Sunday, July 7, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #97b - Screenplays

 Nope, didn't walk again today. Feeling better after the air cleared yesterday. 

The third day of adding to my walks with strength training, some weights, and sit-ups, and I'm a bit sore but less than yesterday, and feeling pretty great from it. Looking forward to more.

First off I'd just like to mention something. I've been watching Orlando Bloom: To The Edge show. 

"Synopsis: Actor and adventure enthusiast Orlando Bloom embarks on a physical, mental and spiritual journey of self-discovery as he undertakes three extreme sports -- wingsuiting, free diving and rock climbing -- to push himself to the edge of what is possible. With family, friends and his spiritual Buddhist practice guiding the way, Orlando is trained by experts who help him overcome obstacles, face his fears, and discover valuable lessons about himself."

I lean Buddhist. I've been a skydiver, & parachute rigger in the USAF, I've done rope work and climbed cliffs, more tactical than technical but some technical was involved in search & rescue. He takes a week to learn and achieve more than is reasonable in skydiving, free diving, and technical climbing. It's an interesting show and experience and reminds me of how it was doing those things for the first time and the difficulties mental and physical. And to see him really struggling but never giving up. You don't quit. 

You do more than you know you can, and then you do it. You may know you can't do it, but you keep pushing and've done it. Life is good. Unless you die, or worse, don't and are just broken. I've been lucky, with good reflexes, and learned from the best. So does Orlando. He's been lucky, with good reflexes and a normal for him, intense workout. But here he's pushing himself beyond his limits (and mine from my past) and in his final episode with climbing, it makes for a good final episode. It's pretty impressive and somehow cathartic. 

And nostalgic...

Moving on. I received a win today for my screenplay, "The Teenage Bodyguard", a True Crime/Drama. My 13th international award for this screenplay.

That led me to update this award on my IMDb page (they suggested that, so nice of the thought I would look into it if it's an award IMDb allows). Looking at three of my hosts on my screenplays and updating all the loglines and synopses on all of them. Took me all day. Kind of (boring and long) fun and cathartic. Why cathartic?

This all turned into an interesting situation.

See, IMDb is basically, the "Internet Movie Database". Movie. Not screenplays.

When I won my first few awards for a screenplay, which I think was THIS one, I didn't realize I could put it on IMDb. When I realized that I tried to add it to my profile there.

They refused. I was confused.

The festival said, "We're IMDb Award certified (or whatever) and you can add your award there."

But they would never let me add a screenplay. I tried until frustrated some years ago, I gave up.

But today was different. It said on IMDb when I was adding the award (and tried to add a screenplay that didn't exist), that I should add it using the add reform. I've used that many times for my films. Frustrating, and miserable the first few times but a breeze once you're used to it. Just not for screenplays. Apparently.

Anyway, I pushed through today and went around and around and kept trying until finally, it clicked...and went through. Which only means I got it into the queue until they could examine it and, deny it, or accept it. This has taken weeks before. In recent years it's been faster though.

Within about an hour it was approved!


But that got me to thinking. I updated my logline and synopsis for it. But then I had to do it elsewhere too for compatibility Then I should probably update my other scripts and screenplays.

That took all day. I had to update the new IMDb page to add all the awards that IDMb would accept. I had to update the synopsis on IMDb. I needed to update that on Script Revolution and Film Freeway (and a counterpart of theirs, WFCN), and I just got a notification from MovieBytesWinningScripts to update or lose the screenplay's accessibility. Probably should do the BlackList, too.

WinningScript may not seem like much, or much now, but that little free site has led me to some very interesting connections and networking. From that site, I got a job to do an adaptation of an author's novel to screenplay format. Then a second author. Also to the publisher of my first two books. 

You never know where your efforts will pay off and it certainly hasn't been to the efforts that charged the most or cost me the most money. Not that all of those are a waste of time. But you have to be smart and manage your money, time, resources, and efforts.

On that note, I’ll bid you adieu...and leave you with that.
It’s nowhere near noon time or lunch. It's 8:20PM Saturday night.

Cheers! Sláinte!

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