Not to open old wounds, but this has always bothered me.
My daughter and I (18 and in college now) were watching Michael Moore's 2002 documentary, "Bowling for Columbine", just now. It brought up a lot of feelings from back then. What feelings? Anger. I've always been angry, even as it was happening, that the police didn't get their asses in to the school and start killing, as the case may be, killing children, children with guns, killing other children.
So we looked it up just now to see what the deal was.
First we found this site, "Into the Abyss, Columbine School Massacre":
"When asked why police didn't storm the building and confront the shooters, a commander of one of the SWAT teams, Denver police Lieutenant Frank Vessa answered "We're not the military. We can't have collateral damage. Our job was to save the lives of as many innocent as we could.
"With the investigation in full swing, the blame began to shift in a new direction. When it was reported that bombs, a shotgun barrel, a journal and several hand written notes had been found in clear view in Eric Harris's bedroom, the parents of the two teenage shooters took the brunt of the community's anger.
"The Harrises and Klebolds were accused of being negligent parents who had ignored their sons' violent tendencies. The anger of some was so great that the Klebolds began to receive death threats. This was in stark contrast to the placard, conveying the love and support of friends and neighbors, left on their front lawn immediately after the massacre.
"Friends and neighbors of the two families quickly jumped to their defense, claiming that they were good parents who had been completely unaware of their sons' disturbing behavior."
Into the Abyss - The Columbine Massacre
"The first officers on the scene had never trained for what they found at Columbine High School: No hostages. No demands. Just killing.
"In the hours that followed, the nation watched in horror as the standard police procedure for dealing with shooting rampages in the U.S. proved tragically, heartbreakingly flawed on April 20, 1999.
"Two officers exchanged fire with one of the teenage gunmen just outside the school door, then stopped _ as they had been trained to do _ to wait for a SWAT team. During the 45 minutes it took for the SWAT team to assemble and go in, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot 10 of the 13 people they killed that day.
"The killers committed suicide around the time the makeshift SWAT team finally entered. But the SWAT officers took several hours more to secure the place, moving methodically from room by room. One of the wounded, teacher Dave Sanders, slowly bled to death."
Huffington Post article.
Well, I understand that police procedures now have been changed. We ran into this with 9/11 too. We used to let terrorists play their hand, land the plane and deal with it then. 9/11 changed all that. Our actions on that day were patently wrong. But we didn't know any better. Maybe, we've changed our procedures for that type of situation now.
Does the same go for the Columbine situation?
Consider this. If I arrived and guns were going off in the school, would I stand outside waiting, or go in. It would make no sense going in unarmed. But there were police there, armed, who shot it out with the kids. When you hear kids dying, you just stand there? Letting it happen? But there was a SWAT team on the way. How long for them to get there? Forty-five minutes? That, is too long.
Why, didn't the police, paid to lay down their lives for children, go in and die, rush the child murderers, maybe they would have killed themselves sooner; maybe fewer children would have died.
When do these things seem to happen? The shooting in India that spurred on the process that ended Indian rule by Great Britain; 9/11, even Columbine?
These seem to happen when we have arrived at the juxtaposition of an old way of living with a new one. The establishment, the authority, or Government, doesn't understand the change that has happened, and incorrectly assesses and reacts to the situation.
There may not be a way around that. You do what you know to be right, from past experiences; when things change, you need to know that ahead of time, but who is a prognosticator? So we do the best we can with what we have.
Except, perhaps the British should have used their heads, rather than killing innocent people. Perhaps we should have paid more attention to Richard Clark's comments on how dangerous al-Qa'ida was just prior to 9/11? Perhaps, the police should have rushed the attackers in Columbine rather than waiting for SWAT.
SWAT is a great tool in police theory. But initially, before they are put into play, they are just that, theory. When theory cannot take place as action, you need to take other action. When its between protecting the police and the public, doesn't the public win out? SWAT is also there to protect the public, but sometimes, they can't, because they aren't there. Then, someone else needs to take over, make a command decision, a judgment call. Step in. Kick ass. Take names.
I'm just saying....
The blog of Filmmaker and Writer JZ Murdock—exploring horror, sci-fi, philosophy, psychology, and the strange depths of our human experience. 'What we think, we become.' The Buddha
Monday, October 4, 2010
SWAT at Columbine - What is appropriate force?
Actors we don't want to see overweight
I was just watching the new show with William Shatner, "$...! My Dad Says" (and speaking of which, anyone else notice the set of Bill's house looks strangely like that of Charlie Sheen's in "Two and a Half Men"?). I first noticed this portliness of Bill Shatner during "Boston Legal" (which I loved dearly, as well as "Night Court", "Murphy Brown", "Alley McBeal", see a sophistication level growing here?).
Shatner, is slightly portly, don't you think? It got me to thinking, why do I feel that way, why do I care; who else do I felt that way about? And the answers starting to come to me and I wondered if anyone else felt that way, or if I was the only one to have people point, laugh hysterically and shout, "Oh, shallow One! You are the worst!"
I feel this way because these people are cultural icons to me. I resent their changing. I see them as statues in my memories. Not as people, which they are, and have a full right to being how ever they want to live their life now. Still....
So, do I feel that way about John Candy, John Belusi, Jack Black, Jason Alexander? No. Why? I didn't grow up with them. Its the actors I was introduced to when they were thin, then they got success, and their belt size (or dress size) increased with their success (but really perhaps, their loss of success).
I feel that way because I grew up with Bill Shatner, Capt. Kirk, kicking ass all over the Galaxy. Then I see him growing old and plump and hey, I don't want to think that these types of people from my past grow old, fat and lazy, though honestly, hopefully, happy too.
Steven Seagal, I know him as Take Sensei, as I'm an Aikido advocate. Anyone remember him in "Above the Law"? A groundbreaking film in a way. The hero in that film was pretty skinny actually and he didn't drop his gun when a bad guy said, "Drop your gun." No, he shot the bastard, like any self respecting hero would do, not a make believe TV hero. I loved that, reality in film. It almost ended that putting the gun down behavior in TV and film, which, as a martial artist myself, I always thought was simply bad screenwriting.
Now Take Sensei (Steven Seagal) has a (fairly) new show, as he's been a cop in New Orleans for twenty years (no for real), called: "Steven Seagal Lawman". He's still an "action hero" in movies, how he pays the bills, he says. If you are in that situation, really, you need to keep the weight off. Bust your tail at a gym at least a few times a week, and Get a Personal Trainer.
Kirstie Alley. First time I saw her was in "Runaway" with Tom Selleck (now, there's a guy that stayed in shape and is looking great on his new show, "Blue Bloods"). She was thin and beautiful. Now she has a show called "Fat Actress", not only losing the battle of the bulge, but embracing it and giving it a big wet kiss. Okay, in a way, I do applaud that. But in the other way, I cringe as a bit of exercise and she'd be in shape again.
There are plenty of other actors and I'm sure you can think of a few yourself. When you are in the public eye, especially, when you achieved the status of "cultural icon", then you have a responsibility to yourself and your public to maintain your status. That isn't a bad thing, because anything that forces us to stay in shape, to stay healthy, really isn't a bad thing at all. And in the end, perhaps, I really only want to see them looking healthy.
What gets me about these people is that they are making good money. A Hell of a lot more than I am. And I can stay in shape. So, hey, people, get a personal trainer for goodness sake!
Shatner, is slightly portly, don't you think? It got me to thinking, why do I feel that way, why do I care; who else do I felt that way about? And the answers starting to come to me and I wondered if anyone else felt that way, or if I was the only one to have people point, laugh hysterically and shout, "Oh, shallow One! You are the worst!"
I feel this way because these people are cultural icons to me. I resent their changing. I see them as statues in my memories. Not as people, which they are, and have a full right to being how ever they want to live their life now. Still....
So, do I feel that way about John Candy, John Belusi, Jack Black, Jason Alexander? No. Why? I didn't grow up with them. Its the actors I was introduced to when they were thin, then they got success, and their belt size (or dress size) increased with their success (but really perhaps, their loss of success).
I feel that way because I grew up with Bill Shatner, Capt. Kirk, kicking ass all over the Galaxy. Then I see him growing old and plump and hey, I don't want to think that these types of people from my past grow old, fat and lazy, though honestly, hopefully, happy too.
Steven Seagal, I know him as Take Sensei, as I'm an Aikido advocate. Anyone remember him in "Above the Law"? A groundbreaking film in a way. The hero in that film was pretty skinny actually and he didn't drop his gun when a bad guy said, "Drop your gun." No, he shot the bastard, like any self respecting hero would do, not a make believe TV hero. I loved that, reality in film. It almost ended that putting the gun down behavior in TV and film, which, as a martial artist myself, I always thought was simply bad screenwriting.
Now Take Sensei (Steven Seagal) has a (fairly) new show, as he's been a cop in New Orleans for twenty years (no for real), called: "Steven Seagal Lawman". He's still an "action hero" in movies, how he pays the bills, he says. If you are in that situation, really, you need to keep the weight off. Bust your tail at a gym at least a few times a week, and Get a Personal Trainer.
Kirstie Alley. First time I saw her was in "Runaway" with Tom Selleck (now, there's a guy that stayed in shape and is looking great on his new show, "Blue Bloods"). She was thin and beautiful. Now she has a show called "Fat Actress", not only losing the battle of the bulge, but embracing it and giving it a big wet kiss. Okay, in a way, I do applaud that. But in the other way, I cringe as a bit of exercise and she'd be in shape again.
There are plenty of other actors and I'm sure you can think of a few yourself. When you are in the public eye, especially, when you achieved the status of "cultural icon", then you have a responsibility to yourself and your public to maintain your status. That isn't a bad thing, because anything that forces us to stay in shape, to stay healthy, really isn't a bad thing at all. And in the end, perhaps, I really only want to see them looking healthy.
What gets me about these people is that they are making good money. A Hell of a lot more than I am. And I can stay in shape. So, hey, people, get a personal trainer for goodness sake!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Welcome to the end of World War One
Was WWII France's fault?
I thought it was important to note that today is officially the end of World War One. Germany is paying its last reparations of about $95 million dollars.
"WWI brought an end to the reign of monarchies and empires across Europe. It is also responsible for creating the modern Middle East, total mechanized warfare, nations instead of empires, etc. In short, it was the start of modern society as we know it." - GPS
It would appear that France, at least to some degree, was responsible for the eventual degeneration of Germany leading to WWII. Don't mistake this to say that because someone taunted someone into killing another person, the taunter is responsible. They own a responsibility, but not THE responsibility. Germany is certainly responsible, they have even signed documents to that effect, way back when.
"But when you push a country into a corner financially, they have a responsibility to their own people to do something.
"France, which had been ravaged by the war, pushed hardest for the steepest possible fiscal punishment for Germany. The principal representative of the British Treasury at the Paris Peace Conference, John Maynard Keynes (you may recognize the phrase, "Keynesian economics"), resigned in June 1919 in protest at the scale of the demands.
"Germany will not be able to formulate correct policy if it cannot finance itself," he warned." -- The Telegraph
And so it wasn't.
I thought it was important to note that today is officially the end of World War One. Germany is paying its last reparations of about $95 million dollars.
"WWI brought an end to the reign of monarchies and empires across Europe. It is also responsible for creating the modern Middle East, total mechanized warfare, nations instead of empires, etc. In short, it was the start of modern society as we know it." - GPS
It would appear that France, at least to some degree, was responsible for the eventual degeneration of Germany leading to WWII. Don't mistake this to say that because someone taunted someone into killing another person, the taunter is responsible. They own a responsibility, but not THE responsibility. Germany is certainly responsible, they have even signed documents to that effect, way back when.
"But when you push a country into a corner financially, they have a responsibility to their own people to do something.
"France, which had been ravaged by the war, pushed hardest for the steepest possible fiscal punishment for Germany. The principal representative of the British Treasury at the Paris Peace Conference, John Maynard Keynes (you may recognize the phrase, "Keynesian economics"), resigned in June 1919 in protest at the scale of the demands.
"Germany will not be able to formulate correct policy if it cannot finance itself," he warned." -- The Telegraph
And so it wasn't.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
What countries are reading this blog?
I was looking at my stats today and I noticed that my readers have branched out from being in only the United States, to the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Australia, Taiwan, Germany, Netherlands, Latvia, Sweden.
Some of my favorite countries! Welcome!
Strangely, to me anyway, is that no one is reading from Ireland, Slovakia or the Czech Republic, being I'm half Irish and Slovak.
Anyway, to all the current readers, I would just like to say, "Hi!" I hope you have found something from time to time that was entertaining, enlightening, and useful for you.
And if you know anyone in Ireland or Slovak land, tell them to check the blog out!
Some of my favorite countries! Welcome!
Strangely, to me anyway, is that no one is reading from Ireland, Slovakia or the Czech Republic, being I'm half Irish and Slovak.
Anyway, to all the current readers, I would just like to say, "Hi!" I hope you have found something from time to time that was entertaining, enlightening, and useful for you.
And if you know anyone in Ireland or Slovak land, tell them to check the blog out!
Weekend Wise Words
"As long as we observe love for others and respect for their rights and dignity in our daily lives, then whether we are learned or unlearned, whether we believe in the Buddha or God, follow some religion or none at all, as long as we have compassion for others and conduct ourselves with restraint out of a sense of responsibility, there is no doubt we will be happy."
-- Dalai Lama
-- Dalai Lama
Friday, October 1, 2010
Is breastfeeding creepy?
Okay, this is a different kind of creepy than Zombies, but....
Under the headline "I formula fed. So what?", Kathryn Blundell says in last month's Mother & Baby that she bottle fed her child from birth because "I wanted my body back. (And some wine)… I also wanted to give my boobs at least a chance to stay on my chest rather than dangling around my stomach."
She goes on to say: "They're part of my sexuality, too – not just breasts, but fun bags. And when you have that attitude (and I admit I made no attempt to change it), seeing your teeny, tiny, innocent baby latching on where only a lover has been before feels, well, a little creepy."
Well, I like her attitude anyway.
Check it out:
The Guardian article
Under the headline "I formula fed. So what?", Kathryn Blundell says in last month's Mother & Baby that she bottle fed her child from birth because "I wanted my body back. (And some wine)… I also wanted to give my boobs at least a chance to stay on my chest rather than dangling around my stomach."
She goes on to say: "They're part of my sexuality, too – not just breasts, but fun bags. And when you have that attitude (and I admit I made no attempt to change it), seeing your teeny, tiny, innocent baby latching on where only a lover has been before feels, well, a little creepy."
Well, I like her attitude anyway.
Check it out:
The Guardian article
The Zombie's Survival Guide
Thrive In The Zombie Apocalypse After You Turn....
Authored by Calvin A. L. Miller II
Illustrated by Alan R. Gandy
From Calvin and Alan's web site for the book:
Love Bites. Hate Eats... The "Zombie" Apocalypse is coming. It's not "if" it's "when", and if you think you are going to be one of the brave survivors you see in the movies and video games or read about in books and graphic novels you are sadly mistaken. You know who I mean, the handsome and tough hero who was a Navy Seal that women love and men want to be. Or the beautiful, big breasted, brilliant heroine with a PhD in "Science". You aren't even the wisecracking sidekick who lives to defend the heroes. You are a regular person, an everyman. Just as I was before I created this fully illustrated guidebook. So face it, the odds are much more in favor of you becoming one of the undead. A ghoul. A Dead. A "Zombie".
But don't worry, there is hope. There are ways for you to "live" a very rewarding "life" after you turn. How long, well that depends. But you might as well enjoy it while you can. Sure, it's not as cool as being a vampire. They get the late nights partying, looking like the heroes I mentioned above, the cool clothes, and getting to sleep all day. No, you will be a staggering, oozing, puss-filled mess.
But how can you fight Healthies armed with weapons that can be anything from a boy with a screwdriver to a soldier with an automatic rifle? You will not only have physical limitations but you will also be stupid, right?
Many "zombies" retain much of their intelligence after they turn. The ones that are out in the open and shuffling toward people who have guns or other weapons are the dumb ones. The ones that weren't prepared. The smart ones know what to do. They go unnoticed. They wait for their chance to attack. They plot. But if the "Zombie Apocalypse" is coming and hasn't happened yet, how do I know all of this?
Because it has already started. It just hasn't reached you yet, or maybe you're not aware. The mind can play tricks.
And because I'm Hetfield Madden.
And I'm a "Zombie"....
Get this cool book here:
Thrive In The Zombie Apocalypse After You Turn....
List Price: $9.95
Publication Date:Sep 28 2010
ISBN/EAN13:0615404960 / 9780615404967
Page Count:122
Binding Type:US Trade Paper
Trim Size:5.5" x 8.5"
Color:Black and White
Related Categories:Fiction / Humorous
Authored by Calvin A. L. Miller II
Illustrated by Alan R. Gandy
From Calvin and Alan's web site for the book:
Love Bites. Hate Eats... The "Zombie" Apocalypse is coming. It's not "if" it's "when", and if you think you are going to be one of the brave survivors you see in the movies and video games or read about in books and graphic novels you are sadly mistaken. You know who I mean, the handsome and tough hero who was a Navy Seal that women love and men want to be. Or the beautiful, big breasted, brilliant heroine with a PhD in "Science". You aren't even the wisecracking sidekick who lives to defend the heroes. You are a regular person, an everyman. Just as I was before I created this fully illustrated guidebook. So face it, the odds are much more in favor of you becoming one of the undead. A ghoul. A Dead. A "Zombie".
But don't worry, there is hope. There are ways for you to "live" a very rewarding "life" after you turn. How long, well that depends. But you might as well enjoy it while you can. Sure, it's not as cool as being a vampire. They get the late nights partying, looking like the heroes I mentioned above, the cool clothes, and getting to sleep all day. No, you will be a staggering, oozing, puss-filled mess.
But how can you fight Healthies armed with weapons that can be anything from a boy with a screwdriver to a soldier with an automatic rifle? You will not only have physical limitations but you will also be stupid, right?
Many "zombies" retain much of their intelligence after they turn. The ones that are out in the open and shuffling toward people who have guns or other weapons are the dumb ones. The ones that weren't prepared. The smart ones know what to do. They go unnoticed. They wait for their chance to attack. They plot. But if the "Zombie Apocalypse" is coming and hasn't happened yet, how do I know all of this?
Because it has already started. It just hasn't reached you yet, or maybe you're not aware. The mind can play tricks.
And because I'm Hetfield Madden.
And I'm a "Zombie"....
Get this cool book here:
Thrive In The Zombie Apocalypse After You Turn....
List Price: $9.95
Publication Date:Sep 28 2010
ISBN/EAN13:0615404960 / 9780615404967
Page Count:122
Binding Type:US Trade Paper
Trim Size:5.5" x 8.5"
Color:Black and White
Related Categories:Fiction / Humorous
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