Showing posts with label convicgted felon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label convicgted felon. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2024

A Republican's Misguided Attempt to Hold the Disgraced exPOTUS Accountable

Saturday, July 13, 2024 things changed for America

Blog written at 11:30AM Sunday, July 14, 2024. To be clear in case you read this blog and are unsure, I am NOT a proponent of violence UNLESS it is a response to actual violence perpetrated against you. Not pretend, not perceived, real and actual.

JD Vance apparently selected by Trump as his VPOTUS? 

Good call, one of our lowest lowlife MaGA Republicans.

Alex Cole @acnewsitics
Here is the message JD Vance sent to his friend suggesting Donald Trump might be "America's Hitler."

I'm so glad I'm not in politics. I'd hate to be the kind of person who has to sacrifice all I believe in because someone more powerful than me says it's so, all to save my political career. But then, I wouldn't run as a Republican.

What we know is a registered Republican with no signs of mental illness so far who tried to "retire" exPOTUS Donald Trump, who has "murdered" his Republican Party, the once "GOP", not longer "Grand", replacing it with authoritarianism and a cult of personality as supported by such as JD Vance (see lower down). The shooter's having donated a paltry $15 to a left-leaning effort merely further supports his having seen the damage Trump has done to his party. As the world has witnessed.

A Republican Tried to "Retire" the Murderer of His GOP

As long as Trump is kept from fair & speedy trials some Americans will feel a need to take matters into their own hands. Dismissing his trials, no trials BEFORE an election AFTER he was Fired as POTUS, is not our government working FOR us but against US.

Donald Trump has never been as dangerous to America and democracy, to our democratic Constitutional Republic, as he is now.

Ron Filipkowski @RonFilipkowski: "He shot and killed a Trump supporter."

As soon as the shooting happened, reviewing the video, I posted online that it was not staged and the shooter was a disgruntled Republican. I seem to be correct.

Political assassinations are BAD. Murder is bad. Political violence is bad, stupid, and asinine which says much about the right wing's propensity for violence. So, that being said, a summary of my posts over the past two days...

Just to be clear...

I learned in 5th grade when I started Karate that 1) war and killing is about peace and protection and 2) death is at times necessary. 

Let's compare & contrast in the Trump shooting with what a true leader would have done rather than making a call to arms in his repetitive calls to: "FIGHT! FIGHT!" What a jerk.
Perhaps better...
"I'm OK, it's OK, calm, be calm!"
But nope.
"Attack other American citizens..." was Trump's subtext.
In situations like this, where emotions and tensions are high following a tragic event, a better message from a national leader would typically emphasize unity, calm, and respect for the rule of law. Here are some elements that a more appropriate response might include:
Call for Unity: Emphasize that violence is never the answer and that the nation must come together in peace and solidarity.
Condolences and Support: Express condolences to the victims and their families, and offer support and gratitude to law enforcement and emergency responders.
Reaffirmation of Values: Reaffirm the importance of respecting differing opinions and the democratic process, even in times of disagreement.
Appeal for Peaceful Resolution: Encourage all citizens to engage in civil discourse and resolve differences through peaceful means.
Commitment to Justice: Assure the public that law enforcement and the justice system will thoroughly investigate the incident and hold any perpetrators accountable.
Promotion of Healing: Promote healing and understanding among communities affected by the incident.
Leadership responses in such situations play a crucial role in calming tensions and guiding the nation towards unity and healing.

Let me get this straight! After YEARS of Donald Trump politically targeting his enemies (who most of us would call opponents) Trump in NOW being the target of what he has pushed out on others (like Nancy Pelosi's husband, FBI offices, not naming names but just putting it out there for his MaGA to attack at will and whim) NOW Trump wants to stop political targeting?!!! Noted.

Already we're hearing Trump's people building his new mythology. Saved by God? Sure. Invincible? Why not. Are you all prepared for what's coming?

When a national leader who is also a pathological narcissist escapes an assassination attempt, several psychological reactions can occur:

  1. Exaggerated Sense of Importance: The leader may experience an increased sense of grandiosity, feeling even more invincible and destined for greatness. They might interpret the escape as a sign of their exceptional nature or divine protection.

  2. Paranoia and Suspicion: Escaping an assassination attempt can heighten the leader's paranoia. They may become increasingly distrustful of those around them, fearing further plots against their life. This suspicion can lead to a tightening of control and purging of perceived enemies.

  3. Increased Need for Control: To manage their heightened anxiety and fear, the leader might exert more control over their environment and subordinates, leading to more authoritarian behavior. They may intensify surveillance and security measures, both for themselves and to maintain their grip on power.

  4. Seeking Validation and Adulation: A narcissistic leader might seek additional validation and adulation from their followers, emphasizing their survival as proof of their extraordinary leadership. They might use the assassination attempt to rally support and strengthen their image as a strong, resilient leader.

  5. Exploiting the Event for Political Gain: The leader may exploit the assassination attempt to justify repressive measures or to gain sympathy and political capital. They might present themselves as a martyr-like figure who is willing to face danger for the sake of the nation.

  6. Emotional Volatility: The trauma of an assassination attempt can lead to increased emotional volatility, with potential outbursts of anger, anxiety, or even depressive episodes. While narcissists often maintain a facade of strength, the underlying stress could manifest in unpredictable ways.

  7. Projection of Invulnerability: Despite any underlying fear or anxiety, the leader may project an image of invulnerability and strength to the public, using the escape as a narrative of triumph and resilience.

  8. Reinforced Narcissistic Traits: The experience may further reinforce their narcissistic traits, making them even more self-centered, entitled, and dismissive of others' needs or opinions. They might believe that their survival is further proof of their superiority and right to lead.

These psychological reactions can have significant implications for the leader's behavior and decision-making, potentially leading to increased instability and repression within their regime.

Donald Trump has earned death by Capital Punishment, it's just not (yet) provable. And, AND...we do not have laws for things Donald Trump has done. Part of the authoritarian playbook is to use democracy against itself, to do things that cannot be countered. That's what makes authoritarianism coming into its own in a country so dangerous and hard to counter. 

It uses SOP and people's got nature and good intentions and good MANNERS in a way that weaponized themselves against themselves and their fellow citizens. It convinces those it can, who feel grievances to turn those against their own country. Denigrating all that protects the country against itself (other citizens, the media, journalists, democracy itself) and weaponizing things like religion and conservatism (something that should only be used in times of dire need, not convincing people that times are always in dire need).

Anyway, that is the kind of thing to be carried out by the State under a legal process. Citizens do not kill other citizens and all my life (since my first college class in philosophy) I've believed that the State should not kill its citizens. Seems to me to be a no-brainer. 

In general, Capital Punishment is bad. Except, in the very serious, singular, and few-and-far-between instances. I also do not believe states should be carrying them out. Only at the federal level. Again, that being said, there are a few individuals who have earned death by the State. A POTUS such as Trump, I would argue, is one of those people. Earned through his actions in the Oval Office, deserved through his efforts to divide America and make himself an autocrat for life. The man has pathologies (narcissism and others) that should have disallowed him forever into public office.

But again, assassination by citizens, regardless how right it seems or may be, leads to chaos and further damages. SCOTUS saying POTUS can kill political opponents using say, SEAL Team 6 is offensive to them, the office of POTUS, SCOTUS and the American citizen and ideal behind America. Unbelievable. Truly.

By the way, now would be the perfect time during the RNC convention for Trump to recreate himself in a far more effective and scarier character. Reborn as the GOP Patron Saint of the New American Authoritarianism.

The addiction of MaGA as enflamed by Donald Trump, to their form of Grevience Porn... just entered a new level.

With the initial news of Trump's attempted assassination, the entire world breathed a momentary sigh of relief.
Then, were horrified.

NOTHING about who & what Donald Trump is has changed. Just his platform got a boost.

Remember. Trump is not a hero. He is not a victim. He is a victim of an incident. That's the extent of his victimhood. He is a criminal. He has the world and world leaders worried he might be POTUS again. To the point of people discussing the "Hitler as a baby" scenario, or even more current as we saw this weekend.

Wouldn't it be ironic if every Trump rally going forward ends up having a Republican sniper involved?

The more MaGA gets to see who & what they've supported, the more that may happen.
There IS no hate like that of turning on someone who has conned you.

Donald Trump had his ear nicked by who I said immediately after the shooting would turn out to be a registered Republican. Regardless of his proclivities in so far as it being reported his having given ONCE to a left-leaning effort...$15. As I've said, a disgruntled Trump supporter.

I've been saying that Trump's violent rhetoric for years would come back to bite him. In this case, in his right ear.

I do not think Trump staged this for many reasons.

RNC convention starts tomorrow. Gun laws there are such that you can't tell anybody you can't carry a gun. This may be interesting in how they work that out.

As someone said, "So a dude who doesn't listen to anyone, was shot in the ear." Karma?

Look. World leaders know Trump is an existential threat to America, to democracy, to the world. This isn't just partisan banter. This isn't to be laid a the feet of the Democrats by a Republican Party infected for authoritarianism.

We have now seen Republicans laying blame for Trump's rhetoric on Democrats, again pointing the finger for their behaviors on others.

Petty wannabe Trump-like-criminal JD Vance stirring the shit, pushing for war.

My post to Vance about this yesterday: "TRUMP fomented the origin of all this. It's not on Biden or his supporters. It was only a matter of time & taking this long is a testament to our fortitude. I'd be interested to know... WAS this a MaGA who felt Trump let them down?"

Turns out the shooter WAS a registered Republican.

 Misha Saul @misha_saul: I always thought Trump was a vapid showman Impressive to see the dog in him Changes everything 

My reply to him: "Trump IS a vapid failed TV actor. He went down. H had a moment to think: "YES! This is BRILLIANT! I have them! Let's play it up! Let's go! ACTING! Be angry! Pump your fist! Go Donald! You're a GOD" That's....Trump."

Pres. Biden: "Biden: There is no place in America for this kind of violence. It's sick. It's sick. It is one of the reasons we have to unite this country. We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this."

I agree, long have. We always have, on the left. But see sicken of the double standard. The right is "ready for war!" Always. The left really doesn't understand that. We have a country, politics, government and elections for a PEACEFUL transfer of power.

Leader of the Heritage Foundation said their revolution will be bloodless, "IF the left will allow it." That is a call to arms. That is a rapist speaking to their victim they won't get hurt IF they will just lie there and enjoy it.

Trauma + time = humor
Remember, 100 years from now they will be making jokes about what happened. Or, history will point to it as a moment that could have altered history and perhaps saved millions of lives in the near future. That's how history works.

Using Trump MaGA logic, you get this...

Face it. Trump did this to himself. Once MaGA (I don't capitalize the "A" in MaGA as they don't respect America regardless their contentions), His rhetoric for YEARS has been calling for violence. Once they see Trump for the "Emperor with no clothes" that he is, they will be angry. When you cultivate violence, when they turn on YOU, it's ugly. It will be far uglier than what they do to the left, to Democrats whom they believe they hate so much. But it's all manufactured. 

Reports of the Secret Service under protecting ex-POTUS Trump are disinformation. No "hearing" is needed, but have fun. Secret Service over-protected a "FORMER" Not Current, POTUS. They got the shooter. They saved the primary. They did their job. Sloppy? Yeah. A bit.

Apparently with 4 counter sniper units, this was a high degree of protection for a FPOTUS. Apparently, they were alerted to the potential problem person, & were searching for him & had they not been, he would have gotten off more shots and probably killed Trump.…

Putin? Of course, Putin has stuck his ugly into this: 

TRUMP built this atmosphere. TRUMP. Good grief.

MaGA Sen. Tom Cotton: "I've seen that he's [shooter] given to left-wing causes." Stop conflating. We know about 1 left-wing cause. ONE. Once. $15. Again, a disgruntled REPUBLICAN. WTFU. Dems need not act. As MaGA wakes to what/who Trump REALLY is? They'll send violence to HIM.

After the poorly executed Trump shooting, MaGA will be absolutely SURE that NOW they HAVE to win in November. Inevitable, right? When they lose it won't be pretty, just like Trump. They will scream & gnash their teeth & throw yet another tantrum. Because that's simply who & what they are.

Dairy farmers: We NEED immigration. PLEASE! 
Donald Trump (MaGA): Mass exportations when I'm elected!

How's this going to go wrong? My bet? Trump's furious, incapable of responding appropriately to this situation, so his social media has been taken over by subordinates. This has not been Trump's writing style. Or rationale. Give it time. He'll return.

This below, is not just stupid but offensive disinformation.

OK So now the GOP is Antifa? Shooter was a Registered Republican. Wow, twisted. While MaGA has been starting on a path of disconnecting with autocrat Trump, yesterday cemented their mental illness (see above) in all the wrong directions. Again.

Now Republicans are calling toe pardon Trump for all his crimes (Sen. Mike Lee, why is this guy in Congress?). Seriously? What country do you think you live in?

An older female Trump supporter near to Trump & the attendee who was killed: "We need to come together as humanity. How can this happen here?" Good God, Trump has been the one evoking the division, hate & abuse, FOR YEARS. HOW do you not know that?

Reality break about Trump:

About that...

There is little else to say about this. More will be coming out. Trump's camp will be utilizing this, weaponizing it, disinformation as they do. Queue the Russian bots.

Just remember who has made things the way they are. Donald J Trump. Convicted Felon. Sex abuser. Career Criminal. Failed TV actor. Failed POTUS. We fired him for a reason And it was not to return to the Whtie House.

Much more to come...

Cheers! Slainte! Be well.