Monday, November 28, 2022

Walkabout Thoughts #20 sort of...

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

Weather for the day… 37° clouded, maybe snow (it's snowing up north)

Podcast for the day The Mary Trump Show podcast, "Special Master"

BTW, I've suggested this on my previous blogs, and I'm doing it again today.
I highly recommend Rachel Maddow's podcast, "Ultra". It's good solid history about America's previous insurrection prior to Donald Trump's also flaky version. You just have to point your camera app on your phone at this to get to it. I'm telling you, if you haven't heard it yet, it's one of the best podcasts (8 episodes, all out now) I've ever heard. Not to mention, one of the best historical stories I never had heard of, and I'm still stunned about that. But then historians lately have said the same thing and they knew they should have known about it! 
Also her previous podcast was very interesting, "Bag Man", about Richard Nixon's criminal VPOTUS. Also a fascinating tale of crime at our highest office.

Instagram post for the day NOPE, well, OK. Here's one. Here's Another.
Dead Man's hand from the short horror film, “Gumdrop”, a short horror.

Here's the deal, weather has sucked lately.

So, let's see...

Stop triggering ignorant conservatives about socialism. It's not the answer (nor is cathartically triggering them, though many deserve it). Reasonable Social Programs are required in EVERY country. But ending our toxic capitalism (& conservatism) is what's required here.

Have you heard about this Nick Fuentes guy that Trump and Ye had dinner with at Mar y Lago? I had no idea what this Nick guy was about. Saw a video (11:58 mins in) of him talking today. Good grief, it's stunningly bad nonsense. Conservatives want to literally destroy this country and turn it into something we'll really, really regret. Damn. Unbelievable. 

When do we wake up and realize on social media platforms we're all citizen journalists & responsible to truth & not spreading lies that can end democracy and this Republic? We're going to have to face the reality & responsibilities.

I'm less concerned about suicides than murders, which need addressing. But not as much as murders. Harm yourself, not others. I've long suggested legalizing mass shootings...IF the shooter offs himself too; he just has to start with that.

It's not just a gun OR mental health crises.
It's both, plus.
It's an overall attitude of guns, period.
A misunderstanding.
A cultural & attitudinal misunderstanding.
Guns should only be considered & handled professionally.
NOT toys.
Death Tools.
ONLY then, can they be seen as ANYthing else.

The world via efforts using technology like Cambridge Analytica, has rolled democracy back to 60% 1989 levels.
Autocracy's not growing because of human desire.
Rather, manipulated controls.
In America it's grown via the same with lies, unethical & illegal manipulations. But we're finally getting around to putting it down. Trump is on the run from prison and so far, losing. There is hope, at least still in America. But it's not a given.

If someone has voted for Donald Trump twice, what makes you think you can change their mind? Delusion? Mental illness? Asking for a friend.

Plus I got a pneumonia shot a week ago on the 18th, that set me back in my long covid for a week. You only need one now, they had just gotten in the new vaccine the day I got my shot. It used to be two, one, then a year later the second (heard this from several in my family). My cousin said it made her under the weather for about a week. So my long covid came back as it was a couple of months ago, but that's fading now.

Anyway, no walkabout. I'm thinking now as the weather is lame, cold, wet, kind of miserable, to just use my elliptical and listen to podcasts. Better workout in less time. Just no moving imagery or options for good new Instagram posts.

However, had a couple of thoughts...

Someone tell Republicans to purge themselves of their autocratic fetishes in supporting Donald Trump or any like him for reelection from here going forward. Look at it as if we’re living on the night's edge and they will HAVE to change the name of America, if Republicans win in 2024.

Yes, as Republicans are trying to push it, Hunter Biden‘s laptop is real. It IS a laptop. It IS a solid entity. Whether it’s relevant or not, the FBI should look into that, NOT Congress. However, Republicans are fake, doing jobs to keep their jobs rather than to expend efforts on behalf of our citizens, and that doesn’t seem to be up for debate either. Just consider the POTUS45 administration years. And the 20 years before that. Years after that. And soon the insufferable fake bullshit politically biased politically charged obstructionist MAGA/ QAnon nonsense House Republican "investigations" will begin again. As we has insufferable Benghazi and Hillary's emails "investigations". Sigh... 

We hate others more in what we see in them, which we see in ourselves.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Friday, November 18, 2022

Walkabout Thoughts #19

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

Weather for the day… 48° sunny, nice day for a walkabout

FUTURE NOTE: Woke up feeling pretty good, as if there was no long Covid virus feeling. But still feeling the baseline long Covid, pulse/blood pressure issue, slightly and a little uncomfortable. Popped half a Benadryl, headed out for my, hopefully 5 mile walk. Not feeling that great today on my walk it’s now almost 4 miles. But sometimes when the endorphins kick in I can go the distance. I’ll have to make a decision when I get to 4 miles. Because if my body says I’m done for the day and I keep going, it’ll take me a few days to recuperate. Otherwise, I'll just feel a little out of it for a day and be ready for my next walk the following day.

Back to the Now and Present...

If you’re wondering what I’m talking about in the difference between the long Covid "viral feeling" that sits on top of baseline long Covid, antivirals work for that which sits on top of long Covid. I know it’s confusing. I made it clear in my book “Suffering Long Covid“. Which is in part why I wrote the book which just came out recently on Amazon. Because I kept running into too many people, face-to-face, locally who when the subject of long Covid came up, we’re really clueless. It surprised me. So at least in my book they get some clues. Since it’s geared toward my specific experience, it's also useful for some phenomenologically-based, emotional, physical and data concepts, towards this whole annoying experience.

I switched today to my favorite hiking jacket  that I’ve had for like 30 years or so. It had gotten discolored, sun bleached, from sitting in my car years ago. So I gave it to my youngest because it was just sitting in my closet (I wasn't hiking much, just lots of IT work). A few years later I found they weren’t using it and wanted to get rid of it. So I happily took it back. I threw it in the wash and dyed it dark green and it came out looking pretty close to original, oddly enough. So I got it back! I was pretty happy about that. It breathes. It's great for hiking. Better to use than my commuter jacket I've been wearing lately. Which is great when the weather is very inclement. But on blue sky/not too cold day like this, it's much more comfortable. Just should have not also worn the polar fleece shirt.

Podcast for the day is... the Phenomenology episode of the Dr. "Jay Forrest On Nature Buddhism" podcast. I’ll have to take a listen to his, "5 minute Dharma" versions which he said were very popular. This is an older podcast however. He also wrote, “Secular Buddhism” something ("Secular Buddhism, An Introduction", I looked that later looked). He also has a YouTube channel I'll have to check out.

Dammit. My phone lost the podcast and I can’t find it! I could probably find it on my laptop again later, but not while I’m walking (I tried). Look, I’m trying to find a way to switch over to psychology and phenomenology rather than politics… but it ain’t easy. I did find some decent phenomenology podcasts yesterday but they’re not easy to access on my iPhone. And as I’ve just seen, if I happen to lose it, because I pause a lot, then do voice to text into my writing notes, which I'll move to my blog later, and then return to the podcast as I’m walking. If that's not smooth, that is a problem.

So because I don’t want to spend all my time looking for a podcast right now, I switched over to Pod Save America’s last episode, “2022 is dead. Long live 2024” this being Thursday that would be there Tuesday episode. Future Note: after I got home today's episode came out, “He’s Running (from the law”.

Instagram post for the day...well, I don't have one. However...I'll offer this:
There is a new...Afternoons with Ash Black: Doc Blackwell (Doc Loves the Kids)...up on local Ch 12 BKat TV and YouTube, today. I was interviewed by Ash a couple of months back (Vimeo/YouTube). 

As they are discussing this on the podcast, once we get this country fixed as far as elections, districting/gerrymandering, etc. eliminating voter suppression, for poor, or utterly no reasons, or worse… we will see Democrats in power more often. Which is why they do it. These election should not be so close. Come on, so often close 50/50 votes cast? Be real. Because it’s obviously been manufactured to be that way. And since the Republicans are at times in power where there are mostly Democratic districts/states so often (or ever as it shouldn't happen ever), obviously it's manufactured by Republicans due to their toxic conservative beliefs. Look, I’m not against conservatism. I’m against it being toxic. I’m against it being forever-in-power even illiberally so, politics. One becomes conservative, and I’ve said this many emergencies. Otherwise we use proper risk assessment and always move forward, trying to progress, trying to be better than you were. Which Republicans have labeled as ANYthing bad. Conservatives take Communism, Socialism, and call it fascism, as they themselves are adhering to the best fascist models they can find around the world and throughout history. It's bizarre. Otherwise, if they weren't that way, Trump in loving dictators so much, wouldn’t be the leader of the Republican Party. As utterly destructive as that has been. In the past 20 years it seems the only thing the Republicans can do is to be destructive, To themselves. They have achieved that. They turned their illiberal powers to the destruction of democracy in this country. They don’t want this landmass (America the location) to go away, they just want forever control of it (thus making the concept of America go away). Like I said, bizarre.

Look, when decades ago Republicans decided they were too closely aligned with the other party (Democrats), their opposition, they wanted to generate a clear defining line. Now they could’ve gone/gotten better, or gotten worse. But they chose extremism and attempting to destroy democracy. In 2012, from their own "autopsy', when they could’ve again gotten better, they again chose the path they were on, continuing in their downward destructive spiral.

You don’t have to believe me about how bad the Republicans are. You can listen to Mitch McConnell who said in this election essentially the Republicans had put up really bad candidates. We’ve seen how Republicans didn’t have a "red tsunami" as they all projected because America rebuked their destructiveness and divisiveness, and their divisionist attitude. They and their people seem to forget that America is a country unto itself against the bad in the world. Splitting us up on one side, choosing bad, how is that good? And convincing others in their party that the other side is bad, makes no sense whatsoever, but it continues to point out how bad they are being. You don’t lie and purposely skew reality as leaders. Because that will tear a nation apart. But they don’t care. Because they think delusionally, that no matter how much destruction they do, once they gain absolute power they’ll fix it all. Because in autocracy, only "one can fix it". We’ve heard Trump say that, repeatedly. And the party thinks the same thing. Only They can fix it. Democrats don’t believe or profess that. They want a functional, smart oppositional party. As do I. Republicans don't want an oppositional party. It's very, Id-like, immature, childish, and...authoritarian. Instead, there are more and more fighting against this criminal party, this insurrectionist party of seditionist. A divisionist's party. What do they say? Divide and conquer? And what do you hear the Democrats say? "We all need to be one country." And that really, says it all. Yes, Democrats screw up, because they try hard. But at least they try. At least they are, "American".

By the way, I’m not someone who just simply hates. I’m not someone who just hates the opposition. I’m not someone who only hates Trump and the Republican Party. I used to vote for Republicans whenever there was a better candidate. Or Independents. Or, "write ins". The best candidate. I voted for one Republican this election. Because there was no Democrat against him, and he sounded genuinely like a decent guy, in my research on him. And he was an incumbent, anyway. So what the hell. But my point in mentioning this, is that once the Republicans get their shit together again, I won’t be saying things about them like I do now. I'm sure I'll still have disagreements. But if it’s not true, I’m not gonna say it. If the facts don’t support it, you’d have to be a fool, or a cult member, to believe the lies that have been going around, to too often, slurped down by Republicans, thinking it will give them an advantage over those not doing that kind of disreputable behavior.

There's an old legal aphorism that goes, "If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither on your side, pound the table." We can see this clearly in the delineation between Democratic and Republican Congressional investigations and hearings. Republicans do nothing but obstruct the investigations, spew bullshit and conspiracies. As we watched the House January 6th Committee, it was more like watching a court trial with enhancements. But because MAGA Republicans weren’t allowed in there (and thank God), we didn’t hear the conspiracies and bullshit jamming up the gears. And when you consider mostly Republicans and conservatives were the ones testifying, I don’t know how it can be seen as political. Though Republicans spun it like that, describing the Committee as if it was run by them, partisan, political, pathetic. Although it was based within the political arena of a Trump MAGA wannabe autocracy that lead to a coup and insurrection attempt.

Is Trump's Mar-a-Lago actually his own manufactured version of, “The White Lotus“?

We can tell how little progress Republicans have made for two reasons. Trump, McConnell. They chose Donald Trump, and are still affected by him. And they chose Mitch McConnell as Republican Senate leader. Again. After both of those men having done a vast amount of destruction to this Senate and this country.

There’s a condition in children I think it’s called, Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). I think the Republicans have it. Because as they point out on the Pod Save America episode, Republicans got what they wanted for years. They overturned Dobbs, and they got punished for it. Republicans via Trump, put up a bunch of MAGA candidate and got spanked for it. It seems the more they punish themselves they're punished by others. The more they double down, they ask for another and another and another (punishments). But who really suffered for it? We do. US. America.

I believe the podcast is correct about Mitch McConnell, that his two greatest skills are attempts to be obstructionist and raising money from lobbyists. The two most slimy things I can think of in government. You don’t obstruct for the sake of obstruction. You don’t just obstruct to “win the Libs“. You obstruct against bad policy. Period. It’s like that old saying… "Republicans are great at selling bad ideas and Democrats are bad at selling good ideas." Dems (Republicans, too), get it together!

I also have to agree with their comment that Mitch McConnell is no genius. You don’t have to be when you’re in the minority. You don’t have to be when you’re an obstructionist. You don’t have to be when you merely and repeatedly just do what the other side doesn’t want merely to please your people. Which is exactly what Trump did. And he’s no genius either. He’s just that kid in the back of the room that knows how to annoy the shit out of all the other kids in the room. No he doesn’t get most valuable player. Or most popular student. But he does get, most well-known (and hated) student. But people from the outside can take that for something, seeing something completely different. Especially when it's a political machine, dedicated to that, with help from other countries (Russia?) to serve up an illiberal a liberal agent of chaos.

Podcast: Rick Scott’s plan to sunset Social Security and raise taxes on the middle class with his "driving 300 miles to step on a landmine". And he blames McConnell for allowing Lindsey Graham to push that crap about an abortion ban. Losers.

Do you know everyone who is bugged by Trump right now, the Republican Party, Mitch McConnell, Fox News, etc., etc., etc., all this could’ve been taken care of if McConnell had just allowed the impeachment of Donald Trump to go through and then Trump could never be allowed to run for POTUS again. But no, Republicans have been just too fucking stupid to see beyond their own Pinocchio noses.

That’s “corporate thought“ at work again. The mindset that it’s "better to push a product or process and kill people, but make billions, then get sued, pay out millions, then spend millions on ads to rebuild your brand." That’s not how governments should work. When we see the Republican Party do that, with a leader like Donald Trump, an admittedly toxic capitalist and wannabe autocrat, what should one really expect?

Wouldn't it be ironic if Herschel Walker got elected, then realized, or in his rather "interesting" mind, came to believe he could make more money by switching to being Democrat? Because, don’t think for a second if Trump got in, thought HE could get more power/money by switching to the Democrats, that he wouldn't do it in a second.

OK, at 2.5 miles I was ready to quit walking. Almost at the end of 3 miles, the endorphins kicked in finally, overwhelming the long Covid feeling. For a moment I thought I’d stop now. But I think I’ll do the 4th mile. Hoping I get to the end of the 4th mile, and feeling about the same. So wanting to get back to 5 miles, again.

I just like to say, if anyones thinking of catching Covid, or worse long Covid, maybe consider something else…

Podcast had a good point. There’s a good chance we can take the house in 2024. Some might say, just let Republicans keep saying and doing the things they’re trying to say and do. They'll just hand the House back over. Much like they did the Senate and other state offices this 2022 midterm election. The best thing you can have as opponent is one who is their own worst enemy, and not just ours.

Here’s something else to consider, Russian active measures in social media against democracy and specifically America, has paid off for them so very well. Helps to have leadership in America helping with that. Thanks, Trump & Republicans! Their goal as with Trump's goal and some of the Republican Party has simply been, evoke chaos. Because when there is chaos you can seize things, like power, position, money. But what the Russians got in the end was this Republican Party. They actually turned an American political party against their own country. They elected someone like Donald Trump. They said an insurrection was a political protest, after being terrified that day and quickly saying it was bullshit, that Trump is responsible, but then breathing a few "breathes" and then a few days later, went right back to kissing his ass. Russia, Putin, and their cyber force should really be on the front cover of Time and Fortune magazine for the "Best ROI in History" of subverting a foreign enemy. And WHY are we enemies? It doesn't have to be like this. They're just like the Republicans now in that, to oppose western democracy always, to just be against anything they're for, even good ideas. And that's, just stupid and counter-productive for all involved. Hone the best ideas together, then make them succeed! Stop worrying about who came up with the ideas.

Also, get ready for the Republican investigation after investigation after investigation about absolutely nothing, ever wasting more American tax dollars over...absolutely nothing. I don’t even know what they’re going to come up with yet (to be sure, Hunter Biden, sigh...Good grief, what's the FBI for?). But you can be sure in the end, it’ll be absolutely nothing and they'll claim massive findings (while nothing will functionally come of it, or if anything does, it will be minor compared to the noise they make about it gearing up the "investigations"). I guess the people who claim to be the law and order party, or in Trump's case, president, as Trump is so often like the Republican party, to point fingers at others and call out THEIR crimes, all while Republicans (or Trump) are the ones executing those crimes. It's all so elementary school level

The Republican Party knew very well that election denial and anti-abortion nonsense was a losing agenda. But they did the same, as did with Trump, sitting back and waiting to see if it all goes well for them... who knows, maybe? Not even playing it out, thinking ahead to see how damaging it would be for them (and America, but they're really not worried about THAT). Obviously they don’t care about America, because they're a Party of narcissistic sociopathy led by the First Narcissist Himself.

Republicans are already saying they’re going to hold the country hostage over the debt ceiling in order to get concessions on taxes and the social safety net. While Democrats aren’t socialists, Republicans regardless, are anti-social programs. As I’ve explained before, as we mostly all KNOW, those are two vastly different topics. Every single country in the world NEEDS social programs. Why are they so anti-democracy and anti-help citizens? God knows they want to help people who are rich or corporate. Citizens founded this country. Citizens made these corporations. But once they become corporations they do everything they can to abandon the citizens for profit. And that’s what we mean by toxic capitalism and "corporate thought". It’s abusive and lends itself to conservatism which apparently easily wishes to slide into autocracy. WTF? We keep seeing that in recent decades from Republicans, again and again and again…why are so many Republicans authoritarian curious?

My post in another location...
Nazi Germany failed during Hitler's rise & fall to be informed on what they were supporting, to find a moral compass.
MAGA Republicans failed during POTUS45 supporting a mental & moral defect in a toxic capitalist & faux conservative.
While even "religious" people could not see their own failings in their greed for power & relevance, to push toward theocracy, rather than democracy, in aiding an autocrat.
Because that's what they did and what it was about. They compromised themselves to get one or two things, and closed their eyes, on what else Trump did.
Christianity IS essentially a capitalist autocracy.
Capitalism turned toxic, turns conservative and that, when autocracy

Regarding Christianity being capitalist as with some other religions. Buddhism doesn’t fall into that. In Christianity you do something on earth so you like, "get a certificate" or something, imaginary ones that forgive you. Most noticeably in Catholicism. "God Forgives". So that after being a murderer, when you’re dying, you get to go to heaven. How is that not capitalism at work? You "pay" into belief now, you're paid off in much better Heaven. In Buddhism you try to be aware of all you can, always better yourself in the best possible ways. Do not confuse my Buddhism, which is my Buddha dharma beliefs and readings... with the majority of the world's versions. Especially, those who grew up with Buddhism and turned it into a religion. It is not a religion. No, I don't buy into reincarnation. Buddha says, use your common sense and don't believe bullshit others push on you. Look, I'm no rabid Buddhist. I use it at a touchstone, to orient with. All other religions I surveyed for decades failed. Anyway, that’s the thing about humans. Because of our inherent OCD and pattern recognition capabilities, we always try to turn everything into a religion. How do you think religions got started? Because there’s a God? Please. Why (how?) do you think conservatism and capitalism have become so corrupt and toxic? Because we’ve tried to turn them into religions. We can’t recognize it for the most part. We won’t recognize it, typically we just refuse to. But we apply those beliefs and we port that pattern in our mind, over to those things. Some do that with humanism. We'll do it with anything. To be sure, when going up against a great force, once has to be dedicated, of a single purpose. But you have to occasionally reorient. At least those into humanism, humaneness, compassion, are leaning towards care about humans rather than just the exploitation and destruction of them.

Trump has been tough to go against because those who do are afraid of not him, but what he could do with his MAGA base. I don’t think some of these people who want to be president in 2024 care so much about that anymore. They’re emboldened, now. And if they do to Trump what he’s doing to them, but they do it better (because it’s really not that difficult to be smarter than that man), then he could easily lose. It’s not that Trump is that smart, it’s that he has the personality of a bully who spent his entire life perfecting a skill. Being very good at a skill looks like genius from those who don’t know about it or who haven’t practiced it. But trust me, Trump's dumber than you think. It's just that he's learned some techniques to appear a certain way, and to scare off anyone shattering that illusion, if not destroy them in the ways that person most fears. He is after all, a serial predator.

Damn. This is a long blog today. I still have to do a quick run through edit to make it readable and fix so may of my "voice to text" errors. Some of which are hilarious or frustrating or just downright annoying and angrifying. I’ve also been trying to get away from politics more into psychology and phenomenology. I don’t want to be working on the blog much when I want to be editing my book on my film, “Pvt. Ravel‘s Bolero“. I'm having a lot of fun writing that. So much more fun than writing a book on Covid. Obviously. Not to mention, where I had to incessantly review the past two years of miserable Covid experiences and near death moments. So much more fun to write about the Arts. Ah well…

OK I started on my 5th mile. Now...I can do it. I Could push myself. But I think I’ll regret it tomorrow, if not later today. It's better to air on the side of caution with long Covid. Push yourself as much as you can, but don’t be stupid.

Good call on my part. Just as I got onto my home block, my left ankle started aching. But that’s more due to not walking the 5 miles more than anything else. How do you get back up to 5 miles a day? Deal with a little discomfort. Also the air quality today is indicated as "good" but like one click down from, "moderate". So it could be that in walking 4 miles I’ve kind of done 5 miles worth of breathing not the best are, which really affects my long Covid (it inflames something that aggravates symptoms). So that together with over exercising it can make for a really, really uncomfortable few days of healing up from it. I miss the days of over-exercising a bit, hurting a bit, feeling good, healing up and doing it again tomorrow. But...getting older, healing takes longer, and hopefully long covid is on the way away.

Regarding my coat today, it would’ve been perfect if I just hadn’t worn my Costco flannel fleece shirt under it, as it is just a little too sweaty for my taste (see, I said, "taste" but voice to text put in, "teeth", but then. that's funnier, "too sweaty for my teeth", right?).

Cheers! Sláinte!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Walkabout Thoughts #18

My thoughts, Stream of consciousness, rough and ready, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

Weather for the day… 42° broken clouds sunny, nice day for a walkabout

Instagram post for the day

Podcast for the day is Folk Phenomenology podcast episode, "Jenn Morson on Antisemitism and Journalism in and out of Catholicism"

Yesterday, I also listened to the Phenomenology Club podcast, Being Human, with an interesting rant and some good points on gender.

Well, I haven’t been here for a few days now for a walk, initially because I overdid it with long Covid and I hadn’t felt well. But also because of weather and air quality. Air quality hasn’t been that bad, but I actually got on the road to walk the other day and it was rated moderate, so I turned around went home. It’s not worth taking a chance. Either in doing the 5 miles last week, which I was so happy about getting done finally, after the last two times before that in a couple of 4 mile walks, or for some things I ate making my long Covid flare up in a not pleasant way. Though it seems to be fading. It seems to be less, even since I published my book on long Covid recently. But I’m well aware it could last two years, which would take me to April 2024.

My podcast yesterday was while I was shopping at Costco. Rachel Maddow‘s excellent “Ultra“, episode seven, "Rinse, Repeat". Next Monday is episode eight and the final installment of this thoroughly remarkable and amazing tale of how Donald Trump was our second insurrectionist, trumped by the one Rachel details in the 1940s. In what was a very similar and familiar event that also had connections with fascists (Hitler, not Putin). Whereas Trump loves the writings of Hitler and authoritarians and despots around the world in general, like Putin or Kim Jong Un. Hitler was actually aiding and abetting the insurrectionist Americans in the 1940s, with some of them in Congress.

I don’t think I’m finding a phenomenology podcast of the type I've been hoping to find.

Brief aside: My oldest son and I had created a faux religion in the vein the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, only oriented towards stupidity and religions, in a rebuke of all things that annoy humankind, or irritations in one’s daily life, etc. We called it, The "Church of the Pure Purple" (the website explains why). We're also mentioned in the Urban Dictionary. Though for some reason not in Wikipedia (but then again, neither am I). But we tend to refer to it as, purple ism. Yes there’s a website for it at Yes there’s a couple of Facebook pages/groups for it. 

But apparently there is no podcast dedicated to what I studied at university, at Western Washington University, in Bellingham Washington. What I’ve been looking for is a podcast on the phenomenology of psychology, or the psychology of phenomenology. Because that’s what I had been studying. I worked at the University of Washington for over seven years. I also worked for a time with Dr. John Gottman‘s marital research facility where he did some amazing work that led to my (now ex) wife and I (and the son I mentioned) in a BBC documentary back in the early 90s. But I attended Western Washington University instead (I also took classes at the UW) because I liked their orientation on psychology. It was much less devoted than the "UDub" to what we used to call “rat counters“, quantified psychology, in rat labs. Although I was surprised to find when my girlfriend got a job at Western, that we had monkey labs.

Well, because of all that… I’m going to switch now over to the Hell & High Water with John Heilemann podcast episode with Jon Meacham. I’ll finish the podcast on phenomenology later. Meacham just wrote a new book, "And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle"

Hey, I know said I was trying to get off political podcast and into psychology. Or better, phenomenology podcasts. But it’s like, a process, right? Besides I listen now to some very good political podcasts and I’m having trouble finding what I want in phenomenological podcasts. I mean, I could go back to the Folk Phenomenology podcast episode about a woman who was baptized as a child, but partially raised Jewish, and that whole experience. Or listen to the great John Heilemann and even greater Jon Meacham. Kind of, not a contest there. Sadly. But realistically.

As Meacham is mentioning on the podcast, the problem with autocracy is that the strong subjugate the weak. But the weak one day can become strong, and remove the autocratic and abusive. While the best we have the offer in history is democracy. Which is admittedly problematic. Even messy? And difficult. But it allows us that pressure valve and protection of the people. The problem nowadays is people are not well educated in history and global matters, not at a point to which they can appreciate what they have. In any system, you begin the system from a survey of all other systems. Then after a time you start to judge that system from within itself. Self reflection is not only good, it’s necessary and required. But you have to be careful. In reductionism, be it in physics, or politics, or anything, you can reduce to the point of either non-existence, or losing all meaning. I've seen Republicans doing that for year to make Democrats objections see irrelevant. As a form of disinformation. When in reality, they're very relevant objections. In any reduction effort, one has to move back-and-forth in scope. Buddhism teaches moderation in all things. But one also needs to view things, and I would argue in anything, from the perspective of the immediate and specific. From medium distance and slightly more general, and from the long distance, long-term, and most greatly generalized. What confuses some is that you also have to take that effort in viewing something, and look at tha,t as in that most generalized of a sense in viewing that, whatever it is, and make that the short term /immediate and specific, and then blow it out from there. But also one has to go the other way, the other direction. Only then would I would call that, in a Buddhist reference, “Enlightenment”. Yeah, I know that was confusing. Summary: pick a situation. View in in the short, medium and long term. Then take all that and do the same again. Then go the other direction. That, can allow, Enlightenment. Although it requires more.

If you want to a sign to let you know you’re on the wrong side of something, it’s when your favored secular politicians start to evoke God and religion. As Donald Trump has done. As Ron DeSanctimonious (as Trump juvenilely calls him), and as Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis, has now also done. As the Republican Party, especially their MAGA infection, within their party keeps doing. Also remember this, “Separation of Church and State“. There’s good reasons for that. I worry when politicians begin trying to inject their religious beliefs into a secular government's mechanism, regulations and laws. They need to be really worried, too. We’re quite past that now, because they’ve been doing it for a long time. Long before Trump's MAGA disease. Which, if he died tomorrow, will continue on without him. Which is what many of us worried about when he started up his political machinations some years ago. Democracy, with a little "d", is delicate (with a big "D"). You have to fight for it, to maintain it, from time to time, and if you don’t treat it right, it easily turns into something much darker and horrific. Which is what "1984" (1949) by George Orwell, and his 1945 book "Animal Farm", which of late we seem to be all about. I think everyone in the country should sit down and read those book, right now, before they do another thing. Although, some may need them explained (if not read) to them.

John Heilemann mentioning how Pres. Biden was able to walk out on stage after a pretty damn good election, which was only that good recently for Pres. George W. Bush, in part because of him starting a war, or two. One he had planned to start long before he became president, in Iraq. But before Bush, it’s been a very long time. Well, I can make the comment that I was very unhappy George Bush got elected. When I’m pretty sure that should’ve gone to Al Gore. But at least he didn’t pull any crap like what Trump did. Because VP Gore (Got to shake his hand once), had concerns for something other than his country, and democracy, and our citizens. I nether thought Bush was a real smart guy. Smart in some sense, but not as POTUS. He did OK, I guess. But when he won the electiotn Al should have won, I figured, America had been fooled. Fool me once… But when America voted Bush in for a second term? And I understand that happens during a war (a war that went on for 20 years, thanks for that), with all the mismanagement and mistakes that brought with it, I remember saying when Bush won his second term that, "I give up on America. If they’re going to vote Bush back in. They should know better by now and they don’t". Well Obama gave us some hope. Too much maybe. And apparently really offended a lot of America and sparked not very dormant racism. Then Trump yanked that rug out from under us and got in his little golf cart and drove the other way, away from democracy and as fast as he could. In order to continue acquiring all the money he could get legally, and illegally, morally but mostly immorally, and unethically. And that's just the facts. My older brother, seven years my senior, a big Trump supporter and somehow a nutcase toxic conservativism believer, who was kind of a hippie (he'd say never) back in the 60s...well, my facts are based in reality. I build my buildings on solid rock ground. Not an imitation of the Washington DC swap that Trump was allegedly voted in to get rid of but instead built another one and filled both of them to overflowing, pouring out into America his MAGA disease into a corpse of the zombie Republican Party of 2012. If you remember that. Where their self autopsy told them they needed to go a certain direction, entirely opposed to where they were headed, and then... they doubled down raw barebacking America until they injected enough of their disease from Donald Trump.

While we’ve on the tipping point of autocracy, we do finally seem to be leaning a bit left at this point. I think pretty much everybody sick of Donald Trump. The problem as I mentioned above, is that once you fire up a mindset that people find glee in exercising, it may never go away. Now to be fair, we’ve had that mindset since before the Civil War. Which was there to exploit. And as we mature our old conservatives anachronistic beliefs flame up. Which I call the “vicious animal dying“ syndrome, wherein, as something dies it flares up fighting death before it fades away. I’ve noticed this with disease. As you heal you hit a point where the disease gets suddenly really bad as “the fever breaks“. Will we get over these lead stories of late, to start feeling better? Or is it over with? I suspect we're stronger than we realize and autocracy can kiss our collective ass. We’ve seen some religions flaring up a bit, mostly Christianity, especially Evangelicalism, because they’re slowly dying out as America, as humanity at large if we're paying attention, evolves into greater knowledge and a better awareness of reality. We're also seeing it here in America with racism, and those sadly still authoritarian curious.

Remember what we’ve seen in interview video of Tucker Carlson saying that when he’s put on the spot and doesn’t have an answer, he lies. He says he doesn't lie on TV. Nonsense, practically his entire program is based on lying to America. To his viewers. Donald Trump doesn’t even do that when he's on the spot, he just lies, like he breathes.

For the record, I do not lie. I haven’t since I was a child. It’s a long story why, but it's cemented deeply into me to always tell the truth. To try hard to be accurate. IF I'm ever wrong, it's a mistake and I'm happy to correct it. And I always do if and when I can. For one thing, if you always tell the truth, life it just easier. You don't have to remember your lie universe. Whenever you don’t want to tell the truth, you have to be more clever to answer truthfully to get through the situation. That may come down to just saying, "I’m not going to answer that," but then you're not lying. It makes you smarter. Not to mention your reputation grows in good ways. Telling the truth is like doing push-ups for your mind/brain. You’re going to end up stronger working that mental muscle, than someone who just sits in a chair staring at a wall. We have to exercise our minds in order to exercise our brains. And the mind and brain exist together. That’s why you can’t take one person‘s mind and put it in another person's brain, because the physical structure isn’t there to support it. You would get a schizophrenic out of it at best. Which is kind of what happens when you take immoral people like Trump and put them in a more obvious and structured environment like being president, where ethics actually matter. As does reputation. Trump proved you can be POTUS with a really shitty reputation, that there's a way to work that. But I think this midterm election has shown, Americans are sick of that nonsense. Or if you take a moral person and put them in an environment like the shit bubble surrounding Donald Trump. It warps people, it infects, damages. Someone said everything that Donald Trump touches is corrupted. There’s a reason for that. We wondered why some good people did bad things when Trump was president. Now they've woken up out of his influence and they're regretting it.

It’s the mental condition of sociopaths. I went through this with my own mother. Decades ago, I visited her at home. I talk to her and listened to things she told me and I commiserated with her. She was telling me things I didn't know about, couldn't yet, couldn't verify, so you tend to trust someone and react accordingly. Perhaps there’s some obvious codependency going there. That situation kind of messed up all of us kids (Kids, we were in our 30's and 40s back then). I walked out, leaving her house that day and it was about 15 minutes later, my mind having been working on everything she had said, as I was driving away. I began to realize that nothing she said made sense. That it couldn't be true. Then I remembered other things like that, other times this had happened. And I realized, nothing she said was true, but she believed it. It was victim mentality for one. Something we constantly hear from Trump. Some of what Mom said was true, but her interpretation of things was severely warped and bent toward making her look like the victim, like someone who people needed to support and do her bidding, against others. And that was when I realized...this was a mental illness of some kind. She had a mental illness. We'd long known she had something going on (and drugs for a long time were part of that) I told my siblings about it. We tried to affect positive change for her. But all we did was to piss her off We had no legal recourse. When she needed to be in an institution and managed and her mind reshaped. Healed. And that’s what I’ve realized with Donald Trump. He’s the same exact kind of person, only far worse than my mother and far more destructive and mean spirited. Vile and greedy. The thing about sociopaths is they can be very charming because they will sacrifice their own selfness, temporarily, to be whatever you need them to be for you to give them what they want, or I should say, vice a versa. They will give you what you want from them for them to get you to give them what they need. That’s why whenever I meet someone like Donald Trump, I know it, usually instantly, in my core that this is not a good person to be near. Get away from them! And I won't stay around them, at all. Why should I? I know what's coming. I don't think I've ever been wrong either, when that has happened. Others around me have noticed that and used that to their own benefit. IF I won't deal with someone and they know why, they save themselves the pain and follow suit. To sum up here, one sure as hell does NOT give someone like Donald Trump the most powerful office in the history of humankind. That is feeding the pathology. We fed his pathology. His sociopathy. Fueled his narcissism. To all our determent. And we nearly helped him end this country.

Jon Meacham in the podcast just said “When I say we should follow the rule of law, and that sounds partisan. That's a sign of where we’re at.”

Time for me to restate my beliefs, since I graduated University in 1984, that we need to watch out for corporations and what I came to call “corporate thought“. That form of thinking that corporations use. They use it to justify profit because they have to, because that’s their job. They use it to justify compromising their morals and ethics and that of others. Since decades ago  when I first came to that realization, I’ve watched this "corporate thought" seep into everything. Our government. Our religions, and so much so through evangelism. Seeping into our churches. Toxic capitalism, is what I came to realize was going on. But it takes corporate thinking to support the toxic capitalism. We are manly a capitalist nation and a largely Christian one. People like to say we’re a Christian nation, that is, Christians like to say that. That is, mostly evangelicals like to say that. But the truth is that this country was founded during a time when religion was prominent and had consumed everything. Even if you were a rationalist, or humanist, or a secularist, to just be able to get through the day, most needed to cave into all that in their language. And when called out they had to  play Peter, with his three times speaking against Jesus, if you want to reference the Bible on this. It’s something that’s goes against yourself and reality. But just because the concept of God was so profound in society back then. As a Founder of this nation, especially in their not setting up an institutionalized religion, as there was in England, they were trying to get away from that. They wanted a separation of church and state. And it would’ve done well for them, for us now, for them to have mentioned that directly in the Constitution. But how are they supposed to know that at the time, when they really couldn’t say that, that one day it would cost us all dearly. For not just coming out and saying that all religions are welcome, and no religion is better than any other, and no religion is better than atheism. While atheism, as many of them knew as Freemasons, may well be better than theism. And if not atheism, certainly secularism. There’s also a huge difference between spiritualism and theism. Between an understanding of the universe and that of organized religion.

For those who don’t understand "international inflation" or gas prices, instead of blaming Pres. Biden and a Democratic administration, it would behoove everyone if they would blame the Republican Party for it, and even Donald Trump. If you stand back and you look at this from a distance, one can see clearly that in the long run, that would do a lot more good for everyone. Though maybe not the Republican leadership (or their lobbyists who have their lips glued to them), or wealthy Republicans, or corporations. Who don’t have  the good sense of what they owe to this country. You can talk to a lot of wealthy democratic people who are quite happy to be taxed more. Not abusively so, no one likes feeling abused. But then too, what appears abusive to us as the poor, certainly isn't to the wealthy. I’ve even seen some wealthy Republican people saying to "tax us more, but I’m not gonna just throw money at you if I don’t have to." On the other hand, there are people who are paying more than their fair share according to tax laws because they can afford it and it's the right things to do. Tax shelters and avoiding taxes as much as you can legally (or illegally) achieve, isn't as Trump said, "Smart", it's unAmerican. It's actually stealing from the citizens. When that comes up in reverse and they are saying an individual is doing something like that, they surely call it crime. So? So it’s a personal thing about how much you value yourself in this country. Who needs tax breaks? Those who don’t have money. Who do we always try to tax the most when Republicans are in office? Those who are having trouble getting by. Who get the tax breaks from them? Corporations and the rich and wealthy. And a lot of times, not even the rich. Follow the money. But also follow the power, and you'll see who is addicted to those who have the power.

Jon Meacham: “It’s the three "D's". Dobbs, democracy, deniers.” That speaks to why Republicans did so poorly on this midterm election. Those who were against women's rights, democracy and who denied election security.

This just popped into my head. On gender. When you’re telling someone about someone else who they don’t know, do you want to use the descriptors? Do you want to have some idea, a foothold into the orientation of the person? If they’re not like that person, if they’re not of the majority, easily understanding who the person is you are referring to. Of those who most people would assume would a certain type of person, without their being described, isn't it useful to use descriptors? Gender can imply an orientation. But only for those correctly labeled with a gender as they see themselves. Unless you’re talking about fashion, perhaps...what good does gender do for you, really? So regardless how many genders there are, or how many some believe there are, unless it’s relevant to the context, why is gender or race as a descriptor, required? And that’s basically the argument that non-binary people, or trans people have, when trying to share such information with others. Yes, they’re a little over-reactive and maybe hypersensitive at times, because of a lifetime of misunderstanding. Or a lifetime of thinking they were defective, then finally as adults, realizing what's wrong, that they’re just gay, or trans. What an amazing revelation that must be for some. And then others brutalize them over finally feeling real and normal. All those years wasted would piss anyone off! Although, I may not agree with everything they believe in or how they believe some things, one does you have to do what one has to do... when you feel like you’re trying to survive. All we have to do is alter our paradigm. Accept the shift. Be supportive. Because we're being asked to support them, to change how we view THEM, not change ourselves and not to be them. 

Do you want me to leave another good example. There’s not a lot of examples in American history of rights or programs being revoked. These things are hard to establish. But once they are in place they are hard to eliminate. So if we can take women’s rights away, I won’t say that we should be able to take away gun rights, but we should apply them appropriately for the first time in a long time. Because the Second Amendment has nothing to do with what it’s been inflated to mean. Private militias are unconstitutional. We’ve known that since SCOTUS judge so back it in 1886. I guess we were too lazy to address it when it started to crop up in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. When militias started to crop up. They were a difficult thing to address. There was a lot of other turmoil to deal with. But we didn't address it. We allowed these types their delusions and misinterpretation of the US Constitution. And so here we are. And now we're paying for it. And now when it's most difficult to rectify, we finally do have to address it. Now that we've allowed lies to be institutionalized and normalized. But we have to do it.

As I think I said the other day, we should never have been voting on something like Roe v Wade, on women’s rights, such as abortion. It should be a federal law all women are guaranteed. Part of government is to protect us from abuses. From religion. From toxic conservatism. Toxic capitalism. Yes from toxic or extremist anything. We've failed so often on that. Obviously, a  problem is that there can be extremism, I'm not talking fascism, that can be right, sometimes. Go up above a little ways to what Jon Meacham said, when he says, "We should follow the rule of law" and how now it sounds partisan. Because Republicans have normalized not following the rule of law. That’s how far the norm has shifted because of this toxic conservatism effect brought to us by a lost and broken Republican Party with their mental delusionalist's diseases, like Donald Trump.

It should be quite clear if everything was running correctly in this country, related to our elections, we would be a more progressive country, we would have a more progressive government, and Republicans would not often be in power. Not until they curb their bullshit and get back in line with America. Not back in line with the Democratic Party. But back to being more functional to work with Democrats, as they’re supposed to do. If you’re not moving forward, you’re going backward. If you stand still, as conservatives want to do (or even regress) yeah, then you’re going backward. We need to be moving forward. Always. The past is what we've done and we need always to do more, better, newer and to better the lives of our citizens. Not just our corporations. Not just wealthy people who can do for themselves. America is here to help you become wealthy. To be able to maintain yourself but also to keep doing better. To do better and not worse. Not worse and then just calling it better... or great.

John Heilman had a very interesting quote from someone named, Joseph Bafumi at about 23 minutes in:
"I think the best explanation of this comes from a paper by Joseph Bafumi, which basically found that voters like to balance out policy change. They just have a very strong sense of status-quo bias and loss aversion. And as a result, they react negatively to dramatic changes in policy. So when policy moves left, they move right. And when it moves right, they move left. Just as when the temperature goes up outside, you move the thermostat down, and vice versa."

To what John had to say, Meacham mentions Jim Stimpson, a political scientist in North Carolina who said: "The findings suggest that both Democratic and Republican opinion respond thermostatically. However, the suggested account is one of differential responsiveness. Democrats appear to be responding to changes in public policy, but Republicans do not consider policy outputs at all. Rather, Republicans use the partisanship of the president to make inferences about public policy, irrespective of any actual policy change."

Meacham: "When we elect a Republican, public opinion for government goes up. When we elect a Democrat public opinion for government goes down. This is true from Eisenhower forward."

From 1937 to 2017 our policies were based on FDR and Reagan. But those were severely subverted, distorted by Donald Trump being in office and Republicans lining up like little fascist soldiers to do anything Trump wanted, no matter how crazy it was that they were being told to do, except for the very few.

According to the 2022 midterm election apparently America still wants to be a democracy. So Republicans who are fighting against that? “Fuck you!“

John Meacham says 35% of the country are ripe for the kind of authoritarian nonsense that they were gobbling up. And these are the same kinds of people who after Joe McCarthy was brought down, still supported him. He said that 35% had become 48%. But that’s now changing. We just had to get back that 12% and decide we didn’t want to burn our house down, and that’s what happened.

It’s interesting to note those Republicans who lost in this election and conceded publicly. Because they couldn’t bring themselves to be as lowlife as Donald Trump could, or a Kari Lake could.

Well that’s it for the day! I got in 4 miles. I think 5 miles might’ve been too much this time. Next time…

Also interesting for me to note, I used to get off of these walks of a mile or 2 or 3 or then 5 and I'd have to ice and then heat my left ankle, but now I don’t. Yay!

Cheers! Slainte!

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Walkabout Thoughts #17

My thoughts, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

Weather for the day's walkabout, clear… 40°

Instagram post for the day [with two follow ups below]

Podcast for the day is John Heilemann’s "Hell and Highwater" podcast, finishing up the Jordan Klepper episode.

Second podcast is Heilemann's next episode with Joe Scarborough

Instagram post for the day [with 2 more updates below, you'll see]

It’s interesting on the Jordan Klepper podcast episode talking about the time last summer he went to a MAGA rally and actually showed people January 6 committee videos of people like Bill Barr and Ivanka Trump saying clearly things against Donald Trump. And yet these people are the delusional state where and they can’t even believe their own eyes and ears. "Ivanka must be a clone." "Which she says must be edited." The stupid involved in this is so immense, it’s hard to see any way back down from it. “Double plus good“, right? People really need to go read or reread “1984“. Because ge stated, George Orwell clearly warned us, he pointed out in a fictionalize novel, just what we’re facing today, how autocracy takes over, how it functions once it is put in place. We’re in a place where a third of our country is in a paradigm shift beyond (below) the rest of us, into delusions manufactured and manipulated by authoritarians (Trump and Republican MAGA Party). It’s like Trump read Hitler's speeches (which he admits to and his wife indicated), and  "1984", and thought, “Weeell there’s a plan for action. Fuck America. All praise Donald Trump. Because there is no greater reflection in the mirror than mine!“ Uh huh...

Jordan Klepper: “It’s not that MAGA are the majority. It’s that they won’t believe that they’re NOT the majority. “

OK, this isn’t good. My Instagram post for the day was walking by a fire department truck. But now I’m on the way back from my first lap and a police car drives up. We’ve had the fire department show up before. They showed up twice in April for me for long Covid... tachycardia and then again a week later for high blood pressure. Between then and now, down and across the street from me they showed up for someone else. But the police didn’t show up. The police are usually called in when there’s a crime involved right? Worse? There’s no ambulance. What does that mean.? A death?

I got so wrapped up in the police showing up, I walked almost all the way home.

Firetruck and police Instagram vid 2. Well maybe it’s some light spousal abuse and the paramedics from the fire truck patched them up and they didn’t need to go to the hospital, so they called the police. That’s being optimistic.

“Team democracy“, does not have MAGA members. Whether they realize it or not. I mean they, and unconstitutional private militias, believe themselves to be patriots. Some of them just because they were in the military and maybe actually were patriot before they got brainwashed by toxic conservative “America First“ Trump MAGA delusions. Attacking fellow citizens for political reasons, isn't patriotic. Attacking your country or her democracy, isn't patriotic. Your intentions may have seemed "pure" to you, but your actions and reality, count.

If democracy becomes dead, and you just can’t get yourself to "do autocracy", or kleptocracy, or Trump's version of oligarchy, what then do you go for? And how do you remain then in what once was the United States of America?

So I finished the Klepper episode, now skipping to yesterday's episode of Hell and Highwater.

O00h! I forgot, a few blogs ago of my walkabout I said I wanted to start talking less about politics and more about phenomenology. Either the psychology phenomenology, or the phenomenology of psychology. But the midterms were coming up. Well yesterday, that was over and now there is this ungraceful period where they’re counting for the next week, or weeks. But, I did look up phenomenology podcasts and found only two that seemed reasonable to me. A podcast with one episode on “the phenomenology of illness“, is not absolutely not what I’m looking for. While one does have to practice things like in order to study phenomenology. Which is what I concentrated on at university towards my psychology degree, phenomenology, I mean. I'm saying, to study phenomenology, you have to study the application OF it.

Here’s a question, what if the Republican Party stopped being the Party of big business and stopped slurping down their lobbyist money and stopped focusing so much on immediate pleasure, instant gratification and power, every second of their lives? And just vociferously and utterly became advocates of small business? It would be a paradigm shift, it would be a painful shift and we’d probably lose a lot of Republicans in Congress etc. But what if the Party instead of cohesively going for utterly anti-American ludicrous bullshit like the seditionist MAGA agenda as a Party and actually went instead for the citizens? That is, small business and individuals? They can’t get out of their mindset that large multinational corporations are very citizen oriented and good for the country. No doubt they are but only up to a point and then they become toxic which makes their supporters, the Republican party, toxic, which makes their supporters in the electorate toxic, which opens the door for mindfucks like Donald Trump to rise to power. Just sayin'...

Remember that humanity is designed by nature to raise up specific individuals as a populist, almost cult leaders, and then after a time, when they discover they’re not perfect. or that they’re not the Gods (this in the primal "lizard" brain part of the human brain), humanity had evolved in the beginning, remember that religion and "Gods" didn’t exist in the beginning… And so they kill those leaders, now considered, false Gods, or false prophets, or false leaders. Plus, when you have a great idea and try to evoke change, you're ASKING to be brought to an end. Changing the status quo, even to save lives, can get people killed. Jesus, is a perfect example of this.

Normally on election day, because I vote by mail and as soon as I can, and because it’s a smart thing to do… I like to...especially since I’ve been retired... get some food for the day and drinks and monitor the election, even late into the night. Kind of like I would do with the holiday. Which election days should be. A national fucking holiday! Like in some countries who truly respect democracy. We’re so screwed up in this country. Especially with Republicans trying to skew the vote, curb the ease of election voting for their opponents… if you look at Republican election activities, they’re all oriented toward decreasing their opponents' votes and increasing theirs. Though sometimes they screw that up, really badly. ("badly", yeah, I know...) But that shouldn’t be happening. We should all be voting. We should all be voting easily and with accurate information. Anyway, because of long Covid, I can’t really drink alcohol for now. Or I can drink maybe one beer, or one glass of wine. But the next day my vagus nerve suffers for it. Same thing with sugar. So I eat non-sugar things, which are pretty good nowadays.

Yesterday I bought some lobster tails, cooked them up for lunch in my air fryer and then phad Thai for dinner. And bought some sugarless candy and some cookies and had his best time as I could have under the circumstances. Today I woke up with my vagus nerve feeling irritated. Probably from the shortbread cookies which had sugar in them. Sugarless shortbread cookies kind of suck, except for one brand I found at Fred Meyer (from VOORTMAN Bakery, well I like them anyway).
I’m not sure the president can do this but, when Joe Biden gave his address to the nation the other day, about the Trump Republican MAGA bullshit we've been subjected and subjugated to, and about voting for democracy, it would’ve been nice if his presidential address was on every single available channel. Because as we’re discovering, and as we’ve known, MAGA, and as well a lot of non-MAGA, who don’t ever vote, or know anything about the news, or politics, who are not involved in our nation's orientation or managing even though they live here and benefit from it... completely don’t know what’s going on, or that what they understand is going on is actually a MAGA manufactured, 180° skew from reality. They say "Patriot", we see sedition. They say America, we see domestic enemies attack our democracy.

It’s OK. It’s chilly out and this coat I wore last time, which is perfect for the last walk with cold and rain, it’s just a little it too warm for today. But that’s growing up in the Pacific Northwest...layer your clothes or suffer. So I'm carrying the coat now and damn, it's bulkier and heavier than you'd think.

Something weird just a occurred to me. I just walked by an older couple holding their little dog, talking to a guy in a truck. So I go to the left and walk by their garbage can now on my right, sitting there waiting for the garbage truck today. What occurred to me is, if they looked at me as I walk by, it might be polite to look over and nod, to give a greeting. But they were busy talking and I didn’t want to interrupt or disturb them so I just kept looking in front of me. What occurred to me, is what is considered normal or acceptable behavior in this case. What if I just angrily knocked over their garbage can and stormed off? What would they do? Some people might yell at me. But nowadays I’m beginning to suspect most people wouldn’t do anything. I guess this is the phenomenology of proper action, or of action as it may be. Because, let’s say most people would do nothing, because I know I wouldn’t want to deal with some person who may be mentally deranged. I’ve seen this situation in Seattle for years. You don’t wanna deal with these people who are mentally ill, when they’re being violent. I had though, at least once. Walking down the street commuting into work one morning, I walked by a tall guy in camo fatigues. Suddenly he just "clocked" this shorter Asian guy in the face who was walking along minding his own business. I stopped to watched, also unsure. I started to move forward to help the guy off the ground but then the guy in the fatigues jumped on him! And started trying to wale on him. The guy was trying to protect himself on the ground. I ran over and just as I was about to grab the guy on top he jumped up and ran away! I stood there shocked. I looked at the guy in the ground who refused to look at me. He got up. I asked him, "Are you OK?" He said, "Yeah, I’m fine", rather angry. I said, "Hey, we got to tell the cops." He said, "No, I’m fine!" And he stormed off. I didn’t know what to say. There was nothing to do, so I walked around the corner headed to the Starbucks before I hit my company for work, a few more blocks away. Turned out, there was three or four cops standing on the front of Starbucks, talking. I went over and told them what happened. They asked, "Where is he, the attacker?" I pointed at him down the street, still visible to me. They said, "All right thanks. We'll take care of this. We know this guy. We know who he is." I said, "OK, but you don't need my statement?" "No, it's all good, thanks, have a nice day."At the end of the block, as I was about to turn, the corner (I had decided to go to Torrefazione Italia, a better indie coffee shop around the corner. It’s much better coffee. Or it was before Seattle's Best bought them. Then Starbucks bought Seattle's Best, years ago. Anyway, I saw the cops talking to the guy in the camo‘s. So my point in all of this? Had I knocked over that garbage can, what would I have felt... if no one said a thing? I examined that as I walked by those people, past that garbage can. And I felt a rush, an exhilaration. Of breaking mores, shattering norms, fully getting away with it. Where would that lead? Then I thought about Trump and how he grew up in an overly controlled childhood. Sent to a boarding school because his parents didn’t wanna deal with him and his father didn’t know how to love a child. His abusive Nazi loving father, by the way. And how Trump obviously would’ve tried to get away with anything back then. And then met his idol one day. The gay lawyer Roy Cohn, who taught Trump everything about not paying your bills, skirting the law, abusive lawsuits, and being a complete and utter asshole. And then I thought about how that transferred to MAGA. And the joy experience in breaking mores and norms. Especially if you think you’re gonna get what you want after your voice has been silence for so long. Because your ideas were bad, or toxic. Which is why no one wants to hear what you have to say and why your view of the world isn’t in existence. They tried that in Hitler’s Germany. The majority didn’t like it. The majority of the planet. Except the Nazi MAGA or their version of the make Germany great again, crowd. My point in all this is that there’s a release or a joy and what Trump has done to America, and that’s what we have to counter. Like any other junkie to get them off of their junk. But until they’re ready for it, you really can’t do anything for them, or for those around them, who they damage, who they make to suffer. Good luck America!

Humans are naturally a little OCD and are pattern recognizers. That kind of OCD isn’t a disease (so not really OCD, but it makes a great explanatory shorthand). But it is a very normal orientation. It helped us before we were humans, to survive. It helped us later as we evolved into being human. When we find something that works well, we repeat it. When we see a pattern we recognize it, we know later what it is before we fully recognize it. Those two things however, can go horribly wrong. When we see patterns that aren’t what they look like, and it sends us into fight or flight or freeze, or  we join a cult because of fear from it. Or when we repeat something incessantly that was good once, in one situation, but then never again in any other situation. We abuse and misuse or overly use certain things, because of that. When you apply that to things like politics, which is not affecting just you, and I just those around you, but an entire country, or millions or billions of people in other countries too… That is highly dangerous. And it explains a lot about MAGA type delusional groups or private militias who go off the deep end, or simply mass shooters in some cases. 

OK. Instagram vid 3, the fire department's gone, like I said, the police showed up like I said, and now there’s a dark SUV with a gurney. I’m thinking this was a death. And I believe if someone dies, the police have to show up and write a report. Lotta retired around here. So this could just be that. Death by natural causes. Here’s hoping.
[on my last length of 4 miles and headed home, the body was in the SUV and another black SUV had showed up, who I assume was the medical examiner/coroner or their assistant.]

Starting my 4th mile. Feeling pretty beat to hell today. Maybe I overdid it yesterday with something. So I think I’ll finish the 4th mile and head home. Again, this isn’t being wimpy, it’s wondering what I will feel like tomorrow. With long Covid, you don't want to push it until you’re regressing. Stop before that starts. So I’ll probably feel a little rough tomorrow from this today. Which was a little rough today because of yesterday. So I don’t wanna continue this. But 4 miles is a good walk for me. I was feeling really good yesterday at Safeway. Safeway! I was feeling Safeway. So I’m thinking, I’m at least halfway through this long Covid. I see it as I think I mentioned in my book "Suffering Long Covid", I healing from it as a "halflife" issue. Long Covid goes away half way and then half way again, and then half way, in half, in half, in half again and again... instead of just decreasing and disappearing. Which is why it lasts maybe two years, or less if you’re lucky. More, or forever, if you’re really unlucky. But Since Covid has only been around for a couple years, we simply cannot know that yet, or that for some it may be permanent. When it damages your organs or ages them, which apparently it does for everybody, that’s not long Covid lasting forever. That’s the lasting affects of having had long Covid, from having had Covid.

Interesting long Covid thing, I always bring a small bottle of water with me on these walkabouts. In case I have to take a Benadryl, to lower my blood pressure. Or just rehydrate. But I never drink any before the 3rd mile. I save it for the fourth or 5th mile. Frequently, I'll drink some or all of it on the last leg of my final, hopefully 5th mile. Getting a headstart on getting home and drinking a big glass of water over the next half hour to hydrate. I use this water like medicine. As doctors have always known, especially when you take meds, if you start to feel ill sometimes on the meds, drink a glass of water to hydrate you enough so that the concentrations in your cells decrease and you'll feel better. I've felt incredible horrible on meds before, drank a glass of water and it instantly went away and I felt great. Just as we should be eating food not just as a culinary delight, or for satiation, but as medicine. I think we long ago lost count of the number of ill or dead people who ended up that way because they ate food using the opposite theory of using food as medicine. Or they only ate the same thing day in and day out and even with vitamin supplements, couldn’t get the sustenance their body needed to continue to grow healthily, or fight off diseases or conditions or illnesses.

From the podcast, Joe Scarborough is saying he remembers and 1998-99 Carl Rove, not democracy's friend, was telling him and Jeb Bush, and George W. Bush, and others to get their demographics right. Because if you don’t pay correct attention to the Spanish and Latino electorate, they will wipe you out. Seems like that’s what we’ve been seeing with the Democrats lately. Too many, I would say, confused people in that group, who have lived through socialism or communism and despised i, But think an American version of that is the same thing, or would lead to the same thing. And it doesn’t and it won’t. Because we’re not a socialist or Communist country. We're capitalists and sadly toxic capitalists at that. So our social programs are not those things. A country, a state has a responsibility to take care of its citizens and not kill them. To help them not die. That’s not what Republicans are doing in how they view protecting our citizens. Best they think that voters die if Republicans stay in power. That’s not American. That’s Putinesque, that’s authoritarian. That's Trump ism. That’s dictator/tyrant bullshit. That’s theocratic. And that’s our Republican Party today. They’ve known since 2012 with their OWN Republican "autopsy" not to double down, but back off and re-evolve into something America needs. But instead they got on their slide and found Donald Trump on their way to the bottom.

When Russia started bombing Irpin, a woman called her sister in Moscow & told her.
Response: "Why are you lying to me? You're bombing your own people!"
In America, Republicans want to know of Democrats:
"Why are you so bad, murderers, pedophiles, stealing our elections?
Autocracy does what autocracy does. It's in Russia. It's in America. Delusion manufactured.

I think if I labeled myself, it would be as a Scientific Humanist with Scientific Integrity. Though according to Kurt Vonnegut, religions label was Secular Humanist (Secular Humanism DefinedSecular Humanist Declaration, Affirmations of Humanism). Never really a Democrat, sure as hell not a Republican or advocate of the disturbed conservative belief system. Conservatism normally, is to be used in emergency for short periods. But Republicans claim, that's all day ever day, which is damaging to society and the human psyche. And, American conservatism has been warped. I thought I was an independent for a bit, until I met independent back in the 90s. I thought I was a libertarian, for about a month, until I met libertarians. Nice people but, good grief. I prefer reality. It's good to have an ideology, but better if you live your life in reality. "Orient" not force defectiveness in place. If you believe in any pure political ideology, you’re misguided. Even if you’re over educated. Use what works best. Hybrids. Too much capitalism is toxic. As is too much communism, too much Socialism, too much authoritarianism, almost any authoritarianism actually. But if you take a good solid societal theory as base, which I would suggest... democracy, because as has been said, it’s the best we’ve got, or the wort, except for all others… Then add a smattering of social programs and don’t overdo the capitalism, as we have… that's pretty good. Understand that quality is generally better than quantity.

It’s really bizarre how Trump denigrates people in Congress and yet, they then adhere to his ass. He shreds Latinos but then he gets more voters from them. People especially who have lived under socialism and communism, freak out about American social programs. Yet they vote for Trump because they like a “strong man“? What the fuck? What’s the problem with these communist and socialist nightmares? What was the problem with Cuba? It was a strongman in Fidel Castro as their absolute ruler and supreme leader. Bullshit. What the fuck are these people doing? Democrats are for democracy. Republicans are not. Certainly not how, this year. They've long been headed in this direction. And those people say they are moving over to the Republican Party because they think the Democrats haven’t done enough for them. Because Democrats have done a lot for everybody and haven't made a big deal about a single group. Which Republicans would then make a big deal about as being...who knows. Bad. But they think Republicans will maybe, hopefully, might do something for them? When that’s not what Republicans are about. They’re about doing things, for themselves. For power, for money. 

By the way, these nonsensical comments about Republicans and Democrats are the same, because... "politicians" is just ridiculous. You cannot equate these two parties. Certainly not since Trump was elected. And actually, literally not since the early 90s.

Interesting. Joe Scarborough is saying on the podcast that a lot of Latinos and  Spanish language people see the Republican Party as what we so often hear them profess to be… "Patriots". Which most of us know now is just bullshit, hype and propaganda. IF you don't know that, man, look around.

OK, that's it for the day.

Cheers! Sláinte!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Walkabout Thoughts #16

My thoughts, while walking off long Covid and listening to podcasts…

Weather for the day… 38° and overcast. I may have two hours of no rain.

Podcast for the day is Rachel Maddow’s “Ultra” episode six

Instagram post for the day

Huey Long, a criminal politician in the south back in the 1940s, corrupt as they come, self-proclaimed demagogue. Finally one day, murdered. And seemingly rightfully so, as he had said himself he was not just the law but the "Constitution". This is a good example regarding Donald Trump and his type today. Because the corrupt political machine that Huey Long put it into action, continued on after the head of that snake was gone. This is a good example too about Donald Trump in being the head of a newer snake that needs to be removed, and then too the corrupt political machine that overtook the GOP. Which now has corrupt MAGA Republican Party types who also need to be dealt with. America doesn’t need to be doing the work of our enemies across the seas. They need to do their own work at their own costs, using their own resources. Which we are working hard to take down. The head of the Russian snake, also needs to be removed, preferably by Putin's own people. And there are also, in Russia ironically enough, where Putin is doing some of that work for us, in his screwing up so badly he's almost removing himself from office with "Putin‘s folly", in his criminal war crime ridden murderous propaganda machine in Ukraine.

And now... it’s raining, lightly. Forecast showed it would rain a bit and then be clear for about 90 minutes to 2 hours...

I understand having to have your I's doted, your T's crossed in order to indict somebody like a former President of the United States, in our most corrupt and worst president in US History. But since it’s been leaked, that is, since Trump let it be known that he would soon announce his run for president in 2024 (potentially on November 14th), it would seriously behoove AG Garland in our Justice Department to indict Donald Trump, say, the day after the election this Wednesday. At very least, before Trump announces.

We need a serious government oversight entity or a class action lawsuit by the people, if that were possible, to charge all MAGA Republican candidates and leadership with forcing them to prove the lies they’re repeatedly saying. Especially, most especially, on Trump's "big lie" and in their being election deniers. Prove it or shut up! This has got to stop. The fact that the government can sit on this for this long and not protect the people, is unacceptable and anathema. Sure, they will probably get around to it, but in how this works today, time is of essence. 

And news came out today about an election integrity group who now is going to monitor the United States which we’ve needed since maybe 2000 definitely 2016 main part B one aspect of a solution.

Did you know if you tell men to avoid the draft or not sign up, you’re breaking the law?

Again, in referring to the podcast “Ultra”, it’s a good to note that once we get Trump out of the way, preferably with the use of capital punishment after he’s charged for appropriate crimes, like that’s gonna happen, but it needs to happen, we will then have to begin dismantling the criminal and conspiracy machine that he and part emboldened and help set in motion.

Consider that while we may not be able to prove direct or indirect collusion or following of orders by Putin or Russia or China or North Korea, or whomever by Trump and any of his MAGA minions, when there are direct parallels between what our enemies do, have done, are doing, and want done, that needs to be addressed. Addressed and neutralized, and/or covertly or publicly, though always preferably publicly. Let’s face it, this shit has to stop. Because once this country doesn’t exist, will matter any longer? No. See, "The Handmaid‘s Tale, e.g., "Gilead". Yes it’s fiction. But so is "1984", which warned us and we completely ignored. So now we see it all around us. Double plus good?

There’s been a phrase going around, "big 'dick' power". Often referred about by little 'dick' people, or their supporters. People think that’s a Trump, or  a Putin. I would just like to point out what that tends so often to be (as I'd said), is really "little 'dick' power", with a lot of real physical power backing it up. Because of who allowed them to be, in power. As I’ve said before, when Trump was first elected, one does not put a Socio/psychopathic narcissist in position of the most powerful office in the most powerful country in the world. Or even a lower power but major "X" super power. Because course, America DID do that. Well, at least Russia has an excuse, of sorts.

It’s quite clear that the Republican Party is trying to assure their continued and permanent victory, and maintain their power while making America into THEIR one party system. Just as the Nazi party did in pre-World War II Germany. Sorry, it's just true, on both accounts. It's really not up for debate. It happened, it is happening. These are just the facts. Not made up Republican MAGA "facts" but you can look it up for real. The Nazis did that. The Republican Party has clearly stated that’s their intention. One candidate for governor in the Midwest just this past week, SAID exactly that. That if he’s elected, Republicans will be in power there from then on. And NOBODY should want THAT.

Leave it to a 1940s sedition trial where Republicans stated they would make Hitler’s pogroms look meek. Now we’re seeing the evolution of that same kind of mindset in today’s MAGA Republican Party, led by Nazi wannabe, Donald Trump. Damn! I can’t tell you how much I wish I was lying about this, or that it was not true. But again, you can look it up. Pick up a damn newspaper. And again, not like how MAGA “look things up”, once can actually look this shit up and quickly, easily, plainly see, it’s all true. I know! Sad.

I need to remember when I get back home today, to update my Amazon page for my latest nonfiction book, “Suffering Long Covid“. I set it up so that if you buy the book version, you also get the e-book version. So if you're reading the book version, with about 67 reference/research URLs that you can reference. You can indicate them in the book you're reading, then go to those links online in the e-book version and simply click to go there. Otherwise, you have to type in a long URL. I apologize for that. Then again, you can also take the heading for a URL and Google search on it, then use the URL in the book to verify it's the correct link. It appears there's some sales on that book on Amazon. Which is kind of scary. Yes, I've had book sales going on ten years now soon, but those are fiction, horror/sci fi books and stories. This book is non-fiction (my second work, first book) and details some rather private times as it includes my daily logs from suffering through covid and long covid this year. And I didn't edit to cut things, I left everything in there.

My second podcast for the day, as I’m only finishing up the 3rd mile here, is Political Gabfest's, "Live From Atlanta!", continuing the episode I listened to on my last walkabout.

My next podcast is from the Mary Trump podcast, "Ask Me Anything" episode. I like her show, I'm just used to a less social more dense intake of facts. But she has some very good insights and guests.

My next podcast is John Heilemann's "Hell and Highwater" podcast's latest episode with Jordan Klepper who used to be on The Daily Show. Love this guy's works. Their talking about who/what got him into comedy, he mentioned, The Monty Python Show, Steve Coogan's "Alan Partridge" character,and others. I didn't know he studied in the UK. His favs included these guys who, now that I've seen them, are pretty funny.

Klepper makes a good point on the podcast about the Fetterman versus Oz debate. You have got to address how Fetterman did himself, and not just talk about how bad Oz is. But the truth is, while Republicans say Fetterman shouldn’t be on the ticket because he can’t finish a sentence, which isn’t true. I would put Fetterman up with what knowledge and orientation he has, behind his current temporary difficulty in communicating, with someone like Herschel Walker. Who no matter how well he communicates, is still a fucking moron and shouldn’t be anywhere near public office. He's just a Republican dupe who's gonna do whatever he’s told. Which is why they’re voting for him. Not to mention what a communications idiot their leader, Donald Trump is. I would say, except when he’s not inconsistently "sundowning" throughout any day where he's being so inconsistent and moronic, that somehow just doesn’t matter to his supporters. Which is bizarre. But does explain Herschel Walker. And Oz, I suppose. But Oz, can actually think. Who like DeSantis, makes them potentially more dangerous than Trump. Except, Trump truly has no moral direction.

Jordan pointing out that Walker evokes the Strunk and White "Elements of Style" manual command which indicates one should always, “omit needless words”. While as I see Trump, he makes that an art in how he omits and overuses words, in all the wrong places (phrases?).

It's ironic that should Republicans win this midterm, Democrats will say democracy is doomed. But if Democrats win, Republicans won’t have any comment about democracy whatsoever. They’ll most likely just say the economy is doomed. Because they don't care about our democracy. However, without democracy the economy doesn’t make a goddamn bit of difference. Because in an autocracy such as Republicans try to push on us, day in and day out, they don’t care a wit about your economics. However they will say whatever you want to hear to get your vote. Then take care of themselves, and the rich. It’s just what they do as the party big business. Dumbass.

Ha! Today I wore the right clothes for the right weather. I’m wearing the jacket I wore for years commuting two hours, twice daily from Suquamish, Washington, to Seattle, and back. Twelve hour days. When I started working remotely it gave me back four hours per day! Twenty hours per week! It was like getting a big raise, certainly in the quality of my life. So I could’ve made the 5 miles on my last walk that I couldn't (when it started to rain) had I warn this coat. But I was trying to dress warm, not dry. My mind still needed to shift into Pacific Northwest winter time. So today, I thought of my winter commuter coat that's been long unused in my closet. So today I am warm and dry! Mostly.

Oh, and I’m wearing my favorite cap I bought in I think, Dublin, but Ireland nonetheless, for my birthday back in 2015. I was there before my birthday on August 30 and a couple weeks after in the September. What a grand time that was. Dublin, nearby Howthe by train, Then the train to Galway, bus to Limerick (touched the ground and back on another) bus to Cork, bus to Blarney, and Blarney Castle, then the train through Dublin to Belfast, back down to Dublin, and Temple Bar district (what a ride that was in Temple Bar!). Finally, the bus to Dublin airport, then to New York City, down to Orlando, Florida, to my cousin's house in Vero Beach, back to Orlando to SeaTac in Washington, the light rail to downtown Seattle, a short walk to Colman Dock and onto the Bainbridge ferry, where on Bainbridge I said, "Oh screw it!" and I got a taxi for my ride home, to my couple acres in the forest. Note, the day I left home for Ireland, I walked the mile to the park and ride. And what a walk that was as it was a hot day. But it got me ready for walking all around the four corners of Ireland. What a grand isle that is! When I got there it felt like home. Both ancestrally and environmentally. I never realized how much Ireland is like western Washington until I got there. And then how much I appreciated home when I got back.

Damn the rain's coming down pretty good now.

John Heilemann has a good point when he says, when you talk to Republicans they say about people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, that "Yeah, Democrats have their extremes to., like AOC." Excuse me? Yeah, she may be extreme at times, but she’s fighting for human rights. Not to mention intellectually, morally, ethically, one cannot compare or equate in anyway, her to Marjorie Taylor Greene. AOC is an intellectual powerhouse by comparison. Please. Quit embarrassing yourselves.

Klepper's comment on this, he says he’s asked Republicans who would say things like what, what they hate about OAC. "The Green New Deal." Klepper's responds, "Excuse me? So someone who wants to be extreme about saving the planet, equates with you to someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene’s election denial and conspiracy bullshit? Seriously."

Jordan Klepper: "I’ve been in a consensual relationship with the midterms for years."
If only more Americans felt that way and also about our presidential elections. Decades ago when I first heard how many people voted in any chosen country, I was stunned. This all years after I had waited to be 18, to vote for the first time. I was shocked and dismayed at how many never vote. Can't find it in them to. And I'm still shocked about this to this day. We really need to do a better job of teaching history, civics, world problems, and I don't know... general awareness? No child should go out into the world after K- through, let’s say... 14? And not have an understanding of America and how the fuck it works. And how it should work. Not just how authoritarians wish it worked for fun, abuse and profit.

Here’s what you need to know about John Fetterman‘s health issues. He’s cognitively sound. That’s all you need to know. Oz on the other hand, is morally and ethically challenged. Herschel Walker is too, but he’s also cognitively challenged. Lot's of concussions in pro ball maybe? I have empathy, compassion about that, but not if he's entering public office. And no, a stroke doesn't equate. Just as Donald Trump is a mixture of all of those things (cognitively, and morally/ethically challenged). As far as Fetterman debating on the floor of the Senate? Please. He’d still do better than far too many Republicans like Gosar, Johnson, or some of them who can indeed be articulate, but also motherfucking evil in their intent and orientation.

Klepper is right on this podcast about how we need to discuss more publicly about a candidates age and religion. We don’t need to be talking about anyone’s religion per se. But we need to know if they’re going to force theocratic ideas into a secular system... where they don’t belong. A lack of separation of church and state is how you get abuses, if not an overall overt theocracy. If you love Iran and the abuses there, which after 40 years, seem to be evolving into a.... democracy (apparently, hopefully). All because young girls and women have finally had it. Guess they're just tired of being abused, and murdered for religion and the patriarchy. I don’t know what to tell you, because as far as I can tell, this whole Republican theocratic authoritarian bullshit is in the process of burning itself out. They may come to power, but as far as I can tell? They're on the way out. Which explains their death throes as well as that of religions in general. "Vicious Dying animal syndrome". Look. Evolve or die. Republicans figured that out in 2012, that they needed to evolved. But then they said, "Fuck it" and continued to devolve in all the wrong ways. Unbelievable. That’s the thing about conservatism. They tend to fall back on old anachronistic, typically destructive ways. "Spare the rod, spoil the child?"  That's ignorant, for people who don't know options, alternatives, reason. They want to make America great again? You do know what that means, right? Bend over...

Here’s another thing about John Fetterman’s health issues as far as being a candidate. If he was a Republican, there'd be no discussion. He get voted in. End of story. So what’s the problem? If you get a Senator who has health problems and has to drop out, we'll get another Democrat, or elect another Democrat. But at this time? You can’t put in a Republican and certainly not fucking Dr. Oz!

It’s fun and interesting to watch the debates. It’s a way to see your candidate and/or the opposition in action. But it’s really kind of counterproductive, a lot of times. So you put a professional speaker... up against an incredibly talented and efficient bureaucrat... and, the wrong guy looks good. How is that useful? I think it might almost be better to have a debate panel for a couple hours, sitting around talking about these people. That might be more effective. Or if people would just read and research candidates past actions. But then, well, you know…

That's it. Cheers! Sláinte! Vote!