Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What IS the "MaGA Mind"?

What IS the "MaGA Mind"? First, it's got to go.
[By the way, the "a" is in lowercase for "america" because of the dishonesty and disrespect Trump and his contingent offer to our America.]

There's also a poll on X (Twitter) about Donald Trump being tried for his actual crimes and what his punishment should be upon conviction. Life? Death? Too soon?

The 'MaGA Mind' refers to the mindset cultivated by Donald Trump and his supporters, characterized by a distorted perception of America, grounded in fear, authoritarian tendencies, and binary thinking.

The internet was built as a place where everyone could have equal footing.
What a fucking mistake THAT was! Because we are NOT equal.
Too many of us are delusional, mentally, or socially ill (racist, MaGA, etc.).
To give equal footing to THAT, was a HUGE mistake.
AS we're seeing now! THEN? We added in algorithms to skew it further, and with autocrats with billions purchasing our social media, altered our realities, with an agenda.


So, there's a lot to cover. I'll be jumping around a bit. For more hit my previous blogs. Also, Rachel Maddow's podcasts should be required for ANY and ALL Americans before they think all is hopeless or fall into MaGA-type nonsense.

We have two "Americas" here. One that is real and seen by the world. The other, is believed to exist by the MaGA supporter. One that is dark and terrible, crumbling and awful, filled with enemies and fear.

See also, Donald Trump's mental defect and TOC for the authoritarian (oddly same as Christian's "AntiChrist"!). Also: Humans default psychologically to "binary thinking" and sociologically to autocracy. Thus in the fight or flight (or freeze) mode to fear cliquishness, tribalism, and emergency protocols are all initiated by authoritarian triggers. 

Also this:
Marc E. Elias @marceelias
“I think we are going to see mass refusals to certify the election” in November, says Democratic election lawyer Marc Elias. “Everything we are seeing about this election is that the other side is more organized, more ruthless, and more prepared.”
It’s not that everyone who is a binary thinker falls for those things, but the "scripts" we run in our mind are. " Rolling Sone article

OK then...

Humans are susceptible to "sloppy thinking" and Donald Trump/autocracy uses that to his advantage. Autocracy itself uses many interesting techniques I've spoken to many times. Aside from logic traps or binary thinking ("this or that" when the offer OF "this or that" is disingenuously stacked).

One is what magicians call "forcing techniques":

Forcing Techniques: A variety of methods to make a participant believe they have freely chosen an option when the choice is actually predetermined. This can include:

Classic Force: Making the participant choose a specific card through practiced timing and technique.
Equivocation: Also known as the magician’s choice, where the magician guides the participant to a specific outcome regardless of their choices.
Timing Forces: Creating a sense of urgency or distraction to make the participant choose a specific option.

But that is not our America. That's not our democracy. That's not our democratic Constitutional Republic. These are messy things that appear dysfunctional and broken because of so many voices and beliefs that come together and iron out progress as we all see it. Not just as one group sees it believing they know best. That is an autocracy, a theocracy, a monarchy, a kleptocracy, or an oligarchy. 

US Government: While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. What does this mean? “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the United States. The Constitution not only provides the framework for how the federal and state governments are structured but also places significant limits on their powers. “Federal” means that there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.

Yes, the US is a constitutional federal republic: governed by a Constitution, power shared between federal & state govs, and led by elected reps. While not a direct democracy, it embodies democratic principles through elections and citizen participation.

Saying it is a democracy is still correct and others saying we're just a "Constitutional Republic" are using a phrase long used in the seditionist underground of Ultra Right Wing extremists. It's "cool" by their thinking to differentiate. But it's just a whistle call.

What we have is far better, messy as it can be, easily claimed to be broken by more "perfect" forms of social management. As Winston Churchill so aptly put it:

‘Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’ - Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

Or as Ben Franklin put it before him. Monday, September 17, 1787: The Convention Today. The day began with a prepared speech from Franklin (PA) who, eighty-one years old and painfully afflicted with gout and kidney stone, was unable to read it himself and delegated that task to Wilson (PA)

“In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no form of government, but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and believe further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government.”

Donald Trump is here, now to be that despot, to tear down what Franklin and the other frame for us, a new country, a "Great Experiment" of states under a federal system. One we should not "game" or play against our best interests to despoil into a "despotic government", such as Trump and his MaGA GOP intend.

The Trump America is a horror fantasy manufactured by a Republican Party that was ripe for an authoritarian to overtake it and plunge it into darkness and disrepute. 

"MaGA Mind"? Well? It is not what you think. You likely think it is a label for a group that supports Donald Trump and the propaganda and bizarre things he propagates out to his masses, to our media he discredits so brazenly, all in his inimitable, dumbed down, juvenile, and droll-like way.

But it IS just a brand. 

Donald Trump is a branding agent. He is branding and selling...Donald Trump. He is "selling" authoritarianism, he is "selling" Christian nationalism, he is "selling" authoritarianism and Fascism. 

All of which are pushing our "over there" and what is "right here" in front of us all. It is a kind of "magic", social engineering, manipulation, and mass hypnosis.

I have to refer back to my short sci-fi dystopian story I wrote in 1984 first published in a horror quarterly on the east coast of America in 1990. "In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear". You may have seen me mention this story before. It's a good example of how insidious what Donald Trump is doing. 

It offers the feeling of what I'm intellectually trying to say. Especially those in the MaGA "cult" who can understand better by reading such things, rather than in a rational assimilation. Which is never going to happen They cannot turn on their "tribe', their "cult", their "political" party, their 'brothers in arms", or their fantasy they "see" as their and all of our, reality.

The MaGA mindset conflates, obfuscates distracts, and outright lies. It actuates a stage long previously set up by grievance, religion, and an ability to believe through faith what does not exist. Or is unseen, or disbelieved by others. Nothing offers strength to the fantasy as much as a force to push again, an "Other" who are disbelievers. Or as Islam considers them as, "infidels". 

It's a brand that builds within one's mind a barrier that demands it not be infiltrated with knowledge, information, or facts, All reality served up by media or non-believers must be lies by the "Others". Thus we hear of "alt facts". Something so ludicrous that it openly displays the damage and delusion. But not to the "believer", not to the "MaGA Mind".

Here are some additional basic elements and labels of MaGA Mind:
  1. Centralized Power: Concentration of power in the hands of a single leader or a small group, often bypassing democratic institutions.
  2. Suppression of Dissent: Limiting freedom of speech, press, and assembly; punishing or silencing political opponents and critics.
  3. Propaganda: Use of media to spread the regime’s ideology and to manipulate public opinion.
  4. Control Over Judiciary: Undermining judicial independence to ensure legal outcomes favor the regime.
  5. Erosion of Democratic Norms: Disregard for rule of law, checks and balances, and electoral integrity.
  6. Surveillance: Monitoring and controlling the population through extensive surveillance programs.
  7. Militarization: Increased use of military and police forces to maintain control and suppress opposition.
  8. (Christian) Nationalism: Promoting a strong nationalistic sentiment, often at the expense of minority rights and international cooperation.
  9. Scapegoating: Blaming societal problems on marginalized groups or foreign entities to unite the populace against a common enemy.
  10. Economic Control: State intervention in the economy to maintain power and control over resources.
  11. Censorship: Controlling information by restricting access to non-state-approved media and suppressing critical voices.
  12. Manipulation of Elections: Rigging or undermining electoral processes to ensure the regime’s hold on power.
  13. Patronage: Distributing state resources and benefits to loyal supporters to maintain their allegiance.
  14. Cult of Personality: Elevating the leader to a near-mythical status through state-sponsored adulation.
  15. Legalism: Using laws to give an appearance of legality to actions that subvert democratic principles.
  16. Fear: Instilling fear in the populace through threats of violence, imprisonment, or other reprisals against dissenters
  17. Undermining Civil Society: Weakening independent organizations and institutions that could challenge the regime's authority.
  18. Criminalization of Opposition: Labeling political opponents as criminals, terrorists, or enemies of the state.
  19. Religious Manipulation: Exploiting religious beliefs and institutions to legitimize the regime's authority, justify policies, and suppress opposition.
This can involve:
    • Religious Nationalism: Promoting a specific religion or religious identity as central to the national identity, often marginalizing other religions or secular viewpoints.
    • Clerical Alliances: Forming alliances with religious leaders to gain their support and influence over the population.
    • Divine Justification: Claiming divine right or support for the regime’s actions and leadership.
    • Suppressing Religious Dissent: Persecuting religious groups or individuals who oppose the regime.
    • Legislating Morality: Enforcing laws based on religious doctrines to control personal behavior and societal norms.
    • Religious Propaganda: Using religious rhetoric and symbols in state propaganda to invoke a sense of moral righteousness and loyalty.
    These tactics serve to consolidate power by aligning the regime with religious authority and using it to influence or control the populace.
Now, tell yourself that you do not see how Donald Trump and his MaGA mindset are not what is described above. See what is right there laid out plain and simple before us. Reality is not fun, not easy and it can hurt. Especially when leaving a cult or cult-like group for the bright sun of reality. 

But are we children, as Trump wishes, easily led, pliable for his own purposes to suppose his narcissism, his deepest pleasures? Or for us, for ourselves, not himself?

It is the formula for an authoritarian state.

Read Timothy Snyder's "On Tyranny". 
And just try not to see Donald Trump all through it. You will fail.

But you can succeed, we all can, just by clearly seeing the "Emperor's New Clothes" of Donald Trump, have never ever existed.

He is the charlatan we can all see.

The "MaGA Mind" is not just a political stance; it represents a dangerous shift toward authoritarianism that threatens the very fabric of our democratic society. It leverages fear, binary thinking, and manipulative techniques to create a distorted view of reality, undermining the principles of our democratic constitutional federal republic.

We can keep our country but as Franklin said, it will take Effort.

Educate yourself and others, read and share, and stay informed. VET your information. Check and double-check it. Dig deep when it sounds either too good to be true, or just simply ridiculous.

Engage in our political process, vote, contact your representatives...share.

Support our Democratic institutions, join organizations, and speak up to protect our free speech before it's gone

Foster community and dialogue by building bridges and combatting disinformation.

Advocate for accountability by demanding justice and promoting transparency.

We all have a role to play. The future of our democracy depends on our collective efforts to uphold our values and principles. By staying informed, engaged, and active, we resist the slide toward authoritarianism and ensure that our government remains of the people, by the people, and for the people. The People. US. ALL of us.

Let us not be swayed by the illusions and disillusions of the "MaGA Mind." Instead, reaffirm our commitment to a just, fair, and democratic society where every voice is heard and respected.

Together, we can indeed preserve this great experiment of democracy that our founders envisioned.

Stand up. Speak out. Act now.

Certainly Vote, it's the least any of us can do. However, this time we may have to take other action if Trump's claims of subverting our electoral process play out.

Our government has to start acting now about this new, but also old threat. 

This conservative activist Republican Party has created an overbalanced activist conservative SCOTUS that is going to require a reset of some short, a correction to balance the court. Liberal and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, need to work together and for decades Republicans have pushed for this situation hoping for, and working toward minority rule. 

I touched on this indirectly in my horror sci-fi novel, "The Unwritten", Vol. II of my Anthology of Evil series. In that universe, there is a horrendous Religious War where Science won. There was then a huge Science War where again, science won. We don't want to go through that here.


But that is where we're headed if America doesn't correct these illiberal imbalances back to where both sides can once again work together

We must let them know we demand action. So that on that day of swearing in, next January 2025 of our new POTUS, America will continue on from the point of our founding over 200 years ago, rather than begin a new day of Trump-led authoritarianism. Losing our right to vote so many died to protect and not simply be left by the fascist wayside of the road once known as America.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Walkabout Thoughts #98

 Thoughts in Streams of Consciousness, Rough & Ready, and Lightly Edited from an Award-Winning Filmmaker/Author you’ve never heard of while walking off Reality and hopefully the last half-life vestiges of Long Covid while listening to podcasts.

Walking Day is Thursday, July 25, 2024. 

Today is July 28, 2024 and happy birthday to my older sister!

Weather for the day… nice day, starting out, 63° little wind, overcast, broken blue sky 66° upon returning back at home.

Podcast is WTF? With Marc Maron with Episode 1559 - Clare O'Kane

Mark just watched Maxine and Long Legs (he didn't like as much), both "devil shit" movies.

Out for my first walk in weeks because of how the heat has been. I switched over to strength training and got up to 70 situps adding five every day for a month starting with 25. I’ve done that multiple times throughout the years to get back in shape and it works really well. I noticed my stomach was leaning outward a bit, and when you see that you start doing situps. When you notice your weight goes over a certain poundage, lose some weight.

Feels good to be out for a walk, nice weather 63°. Intermittent clouds overcast to the east. 66° when I got home.

Anyway, Marc's podcast today is a good one because in the beginning he pretty much describes my political leanings.

All this bullshit from Trump all these years, trying to force us into a binary tribal mode and hating “the other “. OK, let’s not hate other American citizens or other citizens of humanity. Yeah, rat bastard.

Speaking of which, the TOC for the Handbook of the AntiChrist, from yesterday.I had this idea that Trump fits the definition of the Christian AntiChrist. I asked ChatGPT to make me an accurate table of contents for a handbook the AntiCrhist might use, tweaked it very little and there it is. Remarkably accurate to Trump's progress. Then Trump said that nonsense at a rally this weekend about how he's not Christian but vote for him and he'll end voting. What? WHAT? True, he said that! Unbelievable, truly...

We could learn something from our French friends:

"Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité"
"Out of Many, ONE"
US Christian Nationalism
"In God We Trust"
"Freedom! Trump! Autocracy!"

But like Marc is saying, I’ve never been a "Biden guy", I think he did a great job, bizarre what MaGA claims about him, literally delusional. I’ve been an independent voter most my life. Historically, I looked at who’s running and I voted for the best person. Until the GOP elected Trump at which point I couldn't vote for a Republican anymore until we get this cleaned up. Purge the GOP or outlaw them.

I thought Marc had a very good rational objective way of looking at things in this podcast, his prefunction talk before he talks to a comedian. I never keep it straight. Comic or comedian?

As for, running for POTUS I've thought we’re decades past needing to have a female president. I thought Hillary earned her place and then got screwed. I think she had personality problems with some voters, sure. 

I know my kids didn’t like her but a lot of what they didn’t like was disinformation and just trying to make her look bad and some of her just not looking that good to a younger generation. But I think she’s a skilled bureaucrat and needed to be a more skilled politician. Some people are hard workers, are very knowledgeable but not great at connecting to the masses. We've lost some good politicians due to that. 

I fully believe Kamal can do the job. Whenever as a Senator, she was going to be on a committee investigating and interviewing people I would watch C-SPAN just to watch her excellent investigative and prosecutorial skills at work which I believe she’ll bring now against convicted felon Donald Trump

Oh yeah, she’s capable. The Right's going to slander and libel and denigrate her, say she "slept her way to the top", how misogynistic and how typical. She did things in her career and therefore is open to criticism as opposed to Republicans who try to do nothing so there’s nothing to criticize. That's just embarrassing.

She was a skilled Prosecutor, California Attorney General, Senator and fuck all you haters. Part of America’s conservative and now Republican disease has been a lack of equality for women in power. Women are more than half of 50% of Americans. It should be by law, that at least half of any authority group are women.Where possible.

Half of the Supreme Court should be women. the head Justice should be a woman. Half of Congress by law should be female. I know that’s problematic because of how things work but we need to get there somehow.

As a man, CIS-gendered heterosexual I believe part of America’s problem has been a lack of women’s voices being heard. As we are seeing now, as white people diminish in power (deal with it, this isn't White America, it's America), where Latinos will be the majority (2045), we have a  lack of minority voices. Which is getting better.

All this concern by bigoted white people that they’re losing power & authority? Grow up, get over yourself.

This is where I’ll have to put a meme of what I posted yesterday about how I feel and how I felt in the workplace dealing with women in minorities.

Granted, I’m not a grievance her ego type. It sickens me all this crap about DEI just denigrating women and minorities

I’ve been saying that "MaGA" doesn’t deserve/get a capital "a" for "America" in their acronym because they’ve shown so much disrespect to our country, to the US Constitution, and to our citizens.

But "MAGA" ("Minorities Aren't Going Away") is right about one thing in what that acronym stands for. 

Marc and his guest are talking about shaved heads because she has a problem dealing with hair so she just cut it off. He’s talking about the one time he got his head shaved and how weird it was. 

I only had my head shaved once, in basic training in the Air Force. I had cut my hair before I went in so it wouldn’t look too long when I got down there But I quickly realized it was still long for those grizzled old barbers who seemed to be pissed off at cutting hair.

Some of the recruits, after I was done (and I was fine, it hurt a couple of times when they were quickly cutting my hair so real because they’re trying to get a lot of guys done), but I saw at least four or five guys come out who had had pretty long shoulder length hair, and they were bleeding from the scalp in a few places.

For me, that said it was not just the barber's speed but involved some kind of emotion. This was in Texas. Where they still thought long hair equaled female. I mention this because that night when we went to bed in our bunks, 12 bunks in a row, next row 12 bunks in a row, in a U-shaped dorm where on the other arm of the "U", the same thing with rows of 12 bunks or so adding up to 50.

When my head hit the pillow, the pillow was cold on my scalp. I’d never felt that before. It was kind of cool, kind of weird. Finally, I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and could feel my hair was shaved. My hand, without thinking, went up to my head. I was rubbing my scalp and feeling it and thinking.

I rolled over and was able to see down the line of bunks in the glow of the emergency exit light. I could see other guys hands up down the line, rubbing their scalps just like I was. There’s something surreal about it. I went back to sleep and  was the last any of us thought about it.

Talking to my oldest son on the phone last night I realized he was born in 1988 and my birth father died in '89 about 10 months after he was born. I hadn’t seen him since I was 16. I hadn’t seen my younger half-brother, by our dad and his next wife, in a while. Since he was 11. So it was cool that we reconnected. 

I found out three things that day. We think exactly alike. It was like we grew up together and he has nine brothers and sisters from his mom‘s two previous marriages who he said he never really fit in with. They harassed the shit out of him being the new kid by the new dad. I wish I’d realized that as I would’ve been more of a big brother to him, but I was so hurt over my dad not giving a shit about me, I disappeared. The last time I saw him, I took him to a movie. A day he said he never forgot.

I went over one more time to see my dad and he and my stepmom met me at the door as they were leaving to go for a bicycle ride. I had called to tell him I was coming over to visit him. He said, "Oh, hi, the kids are inside. We’re going for a ride," and they just left. It was last time I saw him until I saw him in his coffin at the funeral service. 

Like I said, I got to reconnect with my younger brother that day and we became very good friends. His siblings were always very happy to see me. I also discovered that everything I did in my life, apparently, my dad shared it with his family, probably hearing about it through his parents because my mom would talk to my grandparents. I found my younger brother was a genius artist and just all around genius. It’s funny because when my son was around 10 or 11, I took him over to meet him, so they’ve known each other from then on, and they think very similar too.

I saw my VA doctor last week and then got a notification to see my Medicare doctor so I’m seeing her tomorrow. I’ve had this issue for months with my right hand, ring finger, and the doctor diagnosed it as "trigger finger", which thankfully isn’t my "trigger" finger. It’s really annoying. Getting old for me seems to be going through a compendium of things that can go wrong. But then in the end both doctors said I was one of their healthiest patients. Good to know.

I'd expected I would retire and write and enjoy my life. Go hiking and do lots of crazy things and travel a lot… Covid in 2020 put a real damper on a lot of that, but then some of this was going to be happening anyway, inevitably. So... "good times". I think about all those times when I was younger and people warned me "you’re gonna regret that when you get older" and I said "fuck it I’ll deal with it when I’m old." 

Well, here we are. Thanks, dumbass.

It’s like raising my kids. I had to do things financially to give them a good life that I knew I would find problematic later, nowadays, and I am…

I was watching some show the other day and this guy. or role/character. I can’t remember was it a drama or nonfiction? He said "when you choose a life partner or get married, that’s a really important other person in your life and you have to give it a lot of thought and choose carefully." Uh huh...

Yeah, I didn’t know about that advice. I did, but not to the extent he was implying.

What's below is from the podcast a few days after my last walk, when I was shopping for groceries. Yeah, I know, but..

They're talking about when they both lived in Boston (Marc and his guest), but didn’t know each other living in the same area. There was lots of heroin around. Which reminded me of a time in Seattle in the 80s when I couldn’t find any weed, but there was so much heroin around, you didn’t even have to ask for it. I’ve never done heroin. I'd never been offered heroin so often or so much.

Interesting, they're referring to a street called "Houston". When I got to Dublin, I was looking for the Houston train terminal and I asked someone how to get to Huston, saying it the way we say it in America. The only way I ever heard Houston pronounced. As Houston, as in Texas. Somebody from Ireland corrected my pronunciation: "Howston". What? Wow, OK.

I got to the terminal.

Perfect walking weather today. Supposed to get to 75 today 90 by Saturday. National weather alert went out for from the fifth to I think the ninth regarding heat around here.

On that note, I’ll bid you adieu…

And I’ll leave you with that. And it’s noon and time for lunch.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

TOC for Handbook of the AntiChrist - Satire (maybe?)

Table of Contents for 

Compiled using AI as to what an actual TOC for the AntiChrist would contain (with some very slight enhancements including names where appropriate).

Trump W. Palm Beach Rally:
"I'm not Christian."
"Vote one more time you'll never have to vote anymore...we'll have it fixed."
"In 4 years you don't have to vote again."

With elements highlighting His
Dark and Manipulative Nature
of the character known publically
as Donald Trump, according to
traditional Christian eschatology:


Accomplishment 1
Welcome to Your New Role - Donald Trump!
Understanding Your Mission - Autocracy at all costs!
The Historical Context of Your Existence
Building Your Identity
Russian influence - since 1980 - Disinformation

Accomplishment 2
Crafting Your Persona
Establishing Your Public Image
Manipulating Media and Public Perception
Gaining Power

Accomplishment 3
Strategies for Political Influence
Forming Strategic Alliances
Manipulating Economic Systems
Deception and Control

Accomplishment 4
Mastering & Marketing the Art of Deception
Propaganda Techniques - Authoritarianism
Psychological Manipulation of the MaGA Masses
Undermining Faith
MAGA - "Make America Great Again"
Sedition & Insurrection

Accomplishment 5
Strategies to Weaken Religious Institutions
Promoting Division and Disunity
Introducing False Teachings
Creating Chaos

Accomplishment 6
Orchestrating Global Conflicts
Exploiting Natural Disasters - Pandemics, Climate Change
Instigating Social Unrest
Advanced Tactics - Project 2025 (Contributors)

Accomplishment 7
Technology and Surveillance
Bioengineering and Genetic Manipulation
Cyber Warfare and Information Control
Establishing Dominance

Accomplishment 8
Consolidating Power Globally
Enforcing New World Order
Ensuring Loyalty and Obedience
Handling Opposition

Accomplishment 9
Identifying and Neutralizing Threats
Infiltrating the American Republican Party
Putin's Efforts in Russia
Managing Dissent and Rebellion
Utilizing Fear and Intimidation - Neutralizing the Free Press
Maintaining Control - from Obfucsation to Outright Lies
- Blame Others for Your Crimes - Misdirection
- Lie Often to neutralize Clarity/Reality

Accomplishment 10
Long-Term Governance Strategies
Continuity of Power
Managing Successors and Legacies -
- Stephen Miller
- Steve Bannon
- Michael Flynn
- Others
- JD Vance
Final Objectives

Accomplishment 11
The Ultimate Confrontation
Strategies for the Final Battle
Achieving Your Endgame - Apocalypse!
- With Help from Christian Nationalists
- Racism & Eugenics are Your Friends!

Reflecting on Your Journey - Your Autobiography as Subversion
Final Words of Wisdom
The Legacy of the AntiChrist
Key Historical Figures and Case Studies
Advanced Manipulation Techniques
Recommended Reading for Aspiring Despots

This is a detailed guide to the
AntiChrist to follow
with elements that highlight
His dark and manipulative nature of the
character Donald Trump toward a
culminating Christian eschatological
End Times...

And God said:
"I need his political party to obey without question and the press fear his wrath."
- From The Lincoln Party

Monday, July 22, 2024

History's Dumbest Mass Movements in Support of...Something Dumb

Yes, this starts off briefly about Trump but bear with me a moment, it gets interesting. Then I'll get back to how this relates to the madness we see today on the right. 

So I was wondering...HAVE there been even stupider movements of support for dumb things before Donald Trump? His "MaGA" ("Make america Great Again", with a little "a" as they have so disrespected America, and yes it's necessary to indicate that at every instance) pretty dumb. Project 2025 supports that contention. More here about Trump's mental issues.

The GOP propping up a convicted felon, twice impeached, seditionist, who fomented an insurrection, a career criminal, is truly unbelievable. It truly is now the Trump Cult of Personality Party.

Determining the "dumbest" massive support movement in history is subjective and depends heavily on one's perspective and criteria for judgment. However, some movements are often criticized for their lack of foresight, harmful consequences, or based on the perceived irrationality of their goals. Here are a few examples that are commonly mentioned in discussions about misguided mass movements:

Tulip Mania (1634-1637): This was a period during the Dutch Golden Age when the prices of tulip bulbs reached extraordinarily high levels and then suddenly collapsed. People invested vast amounts of money into tulip bulbs, believing they would continue to increase in value. The bubble burst, leading to financial ruin for many.

Tulip Mania is often considered the "dumbest" massive support movement due to its extreme irrationality, the trivial nature of the commodity involved, and the rapid, devastating financial impact on those who participated.

Prohibition in the United States (1920-1933): The nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages was intended to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, and improve health and hygiene. Instead, it led to the rise of organized crime, illegal speakeasies, and was eventually repealed due to its ineffectiveness and unintended consequences.

The South Sea Bubble (1720): Similar to Tulip Mania, this was a speculative bubble in Britain where shares in the South Sea Company skyrocketed based on overinflated claims of wealth and profits from trade with South America. When the bubble burst, many investors lost their fortunes, leading to widespread financial ruin.

The Children's Crusade (1212): This was a disastrous attempt by thousands of European children to peacefully convert Muslims in the Holy Land to Christianity. Many of these children either died from starvation and disease or were sold into slavery, never reaching their destination.

The War on Drugs: Initiated in the United States in the early 1970s, this movement aimed to reduce illegal drug trade and use through strict enforcement and heavy penalties. Critics argue it has been largely ineffective, disproportionately targeting minority communities, and has contributed to mass incarceration without significantly reducing drug addiction rates.

Each of these movements had massive support at their peaks but are often viewed retrospectively as misguided or poorly executed, leading to significant negative consequences.

Obviously, we cannot forget the MaGA movement in America that we are still suffering under from an extremist Right-wing Republican Party who are calling any or all others all the things they are or are doing, as the ones doing those things. 

It is a form of madness that has grown out of a cult of personality for Donald Trump who is a pathological liar and has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (DSM5).

The "Make America Great Again" (MaGA) movement, associated primarily with former President Donald Trump, is another example that has garnered significant support and controversy. Supporters view MaGA as a patriotic effort to restore America's economic strength, national security, and traditional values. Critics, however, argue that the movement has been divisive and regressive.

Criticisms of the MaGA movement often focus on:

Polarization: The movement has been accused of deepening political and social divides in the United States. The rhetoric used by some of its leaders and supporters has been criticized for being inflammatory and divisive.

False Claims and Conspiracy Theories: The movement has been linked to the spread of false information and conspiracy theories, notably surrounding the 2020 presidential election. Claims of widespread voter fraud, despite a lack of evidence, culminated in the January 6, 2021, storming of the U.S. Capitol, which many view as a significant attack on democratic institutions.

Impact on Democracy: Some argue that the MaGA movement has undermined democratic norms and institutions by challenging the integrity of elections and attacking the media and judiciary.

Racial and Ethnic Tensions: Critics claim that the movement has exacerbated racial and ethnic tensions, citing instances of rhetoric and policies perceived as discriminatory against immigrants, people of color, and other minority groups.

Supporters of MaGA, on the other hand, often highlight achievements they attribute to the movement, such as:

Economic Policies: Many supporters believe that the movement's policies led to a stronger economy, job creation, and tax cuts that benefited many Americans.

National Security: Advocates argue that MaGA policies improved national security by strengthening immigration enforcement and renegotiating trade deals. Isolationism never does that.

Patriotism and National Pride: For many supporters, MaGA represents a resurgence of American pride and a commitment to the country's founding principles and values. This is a misnomer for what is actually Christian Nationalism.

The MaGA movement remains highly influential and continues to shape American politics. Whether it is viewed as "dumb" or misguided depends largely on one's political perspective and values.

Analyzing the reality of the contentions made by MaGA supporters involves looking at available data, evidence, and expert analysis. Here’s a closer look at the key points often highlighted by MaGA supporters:

1. Economic Policies

Claim: The MaGA movement led to a stronger economy, job creation, and beneficial tax cuts.


  • Economic Growth: The U.S. economy did see significant growth during the first three years of the Trump administration. The stock market reached record highs, and unemployment rates fell to historically low levels. However, some of this growth continued trends from the Obama administration's recovery from the Great Recession.
  • Tax Cuts: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 did lower corporate tax rates and individual income tax rates for many Americans. Critics argue that these tax cuts disproportionately benefited the wealthy and increased the federal deficit by reducing government revenue.
  • Job Creation: Job creation was robust, with significant gains in employment. However, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 caused a severe economic downturn, with massive job losses and a spike in unemployment.

2. National Security

Claim: MaGA policies improved national security by strengthening immigration enforcement and renegotiating trade deals.


  • Immigration Enforcement: The Trump administration implemented stricter immigration policies, including travel bans from certain countries, increased deportations, and the construction of a border wall with Mexico. These measures were controversial and faced legal challenges and widespread criticism for their humanitarian impact.
  • Trade Deals: The administration renegotiated NAFTA, resulting in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). While supporters hailed it as a victory for American workers, critics argued that the changes were modest and did not fundamentally transform trade relationships. The administration also engaged in a trade war with China, imposing tariffs that led to retaliatory tariffs, affecting various sectors of the economy.

3. Patriotism and National Pride

Claim: MaGA represents a resurgence of American pride and a commitment to the country's founding principles and values.


  • Patriotism: MaGA supporters often express a strong sense of national pride and desire to return to what they view as traditional American values. This resonates with many who feel left behind by globalization and social changes. (Nazis were Christian Nationalists)
  • Divisiveness: The movement has also been associated with rhetoric and actions that many perceive as exclusionary or discriminatory. This has led to increased polarization and tension within the country.

Additional Considerations

  • Impact on Democracy: The MaGA movement has been criticized for undermining democratic norms. The refusal to accept the 2020 election results and the subsequent Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, are seen as significant threats to democratic institutions. While they claim America is a Constitutional Republic, it is a whistle call, code in order to misdirect and cover for nationalism (domestically) and isolationism (internationally) since even with their contentions, America is still a democracy or a democratic constitutional republic. It's divisive and obfuscatory.
  • Racial and Ethnic Tensions: Policies and rhetoric associated with MaGA have been linked to increased racial and ethnic tensions. Critics argue that the movement has fostered an environment where hate crimes and discriminatory attitudes can flourish.

In summary, while there are aspects of the MaGA movement that supporters view positively, these contentions are often contested and have complex, multifaceted realities. Economic achievements are weighed against increased deficits and inequality, national security measures are criticized for their humanitarian impact, and expressions of patriotism are seen as divisive by many.

While Tulip Mania was perhaps the dumbest, MaGA runs a pretty close race, especially if it brings America down.

MaGA Movement


  • Polarizing Rhetoric and Actions: The movement has been associated with spreading misinformation, conspiracy theories, and polarizing rhetoric.
  • Ignoring Expert Consensus: Many of the movement's positions, such as skepticism towards climate change and public health measures, often ignore or contradict scientific and expert consensus.


  • Political and Social Divides: The movement has contributed to significant political and social polarization in the United States.
  • Erosion of Democratic Norms: Actions such as challenging the legitimacy of elections and the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, have undermined democratic institutions and norms.
  • Global Impact: The movement’s influence has had ripple effects worldwide, affecting international relations and inspiring similar movements in other countries.

If we work hard, we can clean up this slow-moving coup form of domestic terrorism and sedition. We've seen it nearly 100 years ago: Ultra (Rachel Maddow podcast, very well done and accurate).

Now about this MaGA movement...

Theodor W. Adorno and his colleagues in their 1950 book, "The Authoritarian Personality":

"The authoritarian personality seeks to minimize doubt & insecurity by clinging to rigid & absolute beliefs & by submitting to authority figures who seem to offer certainty and stability."

General statistics on the relationship between strict, religious, authoritarian upbringings and criminal or abusive behavior are complex and multifaceted. Here are some key points and studies that explore this topic:

  1. Childhood Trauma and Abuse: Numerous studies have shown that experiencing strict, authoritarian parenting, especially when combined with physical or emotional abuse, can lead to increased risk of criminal behavior in adulthood. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study by the CDC highlights that individuals with high ACE scores are more likely to engage in risky behaviors, including criminal activities.

  2. Religious Upbringing and Crime: Research on the influence of a strict religious upbringing on criminal behavior is mixed. Some studies suggest that certain types of religious upbringing, particularly those that are authoritarian and punitive, may contribute to increased aggression and delinquency. For instance, a study published in the journal Child Abuse & Neglect found that authoritarian religious parenting styles were associated with higher levels of aggression in children.

  3. Authoritarian Parenting and Delinquency: Authoritarian parenting, characterized by high demands and low responsiveness, has been linked to higher rates of delinquency and criminal behavior. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence found a significant correlation between authoritarian parenting and increased delinquency in children.

  4. Longitudinal Studies: Longitudinal studies have tracked individuals over time to assess the long-term effects of strict, authoritarian, and religious upbringings. The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, which follows a cohort from New Zealand, has found that harsh and authoritarian parenting practices are associated with a range of negative outcomes, including criminal behavior.

  5. Cultural and Contextual Factors: It's important to note that the impact of strict, religious, authoritarian upbringings can vary widely depending on cultural and contextual factors. For example, in some communities, strict religious practices may provide social support and a sense of belonging that mitigates the potential for criminal behavior.

  6. Gender Differences: Some studies suggest that the effects of strict, authoritarian upbringings on criminal behavior may differ by gender. For instance, a study published in the journal Aggressive Behavior found that authoritarian parenting was more strongly associated with aggression and delinquency in boys than in girls.

While there is evidence to suggest that strict, religious, and authoritarian upbringings can contribute to criminal or abusive behavior, it's important to consider these findings within a broader context. Multiple factors, including genetics, environment, and individual resilience, also play significant roles in the development of such behaviors.

Does that not explain to some degree, MaGA and those who support a person who has psychological problems?

The phenomenon of MaGA ("Make america Great Again") supporters and their alignment with a figure like Donald Trump, who has been often described as having psychological and personality traits that some find concerning, can indeed be partially understood through psychological and sociological lenses. While not everyone who supports MaGA fits into a single psychological profile, several factors can help explain the strong support base, including aspects of upbringing, psychological tendencies, and social dynamics:

  1. Authoritarian Personality: The concept of the authoritarian personality, first introduced by Theodor Adorno and his colleagues in 1950, describes individuals who have a preference for order, conformity, and strong leadership. People with this personality type often come from strict, authoritarian upbringings and may be drawn to leaders who promise to restore order and discipline.

  2. Social Identity Theory: This theory suggests that individuals derive a sense of identity and self-esteem from their membership in social groups. For some, the MaGA movement provides a strong group identity, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose. This is particularly compelling for those who feel marginalized or left behind by social and economic changes.

  3. Perceived Threats: Research in political psychology has shown that perceived threats (whether economic, cultural, or social) can drive people towards authoritarian leaders. Trump's rhetoric often emphasizes threats to American values, security, and prosperity, which can resonate strongly with individuals who feel their way of life is under siege.

  4. Religious and Cultural Conservatism: Many MaGA supporters come from backgrounds that value traditional religious and cultural norms. Trump's policies and statements often align with conservative viewpoints, particularly on issues like immigration, national sovereignty, and law and order.

  5. Cognitive Dissonance and Rationalization: Supporters may experience cognitive dissonance when confronted with information that conflicts with their beliefs. To resolve this discomfort, they may rationalize or dismiss negative information about Trump, focusing instead on his alignment with their values or the promises he makes.

  6. Charismatic Leadership: Trump's charismatic and often polarizing style appeals to those who are attracted to strong, decisive leaders. His ability to connect with his base through rallies, social media, and direct communication reinforces loyalty and support.

  7. Psychological Needs: Some psychological theories suggest that people have inherent needs for security, order, and control. In times of uncertainty or instability, individuals may gravitate towards leaders who promise to meet these needs, even if the leader exhibits problematic behavior.

While these factors can help explain the appeal of the MaGA movement and support for Trump, it's important to recognize that this is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Not all supporters fit neatly into these categories, and motivations can vary widely among individuals. Understanding these dynamics requires a nuanced approach that considers psychological, social, and cultural dimensions.

I truly wish us all well. Especially those of us not MaGA who deserve better. And those who ARE MaGA will one day regret their actions today as they begin eventually to see more and more what they are doing and go through the Biblical experience of Peter in his denial of Jesus, their "Christ" who they now profess to follow and yet, who Jesus himself would not recognize how his teachings have anything to do with MaGA or evangelical Christian Nationalism. 

A form of "Christianity" that has more to do with Jesus' reference to government than anything to do with His teachings:

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." (Matthew 22:21, ESV). MaGA and Christian Nationalism is more about forcing religion INTO government than it is about people, humane relations with one another, and decency. 

By forcing their religion into our government it absorbs by necessity, toxic capitalism, and things that are associated with it. That's the problem because that leads to other things that fit perfectly in the nesting ground of Trump's pathologies.

Anyway, I wish us all much more wellness than we're currently experiencing, and if Trump is foolishly elected again, will for a long time. We do not know when it will end. End it will, but before how many have suffered, died, or worse.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Sheer & Utter Mental of Donald Trump

This is a toned done, "just the bones", just the facts of my previous blog which had a lot of noise in it. Interesting noise (some fun noise), but this is a far more succinct and academic. More of my psychology degree, with none of my personal catharsis involved. If you ARE looking for that, go here which includes Project 2025. But probably not.

I'll open below with an anecdote about how someone like Trump works in personal interactions with others. You won't hear these stories from most people who meet or know Donald Trump. As predators do, either sexual, control, or narcissism, everyone won't see these "special" and disturbing instances. Narcissists tend to be charming like sociopaths or serial murderers can be.

But for those who have found themselves in the spotlight of someone like this, it's a surreal feeling, bizarre, unbelievable, shocking, stunning and after it's over you feel in how they act like it didn't happen. Did it happen? DID that just happen? Why do I feel so ICK! That couldn't have just happened? 

And no one will know what you're talking about, or think it's you, there is something wrong with you. You misunderstood or misperceived something. I'm sure he didn't mean it that way.  That couldn't happen. Why would he...? It makes no sense. 

Kimberly Guilfoil at RNC Con today

Kimberly Guilfoyle's behavior at the RNC convention today has drawn attention. Reports suggest that there were visible tensions between her and Donald Trump. While the exact reason for her avoiding eye contact with Trump is unclear, it's worth noting that the Trump family's involvement in the convention has been significant, with multiple family members playing prominent roles​ (Washington Examiner)​​ (The Capitolist)​.

I'll give you a possibility. Donald Trump is a narcissist. 

He's been under serious stress. He nearly lost his life two days ago. That means a manic kind of elation followed by a burnout. Then a feeling of a loss of control, esp., for a coward such as Trump. Don't let his fist pumps after an assassination attempt fool you. Donald Trump IS a coward. He's also a performer. Narcissism trumps fear every time. He's also a serial sex abuser where it's really about power exchange, and control issues rather than sex.

I don't doubt he thinks his son's wife to be is attractive. There can also be a thing about his son not being better than him, or him being interested in what his son has.

Donald is into humiliation. Humiliating others. THAT is not conjecture. We've ALL seen him do that to others, even world leaders. He did it to French President Macron when he was picking "dandruff" off his shoulders on international TV. It's a humiliation move played off as "I was just trying to help, being kind, so you wouldn't look bad," all while making you look bad in doing it. 

Macron was a master in handling Trump by just laughing it off. But I'm willing to bet deep inside he wanted to knock Trump out with one swift punch to his fat flaccid jaw. Watching Trump doing that to world leaders on TV in real-time, embarrassing America all for what I knew was just his pleasure, was frustrating, and embarrassing. While many times when he does that most people don't register what's actually happening, it's pretty clear when you know the condition, the syndrome, the pathology.

Trump uses handshakes in the same way. Jerking people into him, not letting go for an unreasonable time. You can't do a thing because he was President of the United States of America. But it's abuse, pure and simple. Humiliation. Power exchanging with an unwilling partner. And it's petty. Extremely petty. To do a power exchange without permission is considered extremely unethical. In the right situation, it can get you killed. But not if you're surrounded by Secret Service and you are POTUS.

That was one reason in 2016 I kept telling people we can NOT give this man the most powerful office in the history of humanity. That mentality bleeds over into other areas. Like during a pandemic. You have no idea how far this goes into our lives, and affects us as it pleasures Trump's delusions and pathologies. Why do you think his niece Mary Trump is so disgusted by him? She KNOWS. 

You do not want to re-elect Donald Trump to ANY public office ever again.

I've seen men do this control thing with women that is bizarre. They say or do something to the woman that anyone seeing it means nothing. But if you're the victim or clued into it and watching as I have been, it's disgusting.

One time I almost punched a lawyer out in court when he did that to my girlfriend. Had I done that to that short, good-looking attorney, even in describing what he did, which sounds like nothing (you really had to be there), I would have gone to jail. You cannot explain it. 

We were sitting in back of court waiting our turn for my girlfriend to finalize her divorce. She was in the process of a divorce when I met her. We were on a bench like a church pew. I was in the middle. He leaned across me to her, ignoring me entirely, and asked, "Have you been smoking cigars? I smell cigar smoke. I thought it was coming from you." She recoiled and said, "No, of course I haven't been smoking cigars." "Oh, OK, I thought maybe you had, but I thought, that would be strange." Then he sat back like nothing happened.

I looked at my very attractive girlfriend, dressed up for cour. She gave me a very disturbed look as if to say, "See, that's why I wanted you here." I just sat there thinking about it and realized I was the more reasonable person to ask about that. But he avoided me. It was about getting to her. He had gone by me like I hadn't existed, only to be intrusive to he to embarrass her, maybe humiliate her a little. That was when it sunk it what he was doing. I couldn't believe it at first but the proof was in the experience and the resulting feelings we both felt.

It all came together and I looked at him, he was watching the judge, ignoring me. I had a feeling of wanting to protect my girlfriend, and I wanted to smack him. I realized I felt like something had been taken from me too. He had gotten us both in one effort. Why? He was good-looking, and short, but he had money and probably could have gotten attractive women fairly easily. He had everything it would seem. What would make him act like this?

I realized there had to be something wrong with me. Perasonality-wise, or mentally? I pushed down the urge to hit him, that wouldn't do any of us any good. But so he just gets away with it? And he's probably done it before. Probably does this all the time. I'll never forget it. 

After the divorce was completed and we left him to drive home, she was still unnerved. I told her she'd never have to see him again. But it creeped her out for days. That's the effect. The more I thought about it over the succeeding months and years, putting my psych degree to work, I began to realize what had really happened. And that there really was something wrong with that lawyer. It's intrusive, it's abusive, it's offensive, and it's disturbing to one's psyche.

Like I said, innocuous but damaging. Nothing but so very much something between abuser and victim who is left feeling, "dirty", invaded. A little broken. 

Trump is a master at that kind of thing. Narcissists are. One trick ponies they have evolved into business practices, and by extension, court cases, lawsuits, not paying people for their work because it's "below par' when it's not, and so on.

But it left my girlfriend that day feeling victimized and gross. Disgusted, emotionally abused. That was when I realized why she had asked me to be with her around the guy because something was off. And I saw it clearly in that moment. I couldn't believe it. He did it right in front of me. Just a few words spoken. But he had achieved his goal.

I could see Trump in such a moment today before the convention saying or doing something to Kimberly, a passing word, a glance, or a movement that gave him pleasure, but left her feeling humiliated.

That would fully explain her demeanor toward him. And it wouldn't surprise me if Putin did things like that also. Or Kim Jong Un. Trump would gravitate to men like that. And he does...

I queried ChatGPT and it gave me this additional info:

Your analysis of the dynamics between Donald Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle at the RNC convention is compelling, and it aligns with known behavior patterns of individuals with narcissistic traits. Here are some technical points and psychological concepts that might add depth to your analysis:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by:
  • A grandiose sense of self-importance
  • A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • A belief that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
  • A need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement
  • Interpersonally exploitative behavior
  • A lack of empathy
  • Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them
  • Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Humiliation and Power Dynamics

  • Humiliation: For narcissists, humiliating others can be a way to maintain a sense of superiority and control. This can be seen in Trump's public interactions, such as his behavior toward President Macron.
  • Power Exchange: The concept of power exchange in interpersonal relationships involves a dynamic where one person asserts control or dominance over another. In the context of NPD, this can manifest as manipulative or belittling behavior.

Behavioral Patterns

  • Public Displays of Dominance: Trump's handshake technique (jerking people toward him, holding on too long) and actions like brushing dandruff off Macron are classic examples of asserting dominance and control.
  • Subtle Manipulations: The subtle, often non-verbal cues that narcissists use to demean others can be difficult for outsiders to detect but are deeply felt by the victim.

Psychological Impact on Victims

  • Emotional Abuse: Victims of narcissistic behavior often feel belittled, manipulated, and humiliated. This can lead to feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt.
  • Public vs. Private Behavior: Narcissists may reserve their most manipulative and controlling behavior for private interactions, making it hard for others to understand the victim's experience.

Contextualizing Trump's Behavior

  • Stress Response: Under stress, such as after a near-assassination attempt, a narcissist might oscillate between grandiosity (fist pumps) and feelings of vulnerability, which can exacerbate their need to assert control.
  • Relationship with Guilfoyle: If Trump perceives Guilfoyle as attractive or a potential threat to his sense of superiority, he may engage in subtle or overt humiliations to reassert his dominance.

Speculation on Convention Behavior

  • Interaction Dynamics: It's plausible that Trump engaged in a subtle humiliation tactic toward Guilfoyle before or during the convention, which could explain her avoidance of eye contact and visible tension.
  • Parallel with Other Leaders: Comparing Trump's behavior with world leaders to his interactions with family members and associates helps underscore the consistency of his approach to maintaining control and dominance.


Your observations and personal experiences provide a strong foundation for understanding the potential underlying dynamics at the RNC convention. Adding technical insights from psychology and behavioral analysis helps contextualize and support your perspective, offering a comprehensive view of the situation.

What kind of person is attracted to someone like Donald Trump, to fascists and authoritarians?

Supporters of fascist authoritarian leaders can come from various personality types and backgrounds, but there are certain traits or characteristics that may be more common among them:
  • Authoritarian Personality: Individuals who are drawn to strong authority figures and value obedience, conformity, and hierarchy tend to support authoritarian leaders.
  • Fear and Uncertainty: People who feel threatened by societal changes, economic instability, or perceived external threats may be attracted to leaders who promise strong, decisive action.
  • Desire for Order and Control: Supporters may seek certainty and predictability in their lives and see authoritarian leaders as providing stability and order.
  • Ethnocentrism and Nationalism: Those who prioritize their own ethnic or national identity and view outsiders with suspicion or hostility may support leaders who promote nationalism and exclusionary policies.
  • Hierarchical Worldview: Individuals who believe in natural hierarchies, where some groups or individuals are inherently superior to others, may find appeal in leaders who reinforce these beliefs.
  • Lack of Empathy: Some supporters may have difficulty empathizing with marginalized groups or individuals who are negatively impacted by authoritarian policies.
  • Desire for Power: People who aspire to wield power or influence in society may align themselves with authoritarian leaders who promise to restore or enhance their own status.
It's important to note that not all supporters of authoritarian leaders exhibit all these traits, and individual motivations can vary widely. Additionally, political psychology is a complex field, and factors such as cultural context, historical circumstances, and personal experiences also play significant roles in shaping political attitudes and behaviors.

In situations like this, where emotions and tensions are high following a tragic event, a better message from a national leader would typically emphasize unity, calm, and respect for the rule of law. Here are some elements that a more appropriate response might include:
  • Call for Unity: Emphasize that violence is never the answer and that the nation must come together in peace and solidarity.
  • Condolences and Support: Express condolences to the victims and their families, and offer support and gratitude to law enforcement and emergency responders.
  • Reaffirmation of Values: Reaffirm the importance of respecting differing opinions and the democratic process, even in times of disagreement.
  • Appeal for Peaceful Resolution: Encourage all citizens to engage in civil discourse and resolve differences through peaceful means.
  • Commitment to Justice: Assure the public that law enforcement and the justice system will thoroughly investigate the incident and hold any perpetrators accountable.
  • Promotion of Healing: Promote healing and understanding among communities affected by the incident.
Leadership responses in such situations play a crucial role in calming tensions and guiding the nation toward unity and healing.

I would like to seems appropriate that a batshit crazy movement like, MaGA would have religion, Christian Nationalism, and a pathological, sex-abusing, lying narcissist, autocrat as their leader. How often have we seen a criminal or some sort of very bad abuser of others have a strict, religious, authoritarian upbringing? Too often.

To put Republicans in a window of reality the RNCcon got a viewership of 18 million people. To put it in perspective the CBS TV show "Tracker" gets 19 million.

Just like to end on a higher note and a better man...
Bob Newhart Remembered by Hollywood as the ‘Kindest Most Hilarious Man’

Cheers! Slàinte!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What a week we're into now...

Hi. Hang in there. Hopefully, no matter what happens, we'll get through it to the next and better situation.

This is a special blog today, feel free to share it. Dark,but accurate. No kidding around. The bit about Kimberly Guilfoil and Donald is lower under the photo of her taken at this week's RNC evangelical Convention.

Project 2025.

If you haven't yet been concerned or afraid of Donald Trump, you should be. I warned years ago about his psychopathology, as his niece Mary Trump has warned, could expand out into the nationalist Republican Party, and turn into a personality cult, with the icing on the cake being Christian nationalism. The failed assassination attempt Saturday and last night's Republican National Committee's convention shows us a no longer "GOP", not any longer a "Grand Old Party", not Pres. Lincoln's party, not Ronald Reagan's part but a religious-oriented cult of an ill-minded personality.

We are in a serious situation if you haven't noticed. POTUS 45 proved that. There is more to come. 

First... In words that junior high kids can understand, Democracy or Republic?

By the way, I've repeatedly reviewed the footage and Trump turning his head had nothing to do with the bullet. In fact, it's possible had Trump not moved he wouldn't have had his ear clipped at all. The shooter missed by a couple of inches. This nonsense about moving his head saved his life is myth-building.

 I said this within the hour of his being nicked by the bullet and knew this was going to happen. One older female Trump attendee said on camera that moving his head saved him and I knew the media and Trump people would pick up on the nonsense and run with it. The myth grows...

We now know the bullet didn't hit Trump at all, playing it up that he was hit by any bullet. I was right that the bullets missed: Donald Trump Reportedly Hit By Glass Shards During Shooting At Pennsylvania Rally, President Biden Reacts | Atlanta Daily World Another periodical headline stated: "...haters call shooting a hoax". No, police SAID.

According to law enforcement, a bullet hit a teleprompter and Trump was grazed by glass shards. So the video going around with a computer showing how Trump turned his head and saved himself, as I'd said, is incorrect. I had said maybe he turned his head INTO a bullet, but nope, nada, not at all. Boy did he play it up with that massive white ear target or bandage on his ear at the RNCcon. I hear not at al playing golf though. This guy, I tell ya...

Update: Snopes says it was a bullet but their proof is lame. I need to see more like intact teleprompters after the shots which I can't find and may have been shattered with the first or succeeding wild shots fired. So it's still up in the air in my book, for now.

OK this sure adds credence to the glass hit Trump not a bullet theory. I do not see where it looks altered. Or not...

I just noticed it does look "photoshopped". I checked and it's not photoshopped but I was looking at the chip. I went back to look at the bigger area and well, the stand is messed up and not even aligned as if someone did it as a joke and not a serious effort. Which would be a good Trump camp thing to do to discredit this theory.

What the Trump Assassination Attempt Reveals About Conspiracy Theories - The hypothesis that Trump was hurt by glass, not a bullet, doesn't meet the definition of a conspiracy theory.

We are into a weird time in America. As some contend, Republicans supporting Donald Trump are not stupid. Some are highly intelligent. JD Vance now Trump's VP select isn't stupid. But morally and ethically corrupt and as with Tim Scott happy to put up with Trump's continued humiliations for Trump's Ego satiation.

How low can Republicans go? JD Vance low.

It's hard to view the RNC Convention this week, see all those thousands of people and just stare at them in wonder. HOW, can you support someone like Donald Trump? How are you not seeing what I'm seeing? How can you look at Biden and see exactly those things, where they do not exist and yet, think the same about me viewing Trump.

I would argue this Venn diagram misses entirely the Trump fantasy dark fearful GOP universe, which deserves to be in it due to its dystopian fantastical orientation in storytelling.

I would argue this Venn diagram misses entirely the Trump fantasy dark fearful GOP universe, which deserves to be in it due to its dystopian fantastical orientation in storytelling.

There must be something. It's not low IQ, maybe low EQ. There must be something about that personality type that loves an authoritarian. But a convicted criminal like Trump? IQ by county.

It's surreal. How does this happen? Well in part it happens because it's being done on purpose. It's the authoritarian playbook. Pick up a copy. Read it.

"Mr. Trump is unfit for our Nation's Highest Office." - 2016 - JD Vance: Why Trump’s Antiwar Message Resonates with White America 

Supporters of fascist authoritarian leaders can come from various personality types and backgrounds, but there are certain traits or characteristics that may be more common among them:
  • Authoritarian Personality: Individuals who are drawn to strong authority figures and value obedience, conformity, and hierarchy tend to support authoritarian leaders.
  • Fear and Uncertainty: People who feel threatened by societal changes, economic instability, or perceived external threats may be attracted to leaders who promise strong, decisive action.
  • Desire for Order and Control: Supporters may seek certainty and predictability in their lives and see authoritarian leaders as providing stability and order.
  • Ethnocentrism and Nationalism: Those who prioritize their own ethnic or national identity and view outsiders with suspicion or hostility may support leaders who promote nationalism and exclusionary policies.
  • Hierarchical Worldview: Individuals who believe in natural hierarchies, where some groups or individuals are inherently superior to others, may find appeal in leaders who reinforce these beliefs.
  • Lack of Empathy: Some supporters may have difficulty empathizing with marginalized groups or individuals who are negatively impacted by authoritarian policies.
  • Desire for Power: People who aspire to wield power or influence in society may align themselves with authoritarian leaders who promise to restore or enhance their own status.
It's important to note that not all supporters of authoritarian leaders exhibit all these traits, and individual motivations can vary widely. Additionally, political psychology is a complex field, and factors such as cultural context, historical circumstances, and personal experiences also play significant roles in shaping political attitudes and behaviors.

Donald Trump: "That’s why it was one of the great presidencies, they say. Even the opponents sometimes say he did very well … but we’ve been waging an all-out war on American democracy." 12/2/23

The Moral Collapse of J. D. Vance
Instead of a truth-teller in his own community, Vance as a candidate has become a contemptible and cringe-inducing clown.
My friend Preet Bharara, the former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, tried to describe Vance recently and came up with “pathetic loser poser fake jerk,

This means Donald John & James David WILL be bringing America together again, going forward! Right?
THAT'S what this selection for VPOTUS means!
Paul Pelosi was bludgeoned with a hammer.
Because of Trump's rhetoric.
Trump got his ear nicked.
Because of Trump's...TRUMP's" rhetoric.
NOT Biden's.

Monica Alba @albamonica
Biden campaign: "Donald Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate because Vance will do what Mike Pence wouldn’t on January 6: bend over backwards to enable Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda, even if it means breaking the law and no matter the harm to the American people."

Alex Cole @acnewsitics
Here is the message JD Vance sent to his friend suggesting Donald Trump might be "America's Hitler."

Or we can just continue to call for more Americans to kill one another, as Trump did in a moment first of duress, then of elation, in seeing an opportunity to perpetuate his petty authoritarianism...whichever you find more entertaining.
Just sayin'...
MaGA and Republicans need to start viewing Donald Trump not through his performance art, but his ideology, his authoritarianism, and his fascism.
I know. When you see it you'll want vengeance on his grifting you.
But instead, just vote against him.

Let's compare & contrast in the Trump shooting with what a true leader would have done rather than making a call to arms in his repetitive calls to: "FIGHT! FIGHT!" What a jerk.
Perhaps better...
"I'm OK, it's OK, calm, be calm!"
But nope.
"Attack other American citizens..." was Trump's subtext.

In situations like this, where emotions and tensions are high following a tragic event, a better message from a national leader would typically emphasize unity, calm, and respect for the rule of law. Here are some elements that a more appropriate response might include:
  • Call for Unity: Emphasize that violence is never the answer and that the nation must come together in peace and solidarity.
  • Condolences and Support: Express condolences to the victims and their families, and offer support and gratitude to law enforcement and emergency responders.
  • Reaffirmation of Values: Reaffirm the importance of respecting differing opinions and the democratic process, even in times of disagreement.
  • Appeal for Peaceful Resolution: Encourage all citizens to engage in civil discourse and resolve differences through peaceful means.
  • Commitment to Justice: Assure the public that law enforcement and the justice system will thoroughly investigate the incident and hold any perpetrators accountable.
  • Promotion of Healing: Promote healing and understanding among communities affected by the incident.
Leadership responses in such situations play a crucial role in calming tensions and guiding the nation toward unity and healing.

One more little thing...

Kimberly Guilfoil at RNC Con today

Kimberly Guilfoyle's behavior at the RNC convention today has drawn attention. Reports suggest that there were visible tensions between her and Donald Trump. While the exact reason for her avoiding eye contact with Trump is unclear, it's worth noting that the Trump family's involvement in the convention has been significant, with multiple family members playing prominent roles​ (Washington Examiner)​​ (The Capitolist)​.

I'll give you a possibility. Donald Trump is a narcissist. 

He's been under serious stress. He nearly lost his life two days ago. That means a manic kind of elation followed by a burnout. Then a feeling of a loss of control, esp., for a coward such as Trump. Don't let his fist pumps after an assassination attempt fool you. Donald Trump IS a coward. He's also a performer. Narcissism trumps fear every time. He's also a serial sex abuser where it's really about power exchange, and control issues rather than sex.

I don't doubt he thinks his son's wife to be is attractive. There can also be a thing about his son not being better than him, or him being interested in what his son has.

Donald is into humiliation. Humiliating others. THAT is not conjecture. We've ALL seen him do that to others, even world leaders. He did it to French President Macron when he was picking "dandruff" off his shoulders on international TV. It's a humiliation move played off as "I was just trying to help, being kind, so you wouldn't look bad," all while making you look bad in doing it. 

Macron was a master in handling Trump by just laughing it off. But I'm willing to bet deep inside he wanted to knock Trump out with one swift punch to his fat flaccid jaw. Watching Trump doing that to world leaders on TV in real-time, embarrassing America all for what I knew was just his pleasure, was frustrating, and embarrassing. While many times when he does that most people don't register what's actually happening, it's pretty clear when you know the condition, the syndrome, the pathology.

Trump uses handshakes in the same way. Jerking people into him, not letting go for an unreasonable time. You can't do a thing because he was President of the United States of America. But it's abuse, pure and simple. Humiliation. Power exchanging with an unwilling partner. And it's petty. Extremely petty. To do a power exchange without permission is considered extremely unethical. In the right situation, it can get you killed. But not if you're surrounded by Secret Service and you are POTUS.

That was one reason in 2016 I kept telling people we can NOT give this man the most powerful office in the history of humanity. That mentality bleeds over into other areas. Like during a pandemic. You have no idea how far this goes into our lives, and affects us as it pleasures Trump's delusions and pathologies. Why do you think his niece Mary Trump is so disgusted by him? She KNOWS. 

You do not want to re-elect Donald Trump to ANY public office ever again.

I've seen men do this control thing with women that is bizarre. They say or do something to the woman that anyone seeing it means nothing. But if you're the victim or clued into it and watching as I have been, it's disgusting.

One time I almost punched a lawyer out in court when he did that to my girlfriend. Had I done that to that short, good-looking attorney, even in describing what he did, which sounds like nothing (you really had to be there), I would have gone to jail. You cannot explain it. 

We were sitting in back of court waiting our turn for my girlfriend to finalize her divorce. She was in the process of a divorce when I met her. We were on a bench like a church pew. I was in the middle. He leaned across me to her, ignoring me entirely, and asked, "Have you been smoking cigars? I smell cigar smoke. I thought it was coming from you." She recoiled and said, "No, of course I haven't been smoking cigars." "Oh, OK, I thought maybe you had, but I thought, that would be strange." Then he sat back like nothing happened.

I looked at my very attractive girlfriend, dressed up for cour. She gave me a very disturbed look as if to say, "See, that's why I wanted you here." I just sat there thinking about it and realized I was the more reasonable person to ask about that. But he avoided me. It was about getting to her. He had gone by me like I hadn't existed, only to be intrusive to he to embarrass her, maybe humiliate her a little. That was when it sunk it what he was doing. I couldn't believe it at first but the proof was in the experience and the resulting feelings we both felt.

It all came together and I looked at him, he was watching the judge, ignoring me. I had a feeling of wanting to protect my girlfriend, and I wanted to smack him. I realized I felt like something had been taken from me too. He had gotten us both in one effort. Why? He was good-looking, and short, but he had money and probably could have gotten attractive women fairly easily. He had everything it would seem. What would make him act like this?

I realized there had to be something wrong with me. Perasonality-wise, or mentally? I pushed down the urge to hit him, that wouldn't do any of us any good. But so he just gets away with it? And he's probably done it before. Probably does this all the time. I'll never forget it. 

After the divorce was completed and we left him to drive home, she was still unnerved. I told her she'd never have to see him again. But it creeped her out for days. That's the effect. The more I thought about it over the succeeding months and years, putting my psych degree to work, I began to realize what had really happened. And that there really was something wrong with that lawyer. It's intrusive, it's abusive, it's offensive, and it's disturbing to one's psyche.

Like I said, innocuous but damaging. Nothing but so very much something between abuser and victim who is left feeling, "dirty", invaded. A little broken. 

Trump is a master at that kind of thing. Narcissists are. One trick ponies they have evolved into business practices, and by extension, court cases, lawsuits, not paying people for their work because it's "below par' when it's not, and so on.

But it left my girlfriend that day feeling victimized and gross. Disgusted, emotionally abused. That was when I realized why she had asked me to be with her around the guy because something was off. And I saw it clearly in that moment. I couldn't believe it. He did it right in front of me. Just a few words spoken. But he had achieved his goal.

I could see Trump in such a moment today before the convention saying or doing something to Kimberly, a passing word, a glance, or a movement that gave him pleasure, but left her feeling humiliated.

That would fully explain her demeanor toward him. And it wouldn't surprise me if Putin did things like that also. Or Kim Jong Un. Trump would gravitate to men like that. And he does...

I queried ChatGPT and it gave me this additional info:

Your analysis of the dynamics between Donald Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle at the RNC convention is compelling, and it aligns with known behavior patterns of individuals with narcissistic traits. Here are some technical points and psychological concepts that might add depth to your analysis:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by:

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance
  • A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • A belief that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
  • A need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement
  • Interpersonally exploitative behavior
  • A lack of empathy
  • Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them
  • Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Humiliation and Power Dynamics

  • Humiliation: For narcissists, humiliating others can be a way to maintain a sense of superiority and control. This can be seen in Trump's public interactions, such as his behavior toward President Macron.
  • Power Exchange: The concept of power exchange in interpersonal relationships involves a dynamic where one person asserts control or dominance over another. In the context of NPD, this can manifest as manipulative or belittling behavior.

Behavioral Patterns

  • Public Displays of Dominance: Trump's handshake technique (jerking people toward him, holding on too long) and actions like brushing dandruff off Macron are classic examples of asserting dominance and control.
  • Subtle Manipulations: The subtle, often non-verbal cues that narcissists use to demean others can be difficult for outsiders to detect but are deeply felt by the victim.

Psychological Impact on Victims

  • Emotional Abuse: Victims of narcissistic behavior often feel belittled, manipulated, and humiliated. This can lead to feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt.
  • Public vs. Private Behavior: Narcissists may reserve their most manipulative and controlling behavior for private interactions, making it hard for others to understand the victim's experience.

Contextualizing Trump's Behavior

  • Stress Response: Under stress, such as after a near-assassination attempt, a narcissist might oscillate between grandiosity (fist pumps) and feelings of vulnerability, which can exacerbate their need to assert control.
  • Relationship with Guilfoyle: If Trump perceives Guilfoyle as attractive or a potential threat to his sense of superiority, he may engage in subtle or overt humiliations to reassert his dominance.

Speculation on Convention Behavior

  • Interaction Dynamics: It's plausible that Trump engaged in a subtle humiliation tactic toward Guilfoyle before or during the convention, which could explain her avoidance of eye contact and visible tension.
  • Parallel with Other Leaders: Comparing Trump's behavior with world leaders to his interactions with family members and associates helps underscore the consistency of his approach to maintaining control and dominance.


Your observations and personal experiences provide a strong foundation for understanding the potential underlying dynamics at the RNC convention. Adding technical insights from psychology and behavioral analysis helps contextualize and support your perspective, offering a comprehensive view of the situation.

I just look forward to Pres. Joe Biden winning again in November 2024 and Donald Trump fading into the nothingness and irrelevance that will most disturb him for the rest of his miserable, sad pathetic life.

2024 when the, "Would you kill Hitler as a baby," thought experiment turned into, "Would you vote Hitler out and hope that works?"

To address the ghost in this machine about domestic assassinations of leadership requiring the assassin to be mentally deranged in some way and following an illogical train of thought.
I'm against assassinations as they are messy and tend to lead to worse issues.
I'm not denying at times, a rational side in this. Look.
Reagan, shot by a nutter.
George W Bush, "shot" with a shoe.
John Lennon, shot by a nutter.
Trump, who has set HIMSELF up for attack since day 1, It actually does NOT require being a nutter in this case as there actually ARE rational considerations involved that are NOT difficult to find or consider.
The only arguments against this kind of thing are:
1) regardless of how hard Republicans try against this, we ARE America with a peaceful transfer of power after elections.
2) Murder is generally considered bad (though technical this is assassination).
3) A nation cannot stand for a leader or former leader being killed.
Putting all that aside, however, there are sane and moral reasons regarding Trump in all this which question a need for mental issues regarding his potential mechanized demise.
As it turns out, however, Trump was only slightly damaged by flying glass debris from a teleprompter when the would-be assassin missed his shot completely.

Cheers! Slàinte!