Sunday, March 31, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #69

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…from a walk on Friday 3/29/2024

Very little if any politics in this one...

Weather for the day… starting out, 52° sunny with broken clouds

Podcast Marc Maron Episode 1525 - David Krumholtz

More of an art and reminiscent blog today...

First thing I'll say is at the end of the podcast where David says he sadly found a while back he has a disease. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome: Causes, Treatment, and More
I agree with him about those like me who had smoked weed going back to the 70s that it's too strong anymore. They took medical cancer weed and weaponized it to what it is today. It was once fun, communal, a special thing to do with friends dodging police and everyone to avoid ruining your life. It WAS special. Now I just get the weaker stuff. I want to relax and be creative, not go comatose. Yes, we used to smoke our brains out, but you had to if you wanted to get blasted. If we had THIS weed back then? We wouldn't have needed as much. Less is better, potency is good as it's requiring less, but when some today smoke or vape it like we did back when, it ain't the same situation. Now it's just another drug. Fine, legal is better. I long fought for its legality. But it's just not the same. Anyway, thought people should know about this condition David has which he talks about right at the end of the podcast. Cheers!

I just wanna update something I said, I think in my last blog of my last walk about thoughts number 68 where I said when I was in the Air Force I got thin. My mom said I looked ill but I'd never felt that good in my life. I was also in a physically demanding job, packing parachutes and 228 pound B 52 drag chutes, anywhere from 3 to 14 a day, plus emergency and PJ chutes. What I wanted to update here was that I felt bad when my mom had said that. This was only a few years after my little brother died of liver cancer. And so my looking like a different person to her (she probably wouldn’t have said that if I had gained weight), it probably seriously disturbed and scared her. But the reason was oe found my wife had hypoglycemia and she became a vegetarian, and did all the cooking. When she asked if that was OK, I told her if it tasted good, I’d eat it, even though I do like eating meat. She was a good cook. With daily physical exercise and a lot of it, I’d come home and have to take a shower (more than anything because I reeked of JP-4 jet fuel exhaust from the B-52 drag chutes. Then I'd lay on our waterbed for a few minutes and turn on the vibrator because my muscles hurt. It would loosen me up and then I’ll be good for the rest of that day, or weekend. I got to where could pick up 556 pounds, with half each hand and walk two drag chutes out of the packing room into the pick up room. I once had a lighthearted contest with some PJs. These are awesome Air Force paramedics who jump into a combat zone and rescue the wounded. Talk about American heroes. These guys didn’t go in and fight to kill, they went in to fight to save lives. Sure, they'd kill people, but that wasn't their focus.

Recollecting those times, I told our boss one day that I had some philosophical issues working in an organization to support our air crews who flew to “melt entire cities” of men, women, children and the elderly. His advice was to stop thinking about that. “You’re a lifesaver. We’re survival equipment. Just think as far as your saving the lives of those we’re here to support, in case of war, who protect our country.” I had no choice either way but that really helped. Plus if a pilot or air crewmember ever used your chute you got anywhere from a bottle to a case of whiskey, depending on how much they revered their life, so…hey, I was like 20 at the time.

If a B-52 drag chute ever failed, there could be a potential nuclear incident at the end of a runway. So in a way I was also protecting the local community. In my case, Spokane, Washington at Fairchild Air Force base, in Washington state, a SAC, Strategic Air Command base. Which I don’t believe it is anymore.

I also had to cross train into our front shop in the building, inside our four World War II hangers, and so became a Fabric and Rubbergear Specialist as well as being a Parachute Rigger. Which I thought was a step down, working on environmental suits and life rafts and rubbergear. But then the guys in the front shop thought it was a step down to become a parachute rigger, so…

When I was Parachute Shop Supervisor later on, I got to train and certify parachute riggers for the Survival school, outback of the airbase, next to the POW Museum and where they did SERE training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape ). It was interesting times, in the Cold War. I even got to meet a Russian agent, an America, who was gathering ELINT, where he was hidden in a camper in the woods by the base. Nice guy. But I talked to the base about it and they just said, “Yeah, we know. There's a few of them. Not a problem.” I later ended up going through two months of OSI testing and interviews until they accepted me into the Office of Special Investigations (their FBI), but that’s another story that I’ve detailed elsewhere… did you know there was an FBI magazine? I used to read them sitting in the OSI lobby.

Got up today with a sinus headache. Kind of feeling like crap today, like I have been lately...long Covid. Gotta love it. First half mile on the walk today did not feel great. My heart felt uncomfortable, as it does but after the first half mile starting to feel pretty damn great, as this tends to go, every time.

On the podcast Marc’s guest (David Krumholtz) doesn’t like Greek food because the meat is always too dry and the spices. “They don’t believe in medium rare.” He also doesn’t like Mediterranean food. Mediterranean food, one of the healthiest diets on the planet. I love Mediterranean food, and I really like Greek food. Well, I like food. I've said I should probably be weigh a lot more than I do. But then I don't really eat that much. I love Thai food, it's probably my favorite. It was my grandfather‘s favorite and it took me years to find out why, and when I found out? Yep, I am my grandfather‘s grandson. But then he probably had been in Thailand back in the 1940s or 50s I know ha'd been to Mumbai (Bombay, when he was there) as I have film footage of him on a vacant main street there as a cow walked down the middle of the road in like, I don’t know, maybe the mid 1940s. Still hoping to do a documentary about him, but I have to get a lot more info from the government and submit some FOIA requests.

Anyway, I love trying foods from around the world. When I worked at the University of Washington in the mid to late 80s, after I left the Tower Records company (MTS Incorporated), which got me through college. Well my VA benefits got me through college, but Tower helped. And it helped buffer me a little financially in going from college into civilian life when I graduated. Which was kind of sad, but we had a good time and now I have a good community of Tower employee friends we know from back in the day. We just lost one of them recently, my best friend for many years and ex-roommate.

Anyway, when I was at the “Udub” (UofW) you could go up the “Ave” (University Way NE) in the “U District” and eat Thai food, or American food, or Ethiopian food, or all kinds of different things. Later in the 90s when I worked in Bellevue, Washington. It was the same thing. Walk a few blocks and you could get food really good food from all around the world. Very high end neighborhood. there. I parked below the building across the street from the building I worked in where there was a bank that I used. And in using that branch, who are used to big money types, I got to know. with my little money, what it was like to be treated with great respect. And it was amazing. I mean, I doubled my salary leaving the UW for US West Technologies, but made way less than some of those international types.

I parked in the basement parking garage, came up to the main floor of that building, got a coffee and you could stand there listening to people in expensive clothes, talking to one another in all kinds of different languages. It was amazingly cool, as I said. I would then cross the street to a building full of techs who all dressed pretty much like me, and the contrast was dark and kind of depressing. It was nice to be comfortable though. But you'd walk out of one building with beautiful people in incredible threads to a building of potentially smarter people, who really didn’t give much of a shit about fashion. But I have to say it was an amazing environment to work in and to be around all of those people, in both buildings.

Now starting my 2nd mile and feeling so much better already...

Marc’s podcast guest is David is telling a story about how his mom was a real bastard of a person but she should’ve been a comedian, in her own right. He said she liked to really take it out on his dad. She’d have him sit for her to draw a picture of him and then after like 20 minutes turn the picture around and it’s a cock and balls. And, she do that to her son, too. Man, I gotta wonder about what her issues must’ve been.

I’m gonna tell you what just happened: I’m using voice to text as I walk and talk on my iPhone 11. It’s still like brand new and I've had it for years so I don’t see upgrading it. Yet. I'm waiting for a software upgrade or something that turns it into it a brick. So I’m trying to tap on the text screen so I can type something manually and it messes up. So I tap it again, just as I realize I’m hitting, accidentally, text that says, paste. NO! When I started walking today, as I usually do from last time, I had gotten done walking, then at home I would email all this entire document to my laptop so I could create my blog off this document. Anyway, it was a long blog last time, longest this year, so far, and so it pasted that entire blog in the buffer still, back into this current document. So I had to go through the process of selecting only this part of that old text and delete it. And so I did. I then proceeded to do the exact same mistake and paste all over again!

Now when your walking this isn’t what you wanna be doing. I selected the whole slug of text again and deleted it again. Only this time I selected a single word and copied it. And so, here we are and now and finally we’re good to go. As I told an online author acquaintance, Mark David Gerson, in a posting today on Facebook where he said he’s working on a new book and suddenly thought of two great ideas for two new books but he’s begging his creativity to give him a break! My response to him was, “The trials and tribulations of the creative mind.” To which he laughed back at me.

It’s funny, he wrote his book that he’s still promoting, 10 years ago. Which of late has been getting some traction. I wrote my biggest and perhaps best book “Death of heaven “and published in 2012. Then revised it with an editor in 2014 and of course, I’m still pushing it. It’s up for two or three book awards this year because I finally got around to that. I'd tried to send it to book award a couple years after I published it, when I thought of it, but no one would take it because it hadn't been published within that past year, or that year. It’s gotten good reviews though and I do really like it. It’s an epic book on the order of “Three Body Problem” now on Netflix (great series, I also had just finished the 30 episode, Chinese version on Amazon Prime). It’s not as deep, but it’s as widespread in so far as history, and in my case, the history of the earth going back to before it existed, and then up to the present, where it may be at the end of it in the book. Or not.

So, Marc’s guest is also talking about his dad and how he was once at a restaurant and found a olive pit that he had crunched down on. he took it out and realized it was a pit somebody had expelled from an olive they were eating, probably kitchen crew, and he complained loudly to the waiter who said he must’ve put it in there. Which made him madder. It just reminds me of my mom who said she learned from our grandfather that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Growing up we kids hated hearing that.

I had finally told her one day that it doesn’t mean to whine and whine and piss people off just to get what you want (to be fair, too often in my life I wish I had been that squeaky wheel). My sister once told me that whenever she went to lunch with our mom, she always ended up sending her meal back. Because she figured, mom thought that’s how rich people acted. My sister finally retired after a lifetime as mostly a Senior Flight Attendant. She told me that she'd had meals with actual rich people and they did not act that way and would be humiliated doing something like that. I asked my mom about her behavior and just she said, “Well I get my way don’t I?” I didn’t give it much thought for years until Donald Trump came on the scene and I realized what a little little bitch that guy is. And that's all I'm going to say on that.

I have to say if you ever met my grandmother, who is kind of my second mom, thank God for her. She was self-educated and God I don’t know where my life would’ve gone without her. Then you look at my aunt, my mom‘s older sister, you could go, “OK I could see that. Mom and daughter.” But then you look at my mom and you look at my grandmother and you wonder, what the hell? Even my grandmother once said to me that there were times she wondered if before she left the hospital with my mom as an infant, if somebody hadn’t swapped her out. I can see that. But I also have to say I’d really rather have had my mom, as I did.

My cousin said recently, with what she went through with her mom, as much as she loved her, she loved coming over to our house because she could leave whenever she wanted but our house was so chaotic, it was fun. I liked going to stay at her house because her parents were so consistent and rational and I always knew what was coming, even if I didn’t always like it.

We are all afraid of my stepdad. Well, not so much my sister as he treated her the best. But then she was pretty awesome, still is. Our cousin had asked me some years ago: “What was the deal with you guys? You'd always send me to ask him things if you needed to talk to him?” Talking about the step-dad.

We told her that he’d give us a bunch of crap and we were scared of him He worked two jobs, was always tired and didn’t much like dealing with us kids. We knew if you talk to him, he would never say a cross word to you. And she said, “Oh yeah, my dad would’ve killed him.” There were times I wished her dad was my dad, but not so much her mom who was way too damn strict for my sensibilities.

I remember going over to her house in the 60s and they had plastic on the inside of their car doors (for resale value), and plastic covers on their furniture and she would (not really but kind of) follow us around with Lysol, cleaning all the time, as if we were just filthy little ragamuffins, which maybe we were. I suspect we had a better childhood though as I would get up in the morning, eat, leave the house and maybe come back for lunch, then come back before dusk. I’d have all kinds of adventures that I doubt she did. Though I'd have to ask her…

This is weird… I’m 68 1/2 now and I’m walking, feeling like every step I take is one step older… which I am. But then I guess that’s emotional while intellectually I’m feeling every step is making me younger in someway.

Because when I do get up to 5 miles, every other day, at least, I do feel so much better, healthier and stronger. And you might go, well, yeah! But long Covid makes this whole thing different. Damn, I was really hanging onto the thought that it would be gone within two years which is beginning of April. Not seeing that happen. The first time I think maybe, perhaps, possibly it was gone in 18 months? But then I wasn’t sure after that if I were catching something once in a while or what was going on. If this is going to go on until summer, or fall, I’m fine with long as it goes… The… Fuck… Away! Ciao! Buh BYE!

I’ve been trying to use AI as much as possible to get used to it. Something I've done in having worked in technology. When something new comes up, I’m on the bleeding edge and I want to learn it before everybody else. I’m not so much into that bleeding edge stuff, anymore. I've been having a lot of problems with that anymore. I've tried using several AI now. Mostly I'm using “Copilot” and once they instituted that, it seemed to crippl it, now I have to argue with it. I have to fight with it at times, if I can even get it to do what I want sometimes. It’s so just being so overly careful about what it says now. It doesn’t just kick out actual information. It worries about politics or something. So it’s become a pain. Not always, just too much. I suspect it might be different on a personal install however.

I mention that because it will only let you post 4000 words in creative mode, or for the exact mode, 2000 words. I would like to just point it to a web site and say summarize this. But it wants you to paste it in its' little box and it doesn’t like going out to websites. What I would like to do with this blog, because these get kind of long. I’d like to tell it read my blog, then quickly summarize it and I could put that at the top. Then anyone coming to this blog could just look at the top and go, “nope not reading that today.” Or maybe, “absolutely, I gotta read this.”

My whole design on this walkabout concept, transcription and blogging, is to make it easy going, don't overthink it, don’t over edit it. Just try to make it readable and throw it out there and that’s what you get. That’s a certain kind of “thing” that’s more of an insight and survey of my thought processes in the moment. I find that interesting. But then I studied psych and phenomenology and perhaps that has something to do with that orientation?

I’ve said this before, about this blog versus my published writings. How this is designed. A blog that should be open ended, just a brain dump. There’s times where I want to read carefully instructed arguments. There’s times where I want to read somebody’s honest beliefs and thoughts, stream of consciousness. This is not the former, not well crafted, not highly edited, not carefully considered. Just another person talking.

Somewhere in the middle of those last few paragraphs, I started my 3rd mile...

This process is actually kind of fun. The biggest problem I have here in doing it is technology and time. While I’m talking, it stops recording me from time to time. I have to stop the recorder, restart it and sometimes it gets worse than that (reboot?). Then I have to get home, put it into my blog and be sure it’s not too embarrassing to read. Now it SHOULD be to some extent, by its nature. But if it's unreadable... no.

Marc's guest is talking here about “distancing himself from his Jewishness”, where they're both Jewish. As a kid I didn’t know much about Jews. But my family is from the east coast, Philadelphia, New Jersey, maybe New York. So growing up in the 1960s and 70s I’d been to the East Coast a bunch of times. Lived briefly in Philly. Manhattan. Jersey City. Cape May, New Jersey, where I learned to surf (thank you to my cousin Jeff).

One time when I was 12, maybe, I was in Philly, Cherry Hill I think it was, where my cousin lived with my aunt and uncle. He had a really cute next-door neighbor, a Jewish girl. I’m not gonna go into that story, but it is pretty funny and ironic. And I’ve talked about it elsewhere. My point is, I got to know some old Jewish women on those trips and one day I realize a little shocked, just how much being around them felt like I was around old Catholic women. It was from that date forward that I started to understand the Jewishness of Catholicism. Kinda. Any one who’s experienced this, knows exactly what I’m talking about. I told my mom about it when we got back to Tacoma, Washington in the 60s. She thought and said, “Yeah sure, I could see that.” And we both laughed.

David Krumholtz on podcast: “I am that Nazi propaganda poster. I can make that face… “ “I am a Jew. I am a proud Jew. The only Jew I have a problem with is myself.” He then says his mom was born in the country of Hungary.

My mom was born in Brooklyn. But her dad was born in Czechoslovakia in 1894. Which I understand hadn’t existed until after he was born (October 28, 1918) and doesn’t exist anymore, now being the Czech Republican (November 1989) which is really weird state of affairs. I mean he died in like '74, so I guess it doesn’t bother him either way.

Krumholtz said his dad’s family was born in Brooklyn.

Oh, I should mention this. “Three-Body”, The Chinese version of 30 episodes on Amazon Prime. I finished that last week. Lots of subtitles. Episode 13 in the last half is a subtitle nightmare. I tried to complain to Amazon so they can get it fixed but there seems to be no way. So I figured a way and shot them a message. We’ll see what happens. No actually, we probably won’t.

I heard Netflix had “3 Body Problem” coming out last Friday and produced by one of the guys from Game of Thrones. Loved Game of Thrones. Trying to like House of Dragons. But it ain’t no Game of Thrones. Not yet anyway, but I’ll keep watching.

Anyway, I finished the Netflix version and I really liked it. It was however interesting to have seen the previous version, first. This story is from a set of Chinese books and it has been made into one form of video or another since I think, 2004, several times. They made interesting choices in the Netflix version and I just got my son to start it and he just finished it. He and I constantly talk about quantum physics issues each from our own towns now. He has from his mother, probably, better math skills than me, and definitely artist skills because she was/is an artist (Clive Barker has a piece of her art, or he requested a copy of something of mine she made when I met him one time of several, so she made him on and I mailed it to him in London back then). I guess she still is an artist but she works in plants now at a store in our old college town up north. Anyway, he's way smart. I make a good sounding board because I’ve always had that talent. To take things I don’t understand and make them better. I'm very good at putting weird choices together and making them work well together.

One example was the last company I worked at, this in the early 2000s. I was a variety of things there, like webmaster, systems administrator, network admin, whatever. I supported the programmers. I walked over to a programmer's cubicle one day and she looked pretty frustrated. I asked, “What’s the problem?” She said she had a problem with the code and was stumped. I told her to show me. She said, “Do you know this programming language?” I told her no, but to show me anyway and so she did. I pointed at the code on screen and said, “There’s your problem.” She looked at me like I was nuts. Then looked at the code, looked it over a little harder. Looked back at me in shock and said, “You’re right, that IS the problem. But how could you know?” I said, “Well, it’s all just logic flow, right?” And I moved on to the next programer to see if I could help, as she watched me walk off very confused. I saw that it was my job at that time to not just do my job, but talk to them to see what they needed to keep them moving forward. Finding a way to get that to them so they could not be stopped needlessly.

I don’t know what the hell my son talking about half the time. But I’m always giving him angles to look at things from to help him get outside the box he maybe shouldn’t even be in.

Create a secret number one: I’ve been doing this for decades and it’s I guess it’s made me money plenty of times. And leaves people looking at me like I’m a genius or something wondering how did he do that and that’s amazing…

Trying to think of an example here. I have a really good example but I can’t think of what it is right now. I’ll give you the concept. I know two ways to write. Structured with an outline as Clive Barker does or used to. He told me once that’s how he wrote. That was back in the late 80s, maybe early 90s? Then there is exploratory writing. Just start writing, see where it takes you. Or, expeditionary writing. Adventure writing, the adventure OF writing.

I was watching Paul Simon's docu series "In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon", on Amazon Prime and he said it, what I was trying to remember: discovery. Discovery writing. You discover, or uncover the story as you write it out. You see, as with I suppose AI, what the next word is and what goes best with it and you put that down and onto the next. In my mind I watch the "movie" in real time. That reminds me of 8th grade at Holy Rosary elementary parochial school where I went for a single somewhat nightmarish year. 

But we got to take Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics in an experimental class. I got up to reading 10,000 words per minute at 80% comprehension (up from the initial 280 words per minute and 60% comprehension...which saddened and surprised me as I was an avid reader, mostly of sci fi at that time. But by time I finished the course, and I had read the most books of all the students, at 60 books those months (I think it was a three month period). But another kid won the most books read at 89. Who told me a few years later, "I just lied, I wanted to win." Whatever.

Anyway, when I read a book, a novel, it would take me about an hour or less and it was like feeding a computer program into my mind and I would see an actual movie of the book in my mind while I read it. That was very cool. But I eventually stopped doing it as I like a book, especially one I loved, to last as long as possible. Days. A week, or longer if I could feed pages to myself as if on a feeding schedule, relishing each page, every word.

What is fun for me, and I’ve heard authors say this, is to sit down and start writing from a concept you have, a kernel of an idea that you flesh it out. You just see where it goes and you discover as you write, whatever you find most exciting. I try to write myself into a corner all the time. I write myself into impossible situations. Then I have to write my way out of it. In my fantasy or sci-fi, or whatever, I try to be very based in physics and reality. Because that’s what I enjoy reading, or watching.

I’m used to writing myself into situations that seem impossible to get out of. A technique I learned, probably when I was a kid, maybe in Civil Air Patrol search and rescue training. When you get into an impossible situation, turnaround and look the other way. Change your perspective.

Back in the 70s my older and more experienced brother once told me when you drop acid, if it gets too intense, change the channel. If you’re literally watching TV, literally change the channel to something lighter. I actually had to do that one time and it worked brilliantly. If you’re up against an enemy, tactically, realistically, practically, you don’t want to do what they’re gonna expect you to do. So either do the opposite or do something the opposite and something lateral to that. Seemingly random, but now.

As I’ve always told my kids, always have a second, a B plan. If you have a plan B, have a C plan. And a D plan. Basically have one more plan than your opponent will have, always. I think I said this on my last blog, too.

As I start my 4th mile…

Do the unexpected. It works really well in whatever situation you are in, in your mind, or physically, just turn around and look in the opposite direction. It's amazing how often literally looking in an unexpected direction offers insight. Sometimes you’ll even see the enemy coming at you, because that was their B plan.

Marc Maron: “People ask where all the Jews have gone”, I think he means in comedy. He said he thinks it’s all the antidepressants. And they both laugh.

End of last year, and I’ll be honest about this… anyone who’s read these blogs knows that on this walk? There is a little free library in front of somebody’s house. If you’re a reader, and you don’t know about that, check it out. Bring a book you’re done with, put it in there, take one out, it’s a great deal. For years, I’ve been putting in one of my books I wrote. And they'd go away pretty quickly. My last published fiction book I put in there, along with my last published nonfiction book. Fiction book's gone, pretty quickly. Nonfiction book? Still there and I think I put them in there back in December.

The fiction book actually came back and had obviously been read. I'd been hoping for that for a long time. Now it’s gone again. Which is what you want. So I feel honored that finally happened. And that book was: Anthology of Evil II, Vol. II, The Unwritten. I really like that story. I had a blast writing it, and it took me a couple years. Because I wrote myself into a corner that I couldn’t get out of.

It took two years for me to figure out how to get out of it. Anyway, the other book is selling well in a health food store that my son runs. It's titled Suffering “Long Covid”. Good book, it's up for an award this year, as my the other fiction book is, “Death of heaven”. But it’s at that point in Covid and the season that I guess people aren’t interested in it.

It may be the title’s a problem. But it’s the revised updated version from January 2024 and I may do another update on the research/medicine this next January with newly found long Covid info from 2024. I’ve had people say it really helped them in various ways. One guy told my son in his store, after having bought and read it, that as far as the Covid Omicron version goes, he finally understands what the hell was going on with it. Which I take as high praise. There’s an interesting review on Amazon about it by someone who has been in epidemiology for 18 years who really liked it. More high praise. So anyway, after months now, it's still sitting in the little free library kiosk. Heavy sigh...

You know what sucks on these walks, this time of year? Fireplace smoke. Which can be aromatic as long as people aren’t burning garbage or trash in their fireplace. Which is just disgusting, like sticking your nose in somebody’s toilet. I know people use fireplaces for pleasure, and to save money. I certainly used to. When I moved with my kids and wife into a couple acres in the woods back in 2000, there was so much downed timber that we burned it up. We reclaimed a lot of lawn and it took us five years requiring no expensive electric heat. When finally we started using the electric furnace, the electric bill was a shock, but my kids and I enjoyed the lack of working the wood pile and certified metal standalone fireplace. Which was very nice. But my point is, I wish there was a converter in these fireplace chimneys so you could burn all you want and smoke wouldn’t be released. I'm good with the smell, just not real into the particulate matter, or the greenhouse gases, I suppose.

I have to say that after a long time of thinking Apple Air Pods were stupid, I mean, who’s gonna buy something that expensive without a cord where you could so easily lose them? I finally broke down and bought some a year or so ago and while you do have to be careful when you bend over sometimes, as one usually will fall out, not always, and you can track them down on your phone, I have to say I do love these things. I’ve been through a lot of different earpieces over the years, and I have to say, these are my favorite. I love the case that when you put them in there, it charges them, brilliant. And yes, I got the insurance on them.

OK passed the 3 1/2 mile mark.

I’ve got until 4 miles to decide, do I turn around and do one more mile? Can I handle it? Should I handle it? Should I do what I had planned which is to do a few more 4 mile walks before going to 5, finally? I so want to do 5 miles. Because last time, when I first ever got up to the 5 miles with long Covid, it wasn’t until I hit the 5 mile mark that I really started feeling better. There is my motivation.

I’m feeling better now at 4 miles, but what if I feel way better with 5 miles? Regardless, it’s going to trash me for a day or two. After a winter of not feeling well and being in my recliner in the living room, first walk recently left me after the walk, with a really sore area someplace I’ve never experienced before. I’ve had shin splints, or this that or the other thing from hiking a lot in my youth, search and rescue in CAP. But this was my “core” and a bit lower. A weird area to feel like you strained muscles, because you haven’t used them for months. But a strong core feels great. And once you get that back, continuing the work out to your extremities is much easier. I prefer to work on my core before everything else when beginning work outs again after time off. I used to work on everything else first (like doing arm curls with barbells and dumbbells) and then eventually get a strong core. Fuck that. Now my favorite thing is the “sit up challenge” where you start doing sit ups and add five every day for a month. By that month‘s end? Man, I always feel so much better. So... core first. And the rest comes easier.

Oh, the other thing to do on walks when you’re trying to get into shape is, after a few walks, start holding your stomach in. And I’ve talked about this before. Tighten your stomach muscles up, suck them up into your ribs and back toward your spine. Hold it for a few seconds count and then expand it over time and after a while, you realize you’re just kind of holding it in without thinking. It can take a month or two.

It just occurred to me, anyone wondering why I even do any of this blog thing. Partly because I had a blog. Because I wasn’t using it and that’s a waste of resources. Because it’s also motivational for me, as I walk and lately, that’s the most important thing as anything, to move.

They’ve recently done a research project where people had to move every half hour or something, all day, every day, and while some people dropped out, and some people didn’t keep it up after the study, they say it literally change the lives of some people for the better. I could definitely see that. It’s a big argument for the standing work desk. Especially with a treadmill.

OK. I’m at 4 miles. I think I could do 5 miles. But it’s not supposed to rain Sunday, in two days for my next walk (plan is to do 5 miles every other day, then after a while, consider ever day). My left ankle, the one that gives me problems is in a slip on ankle brace. Hurts just a wee bit now. So I think I’ll call it a day.

Here’s the thing I find about workouts and I’ve done a lot of workouts. I started working out in 1965 in fifth grade in Karate (Isshinryu). A lot of pain, a lot of “push through the pain”. A lot of learn to ignore the pain. In 1980 I took Aikido in college. From that day on, I thought screw this pushing through the pain crap. There’s actually ways to work out where you don’t need to suffer. If you're not a professional, why are you hurting yourself so much?

It’s like being an artist, as one of my professors told us, the whole starving artist concept is bullshit and they’ve done studies to prove if you suffer for your art, you really don’t have to. It makes a great story, but it doesn’t necessarily make for great art. So work smarter. Not just harder.

For anyone questioning my editing this before releasing it, as I talked about above, it took me two or three hours last time to edit that piece. I got home after a really nice walk that day and spent the entire afternoon reading and editing, with had news or documentaries on in the background. I’m not making money off of this. Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this. So what’s wrong about my reading through once, making quick corrections and getting it out there, ASAP? If I was being really serious about this, I'd take a couple days on each blog. I don’t see where that really benefits anybody that much though, especially considering the concept of a walking/talking piece And doing it often. Obviously with taking winters off…

And I’ll leave you with that.

It’s noon now and time for lunch.
Temperature is 56°.

I wish you all great success and health! Until next time!

Cheers! Sláinte!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #68

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

Weather for the day… starting out, 60° overcast. Nice day for a walk. Hour after I got home today it poured down rain Hour later, it actually hailed for a bit. Then got kind of nice again.

America's biggest problem today seems to be that we need to get politics out of the way of our decision making.
Base solutions on Problems!
Carve away all those basing All Our Reality on Their fantasies. 
Fixes for Problems are based on Reality. Fantasy is not a basis for "problems"

I have to say, since Roe vs Wade came into existence in 1973 (I graduated HS that year), I had thought:
"They really need to use this time, this breathing space, to make it a law, not leave it in a SCOTUS ruling."
I also thought that in the 80s, 90s, 2000s. on.
I'd also thought Gerrymandering was STUPID!
I had a very smart Civics teaching who had met and worked with Chiang Kai Shek in a political work group.
She described Gerrymandering to the class and I sat there, flabbergasted. I literally couldn't believe what she was telling us so I questioned her. Thinking maybe I'd heard it wrong. Nope.
I said, Gerrymandering is... ridiculous.
She said, It's always been that way.
She gave me a look that echoed back for me to the day in 3rd grade when I questioned our nuclear war bomb drill of getting under out desks and I questioned the teacher about the veracity of hiding under a desk...for a nuclear bomb ("Stop it, you're scaring the other children")
I said, But it doesn't make any sense!
She said, It's just how it is.
I just shook my head. I couldn't believe it. NOW?
I really can't believe it.
My fears finally having come to roost.

Trump actually IS “poisoning the blood of America.“ At least some of our smaller blood vesicles, ones that aren't very important, but still can cause a lot of pain. The MGAA vesicles. 

Trump‘s grifting of America is not a Ponzi scheme, because in that at least the first tier gets paid. In this case, it all goes directly to the top of the grift, Donald Trump, which is just blatant outright stealing through his weaponization petty grievances.

Trump motto: “To siphon money from supporters“. Yes, it's a stupid motto. It's Trump.

Trump Truth Social stock. Locked up for six months before he can make money off it or sell shares. Except the board can vote to change that. And board is made up of his sons and other sycophants.

So... Trump wins a golf championship, at club he owns. He once ran into a golf tourney winner, played him nine rounds, beat him (maybe, so the story goes), and then declared himself co-winner of that championship. The duffer he played against the podcast says: "That’s some real Kim Jong-un shit. Where that NK tyrant  played 36 under par the first round of golf he ever played. Right sure you did...Un.

Did you know someone wrote an entire book about Trump cheating at golf?

As I’ve been saying for almost a decade, I don’t hate anyone. I don’t hate Trump, though he is wearing on me. I mean sure, what a putz! An ass. A lowlife. But look, I just regret certain sections of humanity, which he happens to fall either right in the middle of  or right at the top of.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but over the past few years we’re seeing Republicans who are going so far to the right that they’re ending up on the left and quitting the Republican party, some even quitting Congress. Which pretty much says everything about extremist Republicans, that is, MAGA. Those who have all these non-fact-based claims against Democrats, until their own Republicans can’t take their RINO crap anymore, surrender, and quit

To draw picture visually of what’s going on, RINO MAGAs and non-MAGA Republicans, in Congress have continuously stepped ever closer to the edge of the "ledge", until the extremists are pushing the real Republicans off their cliff, leaving them right up on the edge. You're next. Take that next step!

Even George Santos said he’s leaving the Republican party to become independent, regardless of the fact that the Republican party, including both MAGA and actual Republicans, left HIM because he’s just a pathological liar and a petty little the vein of a Donald Trump, who is a world class pathological liar and a petty little criminal. Hey, it's a talent. A one trick pony.

Starting my 2nd mile now. 

Today I'm wisely wearing a left ankle slip on brace. I walked my first 4 miles this year on Sunday, two days ago. It's Tuesday now and I thought how I felt after that last walk that I should probably do a total of three, 4 mile walks before I try a 5 miles again. Long Covid really sucks. If you try to get too healthy, too fast? It’ll kick your ass.

I can’t believe in a week it’ll be two years since this last Covid infection hit me and I got long Covid… again. I was hoping it would be gone in 18 months to 2 years and yet, it’s still dragging on. It went away once, here’s hoping it goes away again. Cheers! Sláinte!

On the creative side of things… I haven’t really been able to work since end of December because of this long Covid, dormant viral trigger nonsense to plays out. I’m feeling better now. But between that, and trying to get my short, noir film, “Gumdrop", a short horror…up on a film distributor, that is, Filmhub, finally completing a lot of work in order to submit it and then got it turned down (normal, technical issues)… so that now I have to tweak it to what they said was wrong with it, that kind of broke me. This was after my building a closed captioning file, after having said I'd never go through that. But I found a pretty cool CC editor which made it much easier (Subtitle Edit).

I still have to finish my film companion book on my award-winning documentary/film poem, "Pvt. Ravel‘s Bolero". Then I have a new documentary I want to get working on full-time about my grandfather‘s rather amazing life and travels around the world, starting out as a race car mechanic in 1920s Brooklyn, then somehow ending up riding the range in the newer "old west" and somehow meeting Wyatt Earp. He then traveled the world is a diesel engineer for the military (as a civilian, after being in WWI which I'm still trying to track down his involvement there) and inventing a new diesel engine, ejector technique, and...on and on. But now I have a new spark of enthusiasm for a new project/movie I want to produce, this time at full length, I guess you'd call it sci-fi, maybe kind of philosophically based flick. I love its concept. My son loves its concept which is high praise in my mind. And I really want to get to working on that. But that’s gonna be an effort because it’s mostly dialogue based. On the order of "The Man From Earth", or a sci-fi version of "My Dinner with Andre", or something. And first I have to prep, restore and digitize all of my grandfather's old home movies from the 1940s in Asia and track down his travels from his passport from that decade where he traveled in Europe, Northern Africa and South America. Interesting guy. I once asked him (as had my older brother) about his life as we were fascinated by him and he spoke very little. He just said, "No you don't want to hear about that, there's nothing interesting there." Uh huh...right.

Again, I agree with the podcast that Hakeem Jeffries should be made speaker of the House of Representative. First they need to return the old format rule of getting rid of the Speaker getting rid of the current idiotic version of only one person being able to trigger than because of how bad Kevin McCarthy wanted that title. It needs to be what it once was and rationally should be. But Republicans in the House are worse than herding cats. More like hurting cats with that scary zombie brain fungus, the new "MAGA brain fungus." I mean, Donald Trump is a disease unto himself.

About how Hakeem Jeffries becoming Speaker of the House… Would you really want that nonsense? Not before the MAGA purge in Congress, I would think. And they do need purging. 

By the way, I’m still supportive of legal capital punishment for Donald Trump, for his actions and intentions. A message needs to be sent out to protect America. I also support a Russian coup against Vladimir Putin. Russians don’t deserve that guy. Once they take over and capture him? I’m all for his end going like Kadaifi went in Libya. I’d even settle for what happened to The execution on TV of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu in Romania in 1990.

"US Constitution save America!" Not that whole “God save America" bullshit which has got to stop. We picked that up out of fear decades ago in the McCarthy era because of fear of the unknown and communism and bullshit politics... the Hollywood blacklist...political bullying that even Nixon joined into, and abusing people for fun and profit, wealth, and power. A lot of our problems go back to changing our motto from "e pluribus unum", "out of many, one". We need to return to that. Because this abusing minorities and immigrants and finding enjoyment from people like Trump's bullying people and oppressing and abusing those who cannot speak for themselves, passing laws to abuse LGBTQ+ people. Disenfranchising same-sex marriage and women for having a right over their own damn bodies! How do conservatives not see this? Unless, they're in a cult, a religion, and are attempting to turn America into "Gilead", a theocracy, or failing that a kleptocracy, or with Trump as their head an oligarchy.

Donald Trump, burring democracy, one gravesite at a time... at his golf courses.

Starting my 3rd mile.

Worth seeing Kristen Welker grilling of former RNC chair Rona McDaniel on Meet the Press, who has been hired NBC (now with claims of dropping her already). Rhonda said she took one for the team when she lied for the RNC and Donald Trump. I assume that’s very kind to what some conservatives in recent years have said, as one did to his daughters: 'If Rape Is Inevitable, Lie Back And Enjoy It'.

Look, no one‘s gonna give Donald Trump a talk show on Fox News. No one‘s gonna give a lying little bitch like that, that kind of access because he can’t handle it, not without a script. On his own he tends to sound like a mentally challenged person. He's certainly morally challenged. No one should be giving a woman like Ronna Romney McDaniel a venue after what she did as mouthpiece for MAGA and Trump, acting as an election denier, in trying to "burn down the stadium“. When you cross certain lines, who’s gonna want to listen to you without having to fact check all the time during your show?

If Trump is right, that all of these DOJ action against him (his crimes) is just a “witch hunt” then I suggest we toss the sucker into the lake as they used to do to prove you’re not a witch. If he sinks and drowns, yay, he’s innocent! If he doesn’t, well, we can go back to capital punishment.

To be clear for myself and my orientation… yes, Trump's assassination would help protect America and Western democracy, and help to kill some of the support for Putin and other autocrats that Trump has built up so authoritarianwise. The problem I see with that however, and I do think Russia should assassinate their own president for their own sake and that of humanity (and Ukraine, and whoever is in Putin's crosshairs next), but that is Russian doing it to their own (not us or others). Trump, being murdered, or assassinated, will just make us more problems. If he has not been tried, convicted, and then executed, for appropriate crimes then he dies a martyr. Killing him, even when he dies of natural causes, some of the MAGA Fooled well idiotically make him a martyr in their confused mind. Those of tiny minds or little awareness in the MAGA authoritarian infection will eventually die once Trump is no longer heard from, just as it died in America in the 1930s and 40s.

How do you know that Gerrymandering and disinformation has really screwed up America? When the majority of Americans don’t want Donald Trump as POTUS, which they DON'T, and still he’s this close to Biden in the polls, or elections, or anything, there IS our damn sign. Considering the size of Democrats and liberals, the GOP KNOWS they are overwhelmed. That's why all the dirty tricks and supporting someone like Trump. And fascism.

It’s against the law and some states to give food or water to people standing in lines in the heat, to vote? When they've purposely made the lines long and difficult to vote? That has to end. But OK I’ll even give you not giving people in line, food. But not giving them water? THAT should be illegal. What’s next ? Repressing their air?

If your favorite person for, or as president, and I’m talking about people who have been or are now president… if you don’t think they’ve done anything wrong? Or something you should disagree with? You’re just ignorant. These are people. They (hopefully) try hard to do good (this is not how Trump attacked being POTUS, ask anyone who worked with him). I believe we need to ben breaking glass ceilings. I liked Obama a lot. He was smart, erudite, I thought he’s a decent person. I think he did some very good things, but he did some things at the time I didn’t so much like. I’m glad he got two terms, though. I think Biden is far better than Trump. I don’t like everything he’s done either. But in comparison to Trump? You could put a dead llama in the oval office, and it would be better than Donald Trump for all the damage he’s done to America, our citizens and democracy… which translates as actual freedom. Conservatives do not need to break glass ceilings. They’ve broken them and they don’t replace them. We’re a liberal democratic Republic and we need to remain that. Women and minorities need to make progress. We needed a woman president, years ago. But the last thing we need is a Christian nationalist anything as POTUS. America is not a theocracy. It was designed, built in structure not to be a theocracy. And what we’re seeing lately are pushes towards autocracy and theocracy. I think they'd be happy with which ever one comes first for them.

Student debt forgiveness. Let’s look at this honestly. As we decided in the 1800s, with K–12 as a way to better America. "A rising tide lifts all boats." It’s a benefit to America to have a more educated society. Colleges got way out of control on intuition, and costs. I had Vietnam era VA benefits that paid for my four years of college towards my university degree in psychology. I think it was $350 a quarter plus books at $100 or $200 which just about killed me, aside from my rent, etc. I worked my first two years while at a community college And my last two years at university... I couldn’t work. I needed all my time to study. And I studied more than anybody. Because I knew that was my one chance, when my mind was as sharp as it would ever be, so then was the time. If we’re going to give loans out for college and I would argue, that’s should be K–14, as free. You should be able to get a two-year Voc. school or community college degree free, because times have fucking changed. We need to update and stay abreast of changes as we do with cost-of-living increases. If we’re gonna give loans to citizens you shouldn’t be paying $600 a month on interest and $30 on your loan. I mean, what the hell? It should be the other way around! So fixing that situation, however we have to, after ripping off our citizens and burdening them and giving them mental problems and breaking up their marriages and families from the stress that puts on them? That needs to be rectified. And for those complaining they have to pay for others now in fixing that? That’s living in a country, dumbass. You elect the right people so you don’t have these mistakes. Who has hated our education system the most? Republicans. Who did Trump put in as his Secretary of Education? Betsy DeVos (give me a break). Whose brother Eric Prince founded Blackwater, which has changed its names a few times because of their Christian nationalist questionable and at times, illegal activities.
We need to fix things...stop breaking them! Because fixing is too hard? Give me a break. Our founding fathers weep in their graves for this disingenuous bullshit that right extremists have fantasized and fetishized over. And that has to stop. They need to be properly educated, not indoctrinated, but actually taught History. History should make you feel uncomfortable. We've been through some tough times. All of humanity has. That's reality. We work hard now to do better, to learn from mistakes. NOT hide those mistakes, not NOT learn from them! Proof and reality, not conspiracy and immature desires.

Starting my 4th mile. This is kicking my butt. How wimpy…

Did you know that there's a national problem with the elderly not getting enough protein in their daily diet? We tend to just eat what makes us full. So I actually try to track what I’m eating. I don’t write journals, that drives me nuts. But I do try to pay attention. im' (always) trying to get my weight down. I’m like 6'1", 225 pounds. I want to get down to 200 pounds, so dinner lately has been cup yogurt and some fruit. Breakfast is simple and small, even though it may be the main meal of the day. I have my main meal at lunch which gives me time to digest before bedtime. I even allow myself a cookie or something after lunch.

I don’t eat sugar much, except occasionally. I believe we should eat well and live healthy so we can splurge and have fun once in a while. I use agave for sweetener. I avoid corn syrup or "inverted sugar", or whatever names they want to give it to trick you. Past week I’ve started buying mochi ice cream. Which is a little ball of ice cream with a shell of mochi, which is kinda beaten rice. I’ve been to mochi festivals, I highly recommend them. It’s a great Japanese event. We have them on Bainbridge Island here on the Puget Sound across from Seattle. Tyco drum performance is awesome and everyone's favorite. You can help with making the mochi, then eat much fun. 

But anyway, I’ve been having one of those mochi ice cream balls after lunch. Eat it slowly, the mochi shell keep the ice cream from melting. It’s a little odd but when you get used to it, it’s pretty tasty. Anyway, reasonably restrict your diet. I hear fasting occasionally is good, since we are designed that way, hundreds of thousands of years ago. 

Body shaming people is bad, body shaming yourself is bad. But that’s not good either if you have too much of it. Too much, body. The amount of money we would save nationally if everybody got thin is mind-boggling. Less wear and tear, smaller seats on trains and planes, less fuel for airplanes, it goes on and on. Don't bother arguing about if being overweight is healthy or if obese is healthy. Be what you want to be. But I don't want or need to drag around excess weight on a frame designed for less. I find when I’m thinner I’m happier, I feel I’m healthier. I just feel better. My knees love me rather than sending me telegrams of hate and a need and desire to share to me to lose weight.
Aesthetically speaking, higher fat levels blur out the human form. I just prefer a little better  definition over none, just my personal preference.

Where did all this come from? In the 60s when I was a kid, my mom was overweight and out of shape. It was actually the out of shape I think I had more of a problem with. My friends moms were all thin. I found it embarrassing. Hey, I was a kid. In the 1960s. TV moms were ridiculous. Thin, attractive, wearing pearls when cleaning the house? What the hell. And those kind of perfect families on TV were NOT my family. I was  also what they called a “husky kid“. And I got teased for that. Kids just suck sometimes. But it was OK overall. I grew up with empathy for others and I stood up for kids I saw being bullied. Led to me having the crap kicked out of me several times. One time by a group of boys. I was 2nd grade, standing up for a 1st grader being bullied by some 5th grade boys. they backed down from me on the playground at recess.  Then got me after school. That sucked. Especially when they told the principle the next day I was the trouble making and he gave me hacks. What the holy hell?

I had a harsh realization recently.
I saw my USAF ID card. from 1978 when I was 23 and 6'1" weighing 160lbs. Packing chutes every day and those damn B-52 bomber 225lb drag chutes.
I weigh 225 today. I'd been wanting to get down to 200.
199 would be great though I didn't want to overdue it. 
But this means...
I'm 65 lbs overweight!

When I was in the Air Force, we found my wife had hypoglycemia. She went into natural foods, later worked at the health food store. I got down to like I don’t know, maybe 10% body fat, which might be a little too little. Mom said I looked unhealthy. I never had felt so great! When I was in college, after my divorce, my girlfriend and I rented an apartment from a bunch of firefighters in Bellingham Washington. They said they had to keep their body fat at 15% or they'd lose their job. This was 1982, 83, 84. They said they had to get into a water tank that would tell them what their body fat was. That got me thinking.

Like the fireman told me, you don’t need to carry excess fat, it’s useless to us. You only need enough to be healthy and that got me thinking. Fat is good for 100,00 years ago when we needed the fat between summers, in the lean cold times. Today things are different. I really didn’t have a problem with weight at that time. I was in great shape, best of my life after the military years. I only had a six pack on my stomach which kind of bummed me out as I didn’t have an eight pack. But there it was, be happy with what you got and just do the best you can.

Mile 3 1/2… I’m ready to quit. Feels like 4 miles already. But I’m gonna push through that last mile. I don’t want to backslide now. It was supposed to rain today but it didn’t. So I’m here, walking. Supposed to rain tomorrow. It’s that time of year where in the Pacific Northwest, you go outside when it’s nice.

Just thinking about my older MAGA brother who for years he hated… HATED, Nancy Pelosi. He’s transferred that to Joe Biden. All when Trump is far worse than both of those two together. But I don’t hate him. It’s kind of a useless, a waste of energy emotion. Tends to be inaccurate. I was taught martial arts from fifth grade on. You don’t hate or get mad at your opponent in a fight because you lose control and hand control to them. So said my Sensei. You think, you act and respond to what’s happening. 
Not what MAGA does. Too often they respond to fantasy. Fantasy designed by others.

What hatred does is turn your opponent into, “the other“. It dehumanizes them. Who does that work for? The leadership, not the individuals. Not the citizens. Hatred divides us and breaks America. It's toxic leadership. Joe Biden has not tried to divide America like the right has claimed he has. He has been far too congenial in my book, for far too long. Recently, he started fighting back against Donald Trump and his nonsense. And so that’s weaponized against all of America and not just Biden. It’s sad that the right can’t see that accurately observing, is not hatred. But it’s interesting to note when that side is being observed, they register that as hatred. They are recognizing their own ill will and their poor orientation of life that they are existing within. When you hit someone, and someone says you hit someone, you don't register how you're a victim being demonized. You're victimizing others. Deal with honest observations and adjust if you don't like being who you are defining yourself as. It ain't complicated. Though it appears life is too complicated for them.

Let me put it this way… If you hate, YOU are the enemy. And don’t disingenuously try to label those reacting to your hatred. as their being “haters“. Don’t be a compliant deluded citizen of the government in the book "1984". Stop trying to bring that into fruition. Don’t be a "good" citizen in the book, "The Handmaid‘s Tale", and stop trying to bring that into fruition.

OK. Starting that 4th mile...

For the first time, a majority of Americans say they are not part of a church, a temple, or a mosque. 

Well, that’s progress. Finally. Religions has through history been used for control of the masses and today it's been fully weaponized in politics. Certainly in America. I've talked before about how one church went to Africa and pushed homophobia, got laws passed against LGBTQ+ toward some of those people being murdered. How very Christian?

For those who say that’s bad, what's bad is humanity should’ve grown up beyond mythology, hundreds of years ago and the religious killed people who weren’t even trying to change others' minds, just trying to live their life. And that’s conservatism for you. As with women, as with minorities, as with the non-binary, and as with the concept of non-binary in general. 

The world is not black-and-white, it's shades of gray with color and those who can’t take that have mental problems. And a political party. Binary is what you use, as is conservatism, only at times of great emergency and when there’s a little time to act or think. To try and make THAT an entire political party or a national mindset... is not only damaging, it’s dangerous. 

We usually do have time to think. We have time to construct. We have time to share our thoughts together and come to a group decision. But here we have a Republican party who just wants power because they "know what's right for us all". Because they believe in patriarchy, because while they may say they don’t believe in patriarchy, they exist in a patriarchy of their actions and abuses, and that’s regression. That’s the “make America great again“ weird belief system. That’s the "it was better in the old days” paradigm, fully ignoring the ignorance and the abuse back then, and poor medical science and the poor capabilities to help others or to spread health and wellness worldwide. Capitalism has taken us a good distance from our caves and huts. But it’s also become "gamed" and toxic, where the game is fixed against the majority. Where we could feed the world... but we don’t? Which pretty much says it all

Religion. We need to get back to it as a private thing. When you go out and try to turn others to your ways of believing in what's based in mythology without any serious kind of proof, and where the debate of God existing so utterly useless… Just Leave Others Alone. Stop pushing your beliefs on others. 

I joined the Freemasons back I think in 2004. I got as high as Senior Warden. I was up for the next head dude. Family matters dragged me away and I haven’t gone back. But I learned a lot. My grandfather was a 32nd degree Freemason and Shriner. The first rule I learned was that you don’t go out to get other Freemason, they have to come to you. That would be a good rule for every fucking religion on earth. I like the teachings in religion of justice, mercy and compassion, but I don’t see it a lot in action. I’m not much into the Old Testament teachings of justice, harsh justice, and God. What I find so interesting with Christian who say how many they live and preach the New Testament but keep referring back to the old. As if the New Testament didn’t exist. Thus you get things like anti-abortion, pro murder in some cases as a love of Capital punishment. You’ve seen me say Trump deserves capital punishment and he does. But I don’t believe in it. And that says a lot. I believe it should be used sparingly, and we’re talking maybe one person killed by the State every one to 10 years and the less the better. But when an individual is so dangerous to the body politic as Donald Trump is, as Steve Bannon is worldwide, as Stephen Miller is, they’ve earned the State's wrath and they do need to be put down. An alternative would be say, Guantánamo Bay, with a permanent gag order, for life.

3 1/2 miles! 

Which guarantees me 4! Unless an ambulance gets involved. I’m beat up enough from 4 miles today that I was only gonna do one more 4 mile walk after today, but I may just keep doing them until they get a little easier and then go for five. Acclimate to 4, then move on. Then I’ll be at a 5 mile level. Being only the month of March, I’m not doing too bad. Somehow I made it through this winter, which seems to get harder for me every year. Ah your best.

The podcast is interviewing Rafael Warnock now. He's saying there’s a issue of loneliness in America today. Yeah, I didn’t expect to be living alone at this point in my life either. My grandfather died alone. My grandmother lived alone until she died. My older brother lives alone. My sister is still married to the guy she married after high school. Little bit later after high school, after she got her career going. And they’re both great fun to hang with. My little brother died in '75. My cousin, a female, lives alone now but only because her boyfriend of 40 years died a few years ago. Her parents lived together till they died. My mom had been married to multiple partners with all my siblings being half siblings, but never feeling like it was that way. We were tight.

I’m honored that my older brother once told me some years ago, he has two younger brothers by his dad, that he always felt like I was more of a brother to him than they ever were. And he grew up with them. We didn't see him much until his teens. And I can’t tell you how much my siblings feel like 100% siblings, as we were always very close.

As for loneliness? I seldom feel that. I keep busy. People retire, and then die, or people say they retired and they hate life. As with "empty nest" syndrome, before the kids move out find something to replace them, with as best you can to keep busy. Which is what I did. I had an intensive IT job, and when my kids were to start moving out soon, I started writing every moment of my spare time again. It was exhausting and rewarding, and when they were finally moved out, and it was just me and the dog, on our acreage out in the woods in Squamish, Washington, it wasn't such a shock. I was also working remotely from home every day so I didn’t have to take the two hour commute by car, bus, ferry, and walking. Twice a day. Four hours a day. I missed the kids, but I never really felt lonely. 

Dave Attell on his new Netflix special, Hot Cross Bun, just dropped. "What's loneliness look like? Your image in a microwave oven glass. Turn, turn, turn. Turn into a woman."

As for now, I would love to have somebody special to spend life with. The last lady I was dating was six years ago. I helped her transition from her marriage and a nightmare. She’s now with same guy after me, over five years now. Before her, I was dating a woman who had been married in an abusive relationship for 27 years, since she was 18. I was the second guy she had slept with. Helped with her transition. Before that was my 2002 divorce. I’d still be married to her except she definitely had some mental problems that even my kids now sadly recognize. Maybe not sadly as it's helped them heal.

But lonely? I don’t know…

I definitely think it’s helpful to get married when you’re a little younger, when you still good looking. I do agree with some scientists who believe aging is a terminal, disfiguring disease to be conquered. I was once in a lecture by a visiting CEO of a company, while I was at university, who said, "There are people in this room now, considering the technology we have today, with the advances we're making and that can reasonably be expected, some of you here in this room today, may never die." And I'm good with that. That was 1983. 

I’ve had 3.5 marriages. My second marriage I remember her looking at me one day and saying, “You really don’t know how good-looking you are, do you?" Id didn't know what to say to that. Whatever. no I don’t think she'd say that today. But I don’t know, after a lifetime of alcoholism. I really don’t know what she’d say today. Though I can say I’m happy she’s gotten cleaned up now and seems happier. Single, by the way. Yeah, I really know how to pick them...

America is 5% of the world population. 25% of the world’s incarcerated. Why?

Warnock just made a good point on the podcast, that ritualism helps. Keeps a connection with others and with history, referring to his church. Which is interesting because that takes me back to Freemasonry, which is not a religious institution at all. We had a visiting leader from another lodge give us a talk. Interesting guy. He said, "We're all ritualists here" I'd never thought of it that way. I had flashbacks to my Catholic old school upbringing where I was head altar boy at our Slovak Church. I think that ended my Freemason time. Weird.
Yes there’s a "G" in Freemasonry and no it doesn’t stand for God but stands for the "Great Architect". IF you prefer it to mean "God", whatever. And in that way, anyone of any religion can be a Freemason. You just have to believe in a higher power. YOU are NOT the higher power I think is the point. My son started to join and got half way through but then ended up moving and never got his Master Mason level. We both agreed that something about joining a lodge had to do with men finding a way to not go to church with wives and families, or to have a place to go that was like going to church without the religion, or God. Because they were smarter than that, I would guess. Supportive of critical thinking and reality. Of being a "good man". I once said that no lodge would ever have Donald Trump but then someone online said they were a Freemason and they would have him in a second. And his lodge would have him. Which, as one of the tenets of Freemasonry, Trump could not be accepted into a lodge. Period. He is not a substantial quality of character. I mean come on, he’s a liar, a criminal and a scumbag. I mean, come on already.

Rafael Warnock: "The arc of the universe is long, but then towards Justice." As Dr. King used to say.

People who do not feel safe, lack empathy. And that explains the Republican Party and MAGA and Donald Trump, who have been purposely made to feel unsafe and insecure and that there is “the other “out there against them, seeking them out to harm them (give me a break). Because autocracy needs an enemy. Because control requires distraction to keep them from seeing how you're manipulating them.

I guess that’s the thing, I’ve never felt really insecure. Very seldom and in specific situations but not overall. Makes me really worry about conservatives.

Warnock is saying on the podcast he thinks that Bibi in Israel is wrong in attacking where the people have been told to go. People who did what they were told to do. Kind of reminds me of my dog. When my kids were younger, the dog had his bed in the living room, off to the side. I made it clear to them that no matter what he does, if he’s on his bed, even if he did something bad, that bed is his safe zone. Everybody has to have someplace they feel safe at. But not somebody else’s safe zone, you don't take that. That’s… some deep MAGA style shit

I wish you all great success and health! Until next time!

Cheers! Sláinte!
A Chinook helicopter is flying overhead as I arrive here at my house, my walk now over.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #67

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

Weather for the day… starting out, 51°. When I got home, 55°, with broken clouds. Great day for a walk.

Podcast Marc Maron's WTF ep with Eddie Pepitone

Always recognize your primary plan and prepare a Plan B. If you have a Plan B, consider a Plan C, and perhaps even a Plan D. Not everyone has a plan, so if you do, you’re already doing well. Having a backup plan puts you ahead of the game. The more backup plans you have, the more redundancy you build into your systems, which is beneficial. However, be mindful not to overburden yourself with too many contingencies.

Every system should have a backup. As a former parachute rigger in the Air Force, I learned the importance of this. I once inquired about the backup for the emergency parachute, having been a sport jumper with two chutes prior to my service. I was told that the airplane itself is the primary means of landing, and the emergency parachute is just that—an emergency option. Therefore, an additional backup for the emergency chute isn’t necessary.

I was also told a story about the only person who survived an emergency egress from a KC-135 Stratotanker—a crew chief who managed to escape by dropping head first down the ladder tube with a toolbox. However, he had forgotten to take a parachute, so effectively, no one has ever successfully used an emergency egress in flight. While such stories are often shared, it’s hard to distinguish between what’s true and what’s merely a tale."

On Marc Maron’s podcast, Eddie Pepitone mentioned that he had his Achilles tendon repaired years ago by a surgeon who also worked for the Seahawks. This reminded me of my own experience. Back in ‘88, I had my first knee surgery, and in 2000, the other knee was operated on by the Seahawks’ in-house surgeon. I trusted I was in good hands, having both procedures done at Seattle Surgery Services.

The last surgery was when I lived in Covington. I took the Bainbridge ferry to Seattle and decided to walk up the steep hill to the surgery center. I mentioned this to the nurse, who found it odd but okay. It was funny. She asked, "You walked up that hill, to have knee surgery? Okayyy..."

Around that time, my marriage ended in divorce. My ex-wife’s mother, who worked at a hospital in Covington, had recommended this surgeon, which was a kind gesture. Sadly, she and her husband have since passed away. I believe the surgeon had recently left the Seahawks, but I’m confident the care was still top-notch. Reflecting on these stories, I realize how they shape our experiences, even if some may be more legend than fact.

Eddie Pepitone mentioned on Marc Maron’s podcast that he had surgery in his 30s, and now at 65, he reflects on that time. I’m 68, so back in 2000 when I was 45, it seems I might have been treated by the new Seahawks doctor who succeeded my previous one.

It’s interesting how people are surprised by the ease with which one can get injured, like stepping off a curb and breaking an ankle. I had a similar experience when I heard a snap while walking on a flat sidewalk and ended up with a severe ankle sprain. Thankfully, it wasn’t broken.

During the podcast, Eddie Pepitone also shared a humorous anecdote about his phase of smoking Jasmine cigarettes, to which Marc Maron jokingly called him a coward, prompting laughter from both.

In the mid-80s, while working at Tower Video on Mercer Street in Seattle, I developed a fondness for French cigarettes, introduced to me by my then-girlfriend, who would later become my wife and eventually my ex-wife. She preferred the blue ones, while I was partial to the green. During that time, I also experimented with clove cigarettes, attracted by their aroma and the belief that they were somehow less harmful.

From the moment I started smoking weed in August 1974 in Phoenix, Arizona (introduced by my brother and his friend and neighbor just before my 16th birthday)...from the beginning my friends and I aimed to inhale what was as cool , moist and particle-free as possible. We found that joints didn’t compare to the potential of a bong. Nowadays, vaping seems to be a preferable option, as it involves inhaling vapor rather than smoke. However, it’s important to be cautious of vape filaments that can deteriorate and release particles if they burn, which is also detrimental to health. Ultimately, the healthiest choice being to avoid inhaling any heated substances or particulate matter altogether.

Reflecting on a comment about Eddie Pepitone being emotionally stunted, he humorously retorted that he seeks advice from 12-year-olds. This sparked a memory of my own childhood in the '60s when an adult sought my advice. Despite my initial hesitation, I obliged, and my input seemed to be well-received. Such interactions were not uncommon for me, even though my friends didn’t always understand me

During military service, I was recognized with a good conduct medal and numerous awards. I was also considered by my psychology department advisor professor to be among, as he pout it, "the top 10% of the top 10% of university psychology students nationwide, not by grades but by his observation—a claim I found flattering yet questionable. he was a distinguished Brown University graduate, taught psychology, in the awareness and reasoning division, and phenomenology. He wasn't easy and demanded a lot from us in his teachings, which extended to both my girlfriend and me, who lived with me at the time. She was incredibly intelligent, highly regarded by our peers, and I credit her with helping me through college—a sentiment she graciously reciprocated years later which I found rather humbling.

Eddie Pepitone shared an insight with Marc revealing that many of his stage characters are derived from his father’s ‘operatic rage’. This struck a chord with me, as my stepfather exhibited a similar intensity, though it was rooted in intimidation and mental abuse.

In a lighthearted moment, Pepitone mistakenly used ‘absurdum’ instead of ‘absurdism’, which Maron found fascinating. I also liked it. It sounded, familiar. They discussed how the digital age has led us to a state of ‘absurdum’, a playful take on the Latin phrase ‘reductio ad absurdum’, which means reducing something to absurdity. Maron confirmed that ‘absurdum’ is indeed a real word, adding a touch of humor to their conversation about the complexities of modern life.
I made it! 3.5 miles guaranteeing me for if I ever want to get home. Now I have a half mile to decide if I want to go for five or overdo it. Feel like I’m done. This is a good accomplishment.

I agree with the podcast and they’re saying that bullying is so prevalent nowadays. And it’s true. Donald Trump is nothing but a bully and a criminal. And people are attracted to him because he is a bully. They think it’s for other reasons many times, but that’s what it comes down to a that authoritarians are bullies and criminals and abusive. And narcissistic. Their main game plan is to cut others down to elevate themselves, and then reap the power theft.

They referenced the flat earth society as "flat earthers". I’ve always thought they were ridiculous. Unless it’s an absurdist philosophy or absurdist religion or maybe more so an absurdist science. I mean if they really believe it they’re foolish or at the worst they’re severely and probably selectively ignorant. Which is what MAGA is based on. That bullying. I mean, I created my own absurdist, religion, "PurpleIsm". If flat earthers our professing to believe that nonsense out of a desire to break the norms of society, I fully get THAT! But too many of them, take it too serious and try to act like it’s real and there’s people who actually believe them and buy into it, because they’re just not that, I don't know, bright or educated? There’s so much fake facts and disinformation today we really have to be more careful than we've had to be all through history.

This is good to address. The podcast mentions news filters and Maron said yes, it's set to panic as a default. And that’s so true today. My older brother thinks I’m a "Libtard" (I refuse to call him a "conservaRat" or a "RepubliCant" (or ""Cunt" in the British sense), or stoop to Trump level childish ad hominems, damn trump is immature, how anyone likes him is quite beyond the pale). Though I really don’t fit that definition. Why? I don't blindly accept beliefs, I have a long foundation proving my course both directions. He just grew up with his beliefs and reinforced them as it was fun. I've pushed hard to accept reality regardless of my beliefs or desires. Sucks often but better to put your life on the line for reality, that fantasies or conspiracies.

It’s stupid thing to say and he knows better, and I told him that and he sort of backed off. Too many Fox News viewers believe what they’re told. I tried watching Fox News. I just can’t do it, too many disingenuous lies and bullshit and fake facts and purposeful disinformation, and even passing along what Russia says. When I watch what I do enjoy watching, I can’t help it as I was trained this way… so that when they say something too far from the truth, I know it, I see it and, I either disbelieve them, or I take time to look it up. Whenever I’m gonna tell others, I take time to vet my information. 

Now, when you hear someone say "I do my own research" it’s a red light that they’re likely full of shit. If they do any research, if they research isn’t just listening to Fox News talking heads that is, they tend only to go down as I discovered because I’ve checked this, they only go down like one layer in vetting something. This information or misinformation checking is generally merely one or two layers deep. Any professional or trained researcher knows the old journalism triangulation method, which I hear is not really used today and allegedly sometimes for good reasons, and bad. 

But it’s a good note for most people to look for three desperate very different sources, preferably ones who would normally disagree with each other and try to prove what you believe... to be false. If you can’t then you’re on something. Going out to prove what you believe is true too often leads to confirmation bias. I would say 98% of what my brother tells me as ground shaking horrific conspiracy theory stuff takes me under five minutes, often about 30 seconds to disprove that’s some weak shit there.

Well anyway, that's it for today. I just stuck with the 4 miles. Next time hopefully, 5 miles! After I got home, the left ankle is sore. Damn, the older you get the less you can sit around. I heard on NPR today a study about people taking time often to move around during day. Results were people's attitudes and physicality were far better and many kept it up, with some having it change their life style for the better.

I wish you all great success and health! Until next time!

Cheers! Sláinte!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #66

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

NOTE (from after this walk and notes below): Had curry at Yoko Yoko in Bremerton today. So tasty.
Then saw DUNE Part 2 today. Liked it better than Part 1.
But worst theater experience in years. Guy down front couldn't stop talking to his girlfriend for more than 20 seconds the entire movie (I seriously considered he was mentally challenged), and a guy behind me at one point said, "Bro, come on, be quiet." To no effect.
Then half way through we lost the video. Took them about 10 minutes to fix, then they backed it up for about 15. Sigh... I'll watch it again in my home theater.
Later...I noticed I lost my reading glasses. Usually don't take them to lunch in case I lose them, and lost them. So I won't be able to edit below after my walk. Apologies.

Shooting for 3 miles today. Had to deal with the heart beating too hard at the beginning again now, after the half mile point seems to be pretty settled down. Man, you can take this getting old stuff and shove it. They come up with a youth pill, taking it!

Weather for the day… starting out, 61° when I got home 66°

Podcast today Pod Save America, ep., Trump’s Bloodbath? (feat. Katie Porter)

It’s interesting to note that MAGA is ignorant enough to not understand when Trump uses a term like bloodbath it’s a disingenuous and MAGA are clever enough to rationalize. It’s a harmless comment, but they’re not clever enough to avoid his authoritarian use as a term affecting them exactly the way he intends.

Before I left home today I watched a C-SPAN2 show I want to share a few quotes from on China, TikTok and the CCP's efforts in America that I KNOW are extremely important. Lots of confusion about TikTok, which Katie Porter said she voted against the bill in Congress because it needs work but more so, America needs eduation to understand why our government is so concerned. If YOU'RE confused or angry about it, read this next (then I'll continue with my normal blog):

Reva Price, US-China Economic & Sec. Review Commission Vice Chair: I think it's clear to most Americans how this matters on the security realm. But how would you address this so that they were concerned about what it means for their personal information? What is the impact of the Chinse Communist Party having this kind of information on them [American citizens]? Like where they shop and what kinds of things they buy, or what music they listen to or whathaveyou?

Nazak Nikakhtar, Nat'l Sec. & Int'l Trade Attorney [2 other experts on the panel declined any need to expand on her answer here]: 
So our adversaries have talked for years about what sort of "information warfare" information campaign. It stems all the way from what children are exposed to, the kind of news we get. Most fundamentally what I see is sowing a lot of discord into the United States. If we're fighting with each other and the long list of what we're fighting about keeps growing because they're infusing sort of inflammatory sentiment to our ecosystem. The more we let that happen, the more we're at each other's throats...and this is by design... that we don't form a united front against a common adversary."

Ivan Tsarynny, Feroot Cybersecurity CEO & Co-Founder: "I completely agree with that statement and what information even collected on pixels can provide and has been provided is information of teenagers or anyone else is reading or which pages they follow or which pages they visit, that creates a real powerful insight and data about creating discord or other conflicts in our societies."

Jack Corrigan, Senior Research Analyst at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET): "I don't really have anything to add, I think what they said, I would agree with."

For what's next. Congressional hearing - Nazak Nikakhtar, Nat'l Sec. & Int'l Trade Attorney, said she also worries about Chinese photo apps which gain access to your phone camera, etc., can add malicious code & can copy code to your router & "across systems like cancer. 

Nazak Nikakhtar: Where American orientation is money, CCP in China is to infiltrate, and then cripple our systems and gain the upper hand. Without question.

Ivan Tsarynny: I was born in a communist  county and there laws make no difference, it is what the leader at the top wants to have happen. Also apps like Alipay. Alibaba and Tencent...

Nazak Nikakhtar: China owns the Radisson Hotel chain. They are not interested in hotels.

Continuing on with Walkabout Thoughts:

Add in the C-SPAN congressional hearing

The podcast has a good point that this may be one of the most damaging former presidential speeches ever even if you remove the bloodbath comment from Trump speech at the rally the referring to in the podcast that everybody this week has seen on the news, one way or another

Regarding former V POTUS, not endorsing supporting Donald Trump I agree it’s a big deal. While some may say it’s not the podcast. Take a win when you get one.

The whole Paul Manafort after prison, after pardon by Trump, may be running his campaign after all his Russian connections that have been verified documented costume dearly. Denying the Russian connections with Trump at this point is just stupid.

Trump on his stacking the Scotus to destroy Roe versus Wade saying on a lot of counts there very good things done there one in the bigger picture far far more bad things came of it. I’ve been saying for decades that Congress needs to get their shit together and make this a national federal law Because what happens if Skoda shoots it down. Now that won’t happen, everybody said. OK

Republicans who are saying they want to go after contraception and after recreational sex I have to ask what happened to freedom actual freedom of the individual freedom of spirit freedom to the pursuit of happiness? I mean what’s next we’ve already had the fashion police with people getting beat up for wearing a fucking Covid mask when sometimes they had medical conditions where they could die if they caught Covid. I’m assuming everybody read your 1984 George Orwell book we’re headed into the thought police because that’s where autocrats always go. That’s one of the biggest paranoids of the Chinese communist party.

This is America I’m all for freedom of religion, freedom of thought regardless of the fact how much I’m against organized religion, and the other bullshit it leads to. But the Republican party really needs to assist itself from theocratic tendencies, because after all, regardless of how they view this country being founded Freedom as a primary tenant of America in the US Constitution

Oh yes Chuck Schuber calling out BB Netanyahu as needed to be removed because he’s leading Israel in the direction that has lost their way. When you’re attacked this thousand people are killed that you respond by killing people in the tens of thousands including mostly children the elderly and women non-combat Greatly missing the Hamas targets your after yeah you’ve kind of lost your fucking way

BB at yahoo has been leaning authoritarian like Putin like Trump as with China etc. America could be called it has been called a kleptocracy and what’s worse than that? Easy an oligarchy and a theocracy which Trump is pushing us into

Mitch McConnell called Schumer speech p grotesque this coming from Mr. grotesque himself and I don’t mean his looks but it’s political leanings and actions. He’s been a horrible person in Congress for a long time.

To be clear Schumer is not anti-Israel he’s very pro Israel but he’s very anti-autocrat anti-Bibi Netanyahu anti-Trump anti-Putin

It’s also important to note bibi says that Schumer is delving into Israeli politics too much Netanyahu Does it like all the time historically

I’m saying we should do this and I want obviously Israelis Jewish people to be protected like everybody but one does wonder if we were to turn things around with Israel’s enemies? How would that make things better or worse? I ran as a big problem in international affairs and they’re religious. Had a State is on his last legs and there are many and I ran would like to see things turn around, since things are so problematic as they are what do you keep doing to maintain that and what do you do different to make progress?

Nazi starved in incinerated Jews in World War III. Explain to me how Israel has not done that to Palestinians since October 7.

Why is Netanyahu dealing with people like bengavir?

Here’s the thing that BB Netanyahu doesn’t get and MAGA doesn’t get about Trump and the Republican Party doesn’t understand about how they should not support Trump or MAGA bullshit… Regardless, if your guy is saying what you want here but he’s a lowlife criminal. You don’t choose him. You don’t support authoritarian theocratic nonsense in a country like America in order to protect American citizens. MAGA think that American citizens are MAGA, they are a corrupt, confused disinformed over propagandized minority

What so ironic about the MAGA claims of stolen elections is that our elections aren’t stolen that’s not the problem. They are unduly unfairly and ill liberally skewed by big and dark money, and the Republican party in the best sense of Trump who calls out what others say accurately in observing his actions About the others who are fighting against the things he’s claiming they are doing. Again when it’s doing it.

Yeah, the senator on the podcast has a good point saying she wore a red dress to a Democratic function and people said you can’t do that because it’s Donald Trump‘s color it’s Republican it’s mega and she said I’m not giving him a whole color. And that’s a damn good point same thing I said about certain words and things before. MAGA, bigoted assholes, stole the word, patriotism, and our American flag for a while, and I believe we may have taken it back. If you flew a flag just a few years ago you were a Trump supporter if you said patriot, they knew you were Extreme right wing. So I would suggest half of every buddy at Democratic events going forward where red because if that’s how it works MAGA and Republicans will see MAGA and Republicans supporting Joe Biden Democratic events and how is that a bad thing?

My still third Catholic sister invited our cousin and I over for Easter dinner. Thankfully, she’s not MAGA or conservative or Republican. In fact, my entire family was raised democratic and a union family, with my stepdad being a blue-collar worker who retired from a warehouse at Nalley’s food foods in Tacoma. But again this is America I will support to the death peoples rights to their delusions about anything. Regardless, your religious political delusions as long as you’re not working against America like MAGA and Donald Trump are. When you see your leaders lineup with your national enemies, wake the fuck up.

And for those like my older brother, who says I have TDS, when in his maggot delusion, he does I’m a veteran I have a college degree psychology, and I spent the first half of my life studying several things. Soviet espionage and religion. I gained a deep respect for the Russian people in history, but not for their autocratic socialist bullshit. No more than the Chinese socialist. Bullshit authoritarian is authoritarianism. Wasn’t until the 90s I really started paying attention to politics and applying my previous skills back. I voted for Reagan the first time I voted against him the second time I voted his VP and his president and since then I’ve not voted for a Republican because of the useless people they put up, Quail VP was a sign.

I thought George W. Bush was a war criminal I thought Gore won the election in 2000. I I warned after 911 but America was going to attack another country probably an innocent country because they needed an enemy and they wanted to punch somebody in the mouth and bush didn’t like Hussain because of his dad back in the Kuwait Iraq conflict when we took out which set us up for a lot of bad shit. Not because he took the sane out, but as usual, because of what we did in the after effects. I was a big Obama and Bernie and even Hillary supporter. I thought Hillary earned her time to run for president. I think we may have done better in some ways with Obama but I didn’t like everything he did and Hillary would’ve handled Putin better, and we may not be in the situation today, so thanks a lot fucking Trump

I’m coming up on the end of my 2nd mile and with all the jawing I’m doing and aside from my desire to get the 3 miles today I really feel I have to do a3 mile and so far I feel pretty good for it :-)

Katie, as a guest says regardless of citizens, United, or this toxic spewed conservative Scotus. There are lots of things we can do about big money, dark money, and our politics and our elections. Thank God for that.

Do you know it’s worse than “woke ism“? Anti-woke ism

Trump needs to eat that “hamburger from heaven” very very soon. Bye-bye.

Two political standards always crack me up. “I don’t want career politician, representing me“ and why can’t the guy you partied with who stood next to the keg giving you a beer be the president?“ I think the reasons are obvious. Politicians that are new have to learn and there’s a ramping up time that could be years or maybe never for some. So I’m on a career path of Ted Cruz, which is anything to enrich and empower me. Do you really want a dumb fuck next to the keg running the country when the best way is someone who’s been through Congress which Biden has been. Someone who knows the system at least the constitution which Trump doesn’t. The last thing you want is a businessman. Now there’s two kinds. The corporate thought type businessman thinks only of the shareholders and profit. More enlighten, types worry also about other things like our environment the future actual people being humane because there’s money in that too not quite as much if you’re willing to allow people to die and poison our environment and support really bad people politics to promote your efforts. And the EPA, because poison in the environment makes you a lot of money as long as you eventually moved to a clean area and start poisoning that over the next hundred years.

OK I hit the 2 1/2 mile point which means I’m guaranteed to do 3 miles if I ever want to get home again. I actually walked a little further today progress!

Representative Katie Porter has a good point and that she voted against the TikTok bill in Congress because she thought the American people needed to be better educated and understand why and it wasn’t a great bill. So she hopes the Senate corrects that or votes it down. She said it’s kind of screwed up that we don’t want to talk about American companies and their data collection. We should probably very closely adopt the EU law because they seem to be ahead of us on all of that stuff to protect their citizens. Our toxic capitalism is such that we don’t care so much about protecting citizens and if MAGA Trump gets in he wants to dissolve the EPA. So enjoy your filthy air and filthy water.

We need to really look at things and not just technologies and protections but but we should already have high-speed rail all over the country if we’re so great. We should have cellular service that you can get from just about anywhere like you can in Europe and Asia. we should have a population that’s more savvy about using the technology when so many of us don’t know what the hell they’re doing or how to do it

I wish you all great success and health! Until next time!

Cheers! Sláinte!