Jimmy Kimmel: Please, vote Donald Trump away... Video
George Floyd, love and condolences to his family and loved ones and those so affected by his death and the state of this issue overall. Black Lives Matter national and international protest, please be safe. Protest. But do what you can to stop criminals, bad actors, false flag cretins (Proud (girly) Boys, White supremacist bad actors, and so on.
Antifa and anarchists are for the most part peaceful socially conscious people. All groups have some bad actors. But these are not terrorists as Pres. Trump claims, or his right-wing bad actors like to target them as a whipping post.
Don't we have enough with a pandemic, without murdering our citizens? And all during a historic space launching of the successful NASA SpaceX Dragon to the ISS. Congrats to all involved!
America. Not socialists, not communists. However...Democrats vs Republicans
Social and human ideas of our parties:
Dems: Based on community and social responsibility
GOP: Based on individual rights and justice

Understand, America...is a country. Tough thing to understand for some, I know.
Definition of country: a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
OK. Nation: a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
Except, America is a unique experiment. A mixed salad of cultures brought together by a common belief in freedom and potential, safety from abuse by others and by dictatorships or royal decrees. Equality.
America is a group. Of people, not just separated individuals.
And the GOP hates that and works against it. And so it continues to be a fundamentally flawed ideology and organization that in the end supports power and money. Preferably of individuals. Meaning, the few, the powerful, the elites. I've said for years that modern American conservatism is defective.
A couple of relevant articles also point this out:
Comprehending conservatism: A new framework for analysis
What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?
They tend purposely to lose the forest for the trees, focusing on the minuscule and blowing them up, to distract, obfuscate, eventually making it propaganda.
They have convinced those most harmed by this to continue to believe in it, regardless. And they really hate this being pointed out to them. But, how else does one deprogram this?
It's brilliant really. To get your victims to fight for you, loudly, whenever they can and profess to lay down their life for you. Not for themselves.
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