Weather for the day… 35°, and foggy.
Lovett Or Leave cozies up in front of the roaring fire we’ve hurled 2022’s desiccated hull into during this, our last show of 2022. Mike Lindell (James Adomian) stops by with pillows for all the good little boys and girls of the RNC. Jena Friedman and Atsuko Okatsuka pull up a chair to your family’s holiday drama. Elon Musk (James Adomian) tries his hand at stand-up and spoiler alert: the audience is wrong. Lovett provides a personalized gift guy for the right-wing whack jobs in your life, and we end by putting our grateful well-wishes in the Thank Bank. Happy Holidays, everybody, and see you in 2023!Instagram post for the day
I'd just like to mention that I think I’ve always been a “liberal“. I’m also, oddly enough, against things like Fascism. So if you wanna call me, "Antifa", then what the fuck? It strikes me as bizarre, anti-patriotic, anti-American and anti-democratic, those who rail against Antifa, who want to attack “Black Lives Matter“ types, at any cost. First, they can't seem to understand that Antifa is against Fascism. Although MAGA seems to be pretty pro-autocratic with Trump is their leader. Though I think he’s starting to dissolve in his own spit and mire. Also, liberal doesn’t seem to mean what people think as it’s defined as:
I got to say walking in the fog, see you Instagram post for the day at the beginning of my walk, feels like at 35°, and flash frozen or something.
I have to agree with what someone said, I can’t remember who it was, but this reference to Trump's "Team normal/Team crazy" crap when he was ridiculously POTUS45, at the end there, in trying to suborn a coup and an insurrection… was actually "Team Crazy/Team Criminal". Just sayin'...
Since blatantly telling lies by a Republican seems to be their platform for election anymore (see Donald Trump, see George Santos, see too many of the insurrectionist Republicans in Congress), perhaps Democrats, for a while, going forward, should start every speech, every comment with a lie, one that people want to hear, to bring them to the party, and then immediately turn around and say none of that’s true. Then go on with the truth. I know it sounds weird. But when you’re fighting old Soviet disinformation tactics by an out-of-control, seditionist Republican Party one needs to fight dirty. If not as ethically as possible. Somebody’s gotta be the Party of Ethics and it sure as hell isn’t gonna be a conservative based party.
Has there really been no governors on Fox News lately? Is that true?
The 2012 Republican "autopsy" failed, even though it was accurate. But Republicans decided instead, "No, we Want to follow a failing course, because we can garner power in that way. It’s a short term view, but somehow we'll make it work!" So how’s it working out for you? I’ll tell you, people like Tucker Carlson, who are the extreme end of this crap, why are they so very popular on Russian State TV. And if that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about those types, what country do you think you live in? Because it isn't, America.
Yes, I’m on Mastodon. I tried to get on Post, but they're being an asshole about it. So I’m still utilizing Twitter, which I’ve been on over a decade. Sad to see what Elon Musk has done to that, not to mention Tesla. But some of my tweets from today pretty much laid out where we should be headed and we’re not headed. Like:
To be painfully clear about how screwed up we are… The question is not , "DID Donald Trump break the law as POTUS45." He obviously did. The question is, "How is his execution to be brought on legally and executed quickly?" Because that’s what needs to be done to begin the return of the Republican Party to American politics and end toxic conservatism in being an ignorant and self-defeating, Putin supported disinformation campaign, an active measure against America and western democracies.
Now the podcast is agreeing with me in that what Republicans are doing is not sustainable. What they’re doing is always what is better in the short term. For immediate profit. Autocratic, which should worry people. Autocracy is anti-democracy. And for those in America, who like a "strongman" character, who like autocrats, well they're (again) in the wrong fucking country. If it’s true that 60% of the world are under autocratic rule, feel free to go there. The more autocratic nations there are, the more important these fewer democracies become. How do they not see that? How do they not understand balance is important? How do they not understand that our three branches of government need to balance each other out and monitor one another? How do they not understand that currently that’s not been happening and things have been force skewed toward the undemocratic? How do they justify the people not having a say in government, after decades of their railing against government, how is that a good idea? The Republican Party doesn’t appear anymore to be a conservative party, but a party of illogic, bordering on insanity. Unless you understand, they are anti-democracy.
My, Trump talking conservative, crazy older brother, and I don’t know how he got that way... and he doesn’t know how I got this way... when we both have probably always been the way we are, still calls President Biden, "sleepy Joe". How is that not "sheep bleating"? In repeating what Trump says, how is that not parroting Trump? How is that not cultist? How do you not see Joe Biden, who rides bicycles, has more energy than fat old stupid Donald Trump? The Republican one trick pony for evil? Where is the critical thinking? Where is the accurate information on the Right? Where is the American patriotism? Why have they subverted "patriot" to mean, "patriot for our international enemies"? Remember the MAGA T-shirt that said, "I’d rather be with a Russian then with Biden"? How do you not see Trump was never a good idea? How do you not see Putin was never a good idea? I’ve been saying since the year 2000 Putin as a leader, as ex-KGB… how was that ever a good idea for the Russian people, or the world? How do so many people not see any of this?
Yes, Democrats try to be progressive because what do they say about a sitting shark dies? They’re forward-looking and sometimes too far forward, but they mean well. Republicans are generally backward looking, into too far backward. Because if standing still kills a society, what does going backward do? Well, you can follow the pattern there, right? Because if you can’t, well "concrete thinking" won’t get you anywhere useful. Although it will get you there somewhere, useful for somebody, just not you, not for US. Somebody, like corporations, anti-union, multinational corporations, international enemies of democracy and America. I mean pick your fight, but apparently a third of this country doesn’t understand who they’re fighting for and it ain't them, and it sure as hell ain't us.
I’ve heard this repeatedly, that Americans and actually humanity, tend to make their best choices just as they’re about to go over a cliff, to their death. You know, a little proactivity could avoid that necessity? Could we stop doing that and not do that anymore? When you have a scientist in 1968, who wrote a book called The Population Bomb, who warned us that at 3 1/2 billion people, we’ve hit our max with what the earth can handle, for our lifestyle, worldwide. And now it's over 8 billion and we’ve exceeded that limit, by more than double. Why can’t we react appropriately to that? In all these decades since? What is WRONG with us?
So, I guess for something positive... enough politics for a second… Today is the signing of contracts for our new movie streaming network that we’re setting up. I have to get something ironed out as far as a contract, or something, for my efforts and compensation. Which there aren’t any right now and I’ve already been doing work the past few weeks. I think that’ll be OK, but this will be the first time I started working on something, like I said, weeks ago, without a contract already in place. I spent years as a contractor at some pretty high levels in IT thoughout the 90s, until I got a permanent job that I retired from and there on a high-level IT team, on the front line. So this is right up my alley. As far as the work I’ll be doing on the platform, I was a platform administrator, a software engineer, a networking server administrator, webmaster, a senior technical writer, and a bunch of other stuff. I have high hopes for this project and it’ll be fun to be able to let you know what it is, because I’m not allowed to say yet, until we go live. Wish us luck! We’re trying really hard as Indie filmmakers to set up a fun network of movies in a niche that will hopefully address some who are not being addressed. One thing we’re interested in is with Amazon prime having dumped a bunch of indie film maker's projects. Finding a place for their films is hard. And we're as well looking to handle much higher quality films, also. People need to understand that some "B" and even some "C" movies are better in some ways than some A-list films. The production values are low because they don’t have the money. But the stories, and sometimes the acting, or the directing, or whatever, there’s can be some value in these. And giving a place for these kinds of things does help to make things better overall. "Rising tide raises all ships." But Hollywood and others, needs competition and people need to open their minds a bit. We’re gonna be offering some free stuff too, viewing wise. Anyway, just know that we really do have the best of intentions and that's it's not just all about making money as the end all be all of things.
Since I took a brief aside from the podcast here… Regarding my ongoing long Covid issue. Last night I felt like my long Covid had ratcheted down to a new lower level, maybe. My body wasn’t reacting to things I was eating as it was before. Over reacting poorly. But I’m still having trouble sleeping, taking vitamin D to counteract the lack of sun and melatonin. I don’t like taking melatonin, but I took one last night so I could get some sleep for today. And I woke up feeling a little touch of long Covid again. Which I really don’t need to feel. Ever again. Anyway, I do still feel it a bit. Though I’m at the trailing end of long Covid, going on nine months now. First time I had it in 2020 I noticed after eight months, it started trailing off and my lungs started to feel normal. Then at 14 months I felt it was over. But then I couldn’t tell, when I would feel it over that next year, if I was catching something but my body was fighting it off successfully or if it was long Covid recycling back a little again, once in a while. There’s so much we don’t know, still. But then, I covered a lot of this in my book “Suffering Long Covid”.
From podcast: remember 2016, and all the Republicans on stage and how Trump kept hanging on, like herpes? And how people kept saying it wasn’t supposed to happen. It wasn’t, and he shouldn’t have access to votes, ever again.
Remember how we used to hear how political parties and candidates, political leadership was paying too much attention to polling? And then they started this crap about "we have to follow what our voters want", which sounds good, but as we’re seeing, it’s really fucking dangerous. I noticed something in the word, "leadership". The word "leader" is actually in there and those in leadership should look that up. And yeah, you can push it and say the word "ship" is in there too, and when it’s sinking, I don't know, DO something to keep it from doing that? But not at all or any cost, and certainly not at all or any cost to any or all others, just not you, merely to keep yourself in power and profit and in office (unofficial GOP motto). Republicans need to start respecting people like Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, and those candidates who stand up for ethics in America and not just follow Trump puppets heading to the end of that "cliff". How many cliffs are involved in our politics anymore?
Why was Trump flushing documents down the toilet? Why was Mark Meadows burning documents in the fireplace after meetings which appear to have been involved with the insurrection? When you say "what’s the big deal?" The big deal is that everything in the White House belongs to the people and you can’t just burn it. If you do wanna burn it you can’t, but you have to get permission, even if it IS yours, or the president's, even if it's not the People's. But you can’t just burn stuff. Good God... review Watergate!
Well, I’m now at mile 2 1/2 miles and the podcast is over. That was a short one.
OK so second podcast for the day, "Lovett or Leave It"...
So apparently each of the guys from Pod Save America that I listen to have their own podcast. And this is apparently the gay version. One wonders why gay versions of things are so sexually oriented? When you do that as heterosexual, you’re considered immature or perverse. I don’t really care either way. I suppose some of it is just they’re willing to say things others won’t. And we need that. And there’s some really great journalists who are gay who will stand up, say things. Maybe because they’re used to having to do that in their own lives. Then once they come out, they've fucking had it with hiding. We all need to have fucking had it with hiding. The insurrection happened because police were afraid of looking bad because, although they don’t seem to have a problem with beating on Black Lives Matter protesters, they were worried about beating white MAGA protesters or something. So yeah, had all of those people been gay, and I do mean the police… What do you wanna bet the insurrection wouldn’t have happened?
I’ll say this about open sexuality. Having been born in 1955. I spent my entire life being more progressive than normal and more open about things, although quiet about some things. Personally, I pushed my limits, but I also respected the fact that it didn’t work that way for others. Because others were mostly all like that, incapable of being flexible and relaxed and open. But it appears in the past, I don’t know, 10 years or so, maybe 20, perhaps I wasn’t paying attention to this while raising two kids, it appears that the openness about sexuality and such things has surpassed me. Giving an example. Not sexual. In the 60s and 70s I did some interesting things as a kid. Things other kids didn't do. I would tell people stories about myself and would even damn them down. I would leave out things I thought were cool about things, because people wouldn’t believe me. And people still didn’t believe me. Now a lot of those things other people have done or are doing and it’s more normal and it’s on TikTok or Instagram or something. Now I’m boring, while at one time I was unique and more fascinating. So maybe the things I fought for quietly and pushed for, have finally come to be, and our society has opened up. Yeah, we still have conservatives and Republicans who react to what they think is toxic, sadly, in a toxic way, making themselves the enemy, as they fight what they think is the enemy. I tell you, we’ve been through paradigm shifts over time, every so often. The 60s was one. We’ve definitely had a few. But we usually had time to have a breather between them. What we’re seeing now, since the information age hit, after it had a few years to get itself on its feet...we’re now getting hit with multiple paradigm shifts and because of all the information worldwide that we’re getting instantly, we’re getting hit with paradigm shifts from different cultures, too. Since were multicultural, those people live here too, yeah, it’s making us a bit schizophrenic. But we also have a strong form of government, if we'd just let it exist. Breathe. I will be OK, you will be OK. I suspect will all be OK. But it’s gonna hurt. People are gonna die. All we can do? Minimize the pain and the damage and the death. Oh yeah, and we’re fighting all this on an international scale. But, there’s a way I’ve looked at things like this, all my life, and it helped me get through. And that was this. "I will either die or succeed." If we die, what’s the matter? If we don’t, we have to make it succeed. When you consider that the toxic conservatives, the MAGA, the crazy Republicans, are really only a third of us, and that is diminishing, but it’s not reality, and as I said it is diminishing. And has my "vicious dying animal syndrome". Which is, as things are dying. Religion or conservatism (which I’ve never liked) or this version of MAGA/Republicanism, they each will lash out and bite and attack and try to harm anything around as it too slowly dies. We need to segregate it off and help it die faster, turn off the oxygen, strangle it if we have to. Problem is we have to do it legally and as some of them are criminals, they have no rules or boundaries to follow. And as "dying animals" are, they don’t care, they just want to damage because they’re hurt. You can have compassion toward them, but you also can have compassion via euthanasia when necessary, and when it’s the right thing to do.
So all Americans deserve respect and a place in America. But not MAGA if you’re working against America! Yes, that includes gay people and yes, that includes trans who all have a place. They are people who are generally more patriotic than MAGA , and from what I’ve seen, in the past three decades, Republicans, Republican leaders, while I should say I’ve met many patriotic Republican voters. I’ve also met a lot of confused MAGA types who think they’re patriotic. But functionally speaking they’re working more for Putin, not Biden. And even IF you don't like Biden, you really should be more for HIM, than Putin. Ya know? I mean, really.
I have to remember to add a new chapter for graphics in my new companion book for my film, "Pvt. Ravel’s Bolero".
So fake Santa/fake Mike Lindel pillow guy, in the Lovett podcast, just said that "the voting machines are so rigged at the next RNC chairman gonna be Hillary Clinton."
So Lovett says the TLC channel released trailers on their new show "MILF Island" with a twist. And then you year one of the mothers when they arrive wherever, say, "What the fuck?" And I thought, OK, what the fuck? So I figured, it’s got to be eight mothers and eight of their sons, as love interests, mix-and-matched. As then Lovett says, "It’s got to be eight mothers and eight other sons. Right?" Bingo. And then he says, "OK, so what else could it be?" And then says it's like a "30 Rock" skit for an episode. It’s ridiculous. It’s a stupid joke that they turned into a show.
About small dogs. Uh, No.
So "Rudy Giuliani" My Pillow company flip-flops for $79.95 actually exist. WTF? Use the code “Rudy“ for a discount at $49.95?
The old movie "The Exterminating Angel" is about people who can’t leave a party (I have to check this out...Oh! it's a Luis Buñuel film! I wonder if I saw it decades ago then?)? Here I thought he was talking about "Russian Doll "on Netflix. I love that show. And Natasha Lyonne, let’s face it.
Before I left home for my walk today I read somewhere that people who leave without saying goodbye‘s save three days a year. So does that mean the "Irish goodbye" is in now? Well, I’m part Irish, and I guess more Scottish, and a little Welsh, among other things, including a bunch of Slovak, on my mom side. I’ve done that "just sort of fadeaway" thing and then I’m not there anymore. But admittedly, in my later years, I’ve tried to be more stand up and just take time to seek people out and say goodbye. I mean I always say thank you, I’m always appreciative. But if you get to where you feel like you’re not there and people don’t seem to know you’re there, then maybe it's time to leave and if you were to say goodbye, and no one notices...well? Leave.
So don’t you sometimes want to do a DNA check of anti-Semites just to find out if they’re part Jewish? Because I sure as hell have wanted to take white Christian nationalists and check their DNA for African DNA. Which has actually happened a bunch of times now. And they did have African DNA.
Cheers! Slainte!
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