Saturday, March 18, 2023

Walkabout Thoughts #34

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

Weather for the day… 60 degrees and light clouds, lots of blue sky

Podcast for the day podcast “Pod Save America“ episode, "MAGA King v. RINO Loser."

Instagram post for the day

So, still working on our streaming network, ThrlzTV. We're uploading more movies every day. Some very interesting ones. One investor I'm told just said some of the movies we have he can't seem to find anywhere else. Lots of oddities and fun stuff. We just started something we've wanted to do, planned to do, actually. Only two films in it right now but we have plans for more. Plans to shoot some films ourselves, or eventually to fund producing them. 

Right now in our "Thrilz Exculusives" category there's only two. Indie director Kelly Hughes' film, "It's Not The House It's My Mother": "After a childhood spent in a mental hospital, a young woman returns home. A doctor uses unconventional therapy to help the woman unlock the mystery of her past, unknowingly unleashing an evil force created by the mother years before."

And an award winning  film I made based on a true crime I wrote a horror story about years ago, that I had learend about in my abnormal psyche class at Western Washington University toward earning my psychology degree. The short horror story is, "Gumdrop City" (it's an audiobook, an ebook, and in a book). 

It's also the second movie in that category on Thrilz now: "Gumdrop", a short horror (as with Kelly's film, if you can't watch it it's because you need a subscription, but you can see the poster, anyway). We will be adding more filmmakers indie movies as time goes on.

There's a short I shot previous to this film, "The Rapping" (think Edgar Allen Poe, not music). I used a piece in this film. I thought I might put that up also. It's kind of cool to see a piece like that. If you've ever seen a film where they made a short to show on a TV in the film, and wanted to see the rest of that short, this is that kind of situation. It's only eight minutes long. 

I shot it as a test to see if I could do it. Figured I could, and I did. But it laid the groundwork for getting back into film. Which led to "Gumdrop" and some awards. Which led to "Pvt. Ravel's Bolero" which led to many more awards. I'll probably put that up on the service at some point in our "Thirlz Exclusives" category of films you can't see anywhere else..

So, you're up to date on that.

Now, this is a great podcast from Thursday, last.

" look like my old cat Stanley?" Sorry I just walked by a cat sitting on top of a car with a street side…

Anyway the podcast is taking an aside, talking about shows to watch. Dan says he's gotten into watching Liaison. Hey, I just started watching that, on Apple+. He said it's like The Bureau, they're trying to claim some of that feeling. I watched that too. Liked it very much. Then Jon said he's watching "Shrinking". Love that show too! With Harrison Ford. Who said he liked it and watned to do it because the dialog was some of the best writing he's ever seen. 

Moving on, now they're pointing out the differences between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, and their running for POTUS in 2024.

I know I know, it’s ludicrous to think that either of these clowns would run for president (or worse, get elected), but you may be surprised by this… Donald Trump actually WAS president... for Four Years!
Impeached twice however, so...

I know I know… Amazing, right? But what are you gonna do? Some peoples children. Right? There’s just no comprehending how such a weak person is, as so many “strongmen“ are, or how people can’t see that at all.

I see, when I look at Donald Trump, as a weak man, a pathetic man, a very sad man, and a man whose family is very sad because of him, and very sad in the public eye. At least those of us who have an eye that is open, those of us who aren’t shortsighted, those of us who can see reality.

It doesn’t make me special that I can see this. Most of America is like that.

It’s just that we thought democracy was forever. Albeit after we’ve been told for hundreds of years that you have to fight for it every day. Gee, who knew? Who knew that history, philosophy, and wise people all through history should be listened to?

Remember Winston Churchill‘s quote about democracy? “Democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.” 

You may see a lot of other forms of government you like, but the only one that’s been proven to actually work is democracy. You know, without all the murder and serious civil rights abuses like genocide.

I know I know, it’s looked highly defective at times because of people complaining about it... for their own wealth and power. Especially of late on the Republican side. But...that’s what toxic capitalism does when you get yourself in a position where you allow people to make laws which fertilize toxic capitalism. 

When you allow those in power to rule as they wish, more than we would wish to allow, because we forget about how important it is, and how important it is to monitor and fight for it. 

Guess what? It really appears to be really important!

Words to live by.

Cheers! Slainte!
My old cool cat, Stanley

Monday, March 13, 2023

Walkabout Thoughts 33a - ThrilzTV, Our New Streaming Movie Service

Well. Not much walking of late. But I thought I'd offer an update.

I've been saying for a while I was working on building a brand new streaming movie service. And so we have been. It recently went live online. We've yet to market it yet, holding off on that as we continue to build it up and other things. 

A streaming service by indie filmmakers for indie fiimmakers, and lovers of other than mainstream big studio films, with a taste for the unusual and unique. Some vintage, some bizarre, some docs on fimmaking, some movies you probably won't see elsewhere, and just stuff. We have big plans for it. Not just movies, but expanding beyond that.

Brief aside about streaming services from the WrapPro: "The Oscars Box Office Bump Is Dead – but the Streaming Lift Is Alive and Kicking"

I used to work at Tower Records, and Posters (started there) and Video (ended there, in Seattle, other than being a supervisor there, I took over Jeff Ament's job (of Pearl Jam). Our video employees would gather some nights to party, blow off steam after a week of dealing with the public (Have you MET the public?), and we'd bring some fun/weird films from work. And we'd always have a blast. We would have loved this, having a streaming service such as we're building. And no need to check out VHS tapes from work!

Mostly we're just testing it out, getting more movies on it every day, and already...somehow, we've  already acquired subscribers! So if you want to get in on something at the we are!

From a post by our marketing department guy, Steve:

"I'm excited to be helping out with a new streaming movie service called ThrilzTV.  If you're a fan of fun, thrilling entertainment and looking for something a little different then come check it out.  Not your Hollywood blockbusters but a range of independent films and nostalgic "B" movies too. 

"If you're interested in being a beta tester and getting a free month send me a message and I'll give you a promo code.  All we ask is that you watch some movies and take a short 10 question survey."

So there it is! Thanks, Steve! 

Well, I said I'd share when it came online and here we are!  As always...
Cheers! Sláinte !