side, leaving the child with a painful wound that will never heal until either the parent dies, or that person does. Not only does the child have to go through life with a damaged parental relationship, a seminal touch point for every human being alive that needs to be healthy, they have to suffer hiding their feelings. Or if they open up about them, they only get ugly looks, negative feelings, or bad comments from people who don't, can't, or won't understand or try to understand, putting down people who simply do not deserve it.
Most people can't understand what these people have been through. Luckily, these people are in a minority. But they are out there.
So, the next time you start going on about your loving relationship with your parents, or their Day and what you are going to do for them, be aware of the people around you and how they react, what their body language is. If they wince, if they suddenly for no apparent reason come off negatively, perhaps in an entirely unrelated way, consider, you may have just unintentionally wounded them.
As with Thanksgiving and Christmas, New Year's even, being the "silly season" for the higher rates of suicides, Parent's Days, are one of the other, hidden and sad times of the year where we need to be a touch more aware, that not everyone has had, or continues to have, a pleasant live because of a random choice of who their parents are, or were.
That all being said, do give the respect and love, attention and care to your parents who deserve it and enjoy the time you have left with them; espeically, if they have been good parents to you. Because the good ones, deserve all you can offer them in thanks and love.
Happy Mother's Day!
"To nourish children and raise them against odds is in any time, any place, more valuable than to fix bolts in cars or design nuclear weapons." - Marilyn French
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." - Theodore Hesburgh
"Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist." - Michael Levine
Monday, May 7, 2012
Why do we need big Sci Fi?
Some might label my new book Death of Heaven, as a massive big Horror / Sci Fi novel, but I suppose technology doesn't play that big a role in it; not a lot of science is involved, really. Though it does span the entire history of the Earth and goes far into deep space. So that makes it more speculative fiction, but it does kind of walk the line. It does however step outside of our comfortable understanding of history both natural and social and redefine the entire history of our world, how we understand who we are and where we came from.
One of the most important things that the old Sci Fi stories did for me as a youth, was to open my mind to new ways of thinking. They redefined how I viewed the universe. As examples of those books I read, see the Foundation books, the Dune series of books, even Ender's Game, and Gibson's books.
The Sci Fi of the early years that I grew up with from the 50s and 60s (I started reading them in the mid 1960s but I read back to the 1920s), were very tech savvy and space heavy. Well, we're there now. So why would it now hold the same fascination for us as it did then? What has become our next fascination, as that would be our new "Sci Fi"?
Possibly, "magic"? Defining "magic" as a technology so far ahead of us that we can't see it's source or mechanism, we do see a big upsurge in fantasy tales recently which current films of the superhero stories certainly fall under. I'd even include in those, Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter franchise of films and books. Though those do fall more under entertainment than Science Fiction, they do something that Star Trek did for us in the 60s, they can examine things outside of our daily lives, because obviously those people on the screen cannot be us. For instance, Star Trek could point out race issues, something very difficult to talk about back then, by showing us how foolish aliens acted over their race issues.
We want total fascination. Immersion. Escapism, surely. But also to look forward as a hope to something better, some better possible future, perhaps one that we will one day see. Tech just isn't so fascinating for us as it once was, as we're all more educated now and it's really just every day life for us. We basically have Star Trek communicators (cell phones). We're not beaming around... yet. But we are very close to having a true "tricorder", a device with multiple sensors and a conglomerate readout.
I actually have a "Tricorder" app on my phone utilizing the capabilities of my Droid and it's really pretty cool for what it can do; certainly from the perspective of someone who was once fascinated by the original Star Trek TV show when that was all we had.
So, why should it still be as fascinating as it once was? We have more recently seen the Steampunk genre on the scene, a hybrid of tech and old societal nuances which I find interesting to some degree and rather charming. So much so actually, that I included a pair of demon hunting Steampunk subculture women in my screenplay, "HearthTales" (currently out on and They are Steampunk for a very good reason in the story and not just for fake, aesthetic purposes.
All that being said, we do still need Sci Fi and Spec. Fiction, as much now as ever. We're just not as fascinated by it all because of having it all around us, of being immersed in it on a daily basis. It has indeed made us a bit jaded and inured to it. But also through all of my life, and I've seen this happen in my own interests: there seems to be a trending cycle, both personal and societal of going from Sci Fi, to Fantasy, to Science, and then it starts all over. It could be that we're just in the non Sci Fi part of that cycle right now. Not to mention Science now a days has replaced Sci Fi in many cases as it is simply reality for us in many ways and no longer Fantasy or Fiction. Turn on the Science channel, and you are watching "Sci Fi", but for real and not for Fiction.
Sci Fi and Speculative Fiction allow us to step outside of ourselves and view the world around us and where we are heading in a way that is far less threatening, as well as entertaining, if it is done well. It is almost imperative that we do this now in a world that is changing faster than we can keep up with. One of the most powerful tools we have in life is awareness, anticipating what is coming and being prepared for it. Politics doesn't do this for us, it seems to fail time after time in this arena. And so we have to turn to the Arts, specifically Films and books and now, even computer games. Games which even become books and films now.
Paramount in this kind of consideration should always be History. But along with that also, Science and Speculative or Science Fiction.
In the end I would say that yes, big Sci Fi is necessary for us now a days. The bigger the better. And as much as ever if not more. It's just that it only seems less necessary than in previous times.
But don't let that fool you.
One of the most important things that the old Sci Fi stories did for me as a youth, was to open my mind to new ways of thinking. They redefined how I viewed the universe. As examples of those books I read, see the Foundation books, the Dune series of books, even Ender's Game, and Gibson's books.
The Sci Fi of the early years that I grew up with from the 50s and 60s (I started reading them in the mid 1960s but I read back to the 1920s), were very tech savvy and space heavy. Well, we're there now. So why would it now hold the same fascination for us as it did then? What has become our next fascination, as that would be our new "Sci Fi"?
Possibly, "magic"? Defining "magic" as a technology so far ahead of us that we can't see it's source or mechanism, we do see a big upsurge in fantasy tales recently which current films of the superhero stories certainly fall under. I'd even include in those, Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter franchise of films and books. Though those do fall more under entertainment than Science Fiction, they do something that Star Trek did for us in the 60s, they can examine things outside of our daily lives, because obviously those people on the screen cannot be us. For instance, Star Trek could point out race issues, something very difficult to talk about back then, by showing us how foolish aliens acted over their race issues.
We want total fascination. Immersion. Escapism, surely. But also to look forward as a hope to something better, some better possible future, perhaps one that we will one day see. Tech just isn't so fascinating for us as it once was, as we're all more educated now and it's really just every day life for us. We basically have Star Trek communicators (cell phones). We're not beaming around... yet. But we are very close to having a true "tricorder", a device with multiple sensors and a conglomerate readout.
I actually have a "Tricorder" app on my phone utilizing the capabilities of my Droid and it's really pretty cool for what it can do; certainly from the perspective of someone who was once fascinated by the original Star Trek TV show when that was all we had.
So, why should it still be as fascinating as it once was? We have more recently seen the Steampunk genre on the scene, a hybrid of tech and old societal nuances which I find interesting to some degree and rather charming. So much so actually, that I included a pair of demon hunting Steampunk subculture women in my screenplay, "HearthTales" (currently out on and They are Steampunk for a very good reason in the story and not just for fake, aesthetic purposes.
All that being said, we do still need Sci Fi and Spec. Fiction, as much now as ever. We're just not as fascinated by it all because of having it all around us, of being immersed in it on a daily basis. It has indeed made us a bit jaded and inured to it. But also through all of my life, and I've seen this happen in my own interests: there seems to be a trending cycle, both personal and societal of going from Sci Fi, to Fantasy, to Science, and then it starts all over. It could be that we're just in the non Sci Fi part of that cycle right now. Not to mention Science now a days has replaced Sci Fi in many cases as it is simply reality for us in many ways and no longer Fantasy or Fiction. Turn on the Science channel, and you are watching "Sci Fi", but for real and not for Fiction.
Sci Fi and Speculative Fiction allow us to step outside of ourselves and view the world around us and where we are heading in a way that is far less threatening, as well as entertaining, if it is done well. It is almost imperative that we do this now in a world that is changing faster than we can keep up with. One of the most powerful tools we have in life is awareness, anticipating what is coming and being prepared for it. Politics doesn't do this for us, it seems to fail time after time in this arena. And so we have to turn to the Arts, specifically Films and books and now, even computer games. Games which even become books and films now.
Paramount in this kind of consideration should always be History. But along with that also, Science and Speculative or Science Fiction.
In the end I would say that yes, big Sci Fi is necessary for us now a days. The bigger the better. And as much as ever if not more. It's just that it only seems less necessary than in previous times.
But don't let that fool you.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Death of Heaven on Indies Unlimited Freebie Friday Listing TODAY!
Awesome! Death of Heaven has been selected for Indies Unlimited Freebie Friday Frenzy Listing!
Death of Heaven, my latest Horror novel of Epic Speculative Fiction proportions (hmmm... yes, cross pollinating here), has been selected by the kind folks at Indies Unlimited to be listed on their beloved Freebie Friday Frenzy listing.
So yes, we made it on Indies Unlimited Freebie Friday Frenzy (you see, Death of Heaven is free today (and I figured what the heck, also through the weekend), so get your copy, ASAP!). Or not....
Really, now that I think about it... oh wait, it's now also on Kindle... and if you prefer the hard copy version, it will be out in paper format soon, too!
Best not to try and read this book. I don't know anyone who could handle it without therapy afterward (if not during) and believe me, no one will pay for it, for you, because they will be like, "So you read Death of Heaven? What, are you an idiot? So, you jump off a bridge and what? You expect no pain, or death? You expect US to pay for it? Look, you got what you deserve... stupid."
So my advice? Run away, run away now!
And, don't stop!
Death of Heaven, my latest Horror novel of Epic Speculative Fiction proportions (hmmm... yes, cross pollinating here), has been selected by the kind folks at Indies Unlimited to be listed on their beloved Freebie Friday Frenzy listing.
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One of Marvin Hayes' great graphics of "Blue" in Death of Heaven |
So yes, we made it on Indies Unlimited Freebie Friday Frenzy (you see, Death of Heaven is free today (and I figured what the heck, also through the weekend), so get your copy, ASAP!). Or not....
Really, now that I think about it... oh wait, it's now also on Kindle... and if you prefer the hard copy version, it will be out in paper format soon, too!
Best not to try and read this book. I don't know anyone who could handle it without therapy afterward (if not during) and believe me, no one will pay for it, for you, because they will be like, "So you read Death of Heaven? What, are you an idiot? So, you jump off a bridge and what? You expect no pain, or death? You expect US to pay for it? Look, you got what you deserve... stupid."
So my advice? Run away, run away now!
And, don't stop!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Death of Heaven is finally out and free through the weekend!
My new book of Horror and Dispair, Death of Heaven, is now available for free through Sunday, May 13th, on Smashwords in various formats.
It will be out soon after on Amazon and in paperback. Let me warn you, this is not your Daddy's Horror novel and there is something to offend just about everyone, but there is a reason for everything in there. You can visit the book's web site at to see more information and more graphics by our brilliant cover artist, Marvin Hayes.
The History of this unique Universe is further explained in the novella "Andrew" available in "Anthology of Evil".
Two brothers-in-arms since childhood, in learning that the answer to literally everything is what nightmares are made of, will foremost along with all of Humanity experience, the Death of Heaven.
This novel Horror novel questions everything and resets it in a completely different light. For more, see the website
This was a massive conceptual effort. I do hope you like it.
It will be out soon after on Amazon and in paperback. Let me warn you, this is not your Daddy's Horror novel and there is something to offend just about everyone, but there is a reason for everything in there. You can visit the book's web site at to see more information and more graphics by our brilliant cover artist, Marvin Hayes.
The History of this unique Universe is further explained in the novella "Andrew" available in "Anthology of Evil".
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Draft of Death of Heaven back cover |
This novel Horror novel questions everything and resets it in a completely different light. For more, see the website
This was a massive conceptual effort. I do hope you like it.
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