Sunday, May 12, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #73

Thoughts & Stream of Consciousness, rough and ready, from an award-winning filmmaker and author you’ve never heard of, while walking off long Covid, and listening to podcasts…walk day was yesterday 5/11/2024

Happy Mother's Day! My mom's has been gone for a few years now. She's definitely in, what she would say is a far better place. Incredible mom the first part of my life. A very odd character he last half. Maybe I just didn't notice it as much as a kid. More later, below...

Weather for the day… starting out, 65° nice sunny day 79° when I got home.

Podcast Marc Maron's WTF? Episode 1537 - Joe Mande

My Instagram post for the day from this walk.

Good podcast by two Jewish commedians.

I'ms till fighting something here. Covid. Long Covid? I don't know. Lungs are still not 100% after covid recently. I'm wondering if the Paxlovid, which killed my near 3 years of long covid now, stopped it. I'm expected it to return within 6 weeks as a study showed happens, last year. But maybe it's starting to come back already? Just not sure. I would love to feel better though.

"Guns are easier to get in this country than compassion." Nikki Glaser 
Yup. Especially from some conservative groups more than others.

First up I'd just like to say...

JD Vance's MAGA Republican view this morning on SOTU, between Israel & Palestinians seems to be if this were our own current American insanity, we should be bombing the hell out of MAGA voters, then target himself, Trump & GOP Leadership for MAGA voters having makd their indipidly dumb decision to support seditionists & insurrectionists they have and a career criminal Trump as leader and worst POTUS in US History.

Don't get me wrong, I hear him. There is a logic to it. But it seems a bit extreme. Wait...MAGA? Extreme? Hamas? Yes, that IS kind of a MAGA level conflation between a Middle Eastern murderous group and an Amerian-style, evangelical, Christian Nationalist, insurrectionist/seditous, wannabe murderous group, but still...

Being the most hated in Congress is easy to do but be in the most beloved or even just “beloved“ is much harder to still follow your outlier or singular agenda, but be welcomed when people see you coming. That is not Ted Cruz. That is not Marjorie Taylor Greene. That is not JD Vance.

I had a very weird very realistic dream the other night. I was in the passenger side of my wife’s 1990 Ford Ranger truck. That would be my ex-wife. The other day I realized I had gotten divorced in the early 80s. Then I got divorced in the early 90s. And then I got divorced in the early 2000s It’s now been over 20 years that I haven’t gotten a divorce! My oldest son said, when I told him that, "Congratulations on kicking the addiction!" I said, "I’m not sure you can call wanting to have a life partner an addiction."

Anyway, in the dream we were driving along and talking as she drove. I generally say I’ve been married 3.5 times because the one I didn’t marry, we were together long enough for a common law marriage in some states, albeit not in Washington state. Suddenly up ahead of the truck in the dream, we see a dead deer as a headlights hit it. Time slows down. I flashback on a memory of videos where vehicles hit things in the road and fly up in the air, spinning. We look at one another. She tries to react, but it’s too late. We run over the deer. The truck flies into the air, spins and all I can see is inside the cab of the truck. I can’t see outside, only the inside around us. Not us, just the inside of the cab like my face is too close to the interior.. And then we land and... we’re OK. We stare at each other for a moment and then I realize who this is. It's' not that ex wife whose truck it was, but my college girlfriend. Miss 3.5. My most recent ex-wife‘s truck, being driven by my one time I seemed to avoid getting maried. And then I wake up. Weird. 

On the podcast they're talking about a four night gig Joe Mande had in Phoenix. I lived there for a bit in the mid 70s. Loved it there. Loved the desert. But way too many conservatives. A fact exemplified by recent insanity in the 2020 election, still ongoing for some weird reason. Which brings up a thought...

Here’s the thing about guns and the 2nd amendment. It sounds cool, maybe, that everyone can have a gun in practice. Yet it’s fucking insane. I’ll give you one reason to support that: We used to have to have a reason to own a military type armament, or to a be allowed a carry permit. But allowing everyone to have whatever they want is a complete lack of respect for firearms. We really need to get back to that respect for killing tools. Guns have been turned into a kind of toy. They're not toys. 

Joe detailed to Marc on the podcast about his time in Phoenix when he was surprised on stage by how badly his jokes were landing and how he was riling the audience to the point they were threatening him on stage As he put it, at one point he just asked the audience if they could at least wait until he got to the punch line for them to heckle him. But no, apparently. No self control. No self control from the people, some of whom were no doubt carrying firearms. I know here in Washington state it's illegal to carry in a bar. Because I don't know...alcohol? He said he was a little nervous walking out of the club into the parking lot. No one, no American should have to fell that, just because of...words.

Very enjoyable podcast overall with some interesting commentary who just who the hell we have turned into. Apparently there are a lot of liberals (and Jews, as Marc pointed out) in that area. But for those nights Joe said, none of his fans in the audience were going to speak up to those who once voted to elect a crimional like Joe Arpaio as Sheriff. 

So, I got up to 1 mile today and was ready to be done. But I pushed to walk a 2nd mile and that's it for the day. Better than nothing but looking forward to back up to 5 miles again. Usually I feel better after a walk. I wish that were true today.

When my 1st born Nik, was yet to be born, I did a Tarot card reading which came out he would be a "he" (it was right) & a "demon" (which was right). Yes, we were often exhausted... But he was an amazing, happy, fun bundle of never ending energy & happiness.

And with that... I wish you all great success and health! 
Until next time!

Cheers! Sláinte!

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