Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Republican of Toxic America

So far America has experienced #ToxicTrump. But IF Trump steals the election, because to be sure, he will not WIN this election, you will all then learn what a truly toxic government is. 

So far we've only been seeing the beginning of it.

Under the malfeasant direction of Donald John Trump;.

A "man" who should never EVER have been invited to the White House, let alone spend even a single night IN it. 

IN The People's House. In OUR house. 

Not just Trump's base supporters' house. 

All OUR house. You damned fools. 

If he gets re-elected, then finally in the next four years even you people who elected him will begin to realize how good we had it. 

All while you hated what we had, wanting  ever more and forcing on us all... less, so much, much less than we had. And when the time comes finally that you too wake up and hate what has happened, it will already be far too late. Many of us will then smile in our shared misery. We will have earned that brief catharsis.

Finally you will realize just how very stupid you were in believing in Trump and his enablers. Those whose place it was to protect us, this country, the US Constitution. But greed and self interest and fear so easily subverted them. Too easily

But you have to be set up years ahead of time for that to happen. We kept warning them, and you. But you were poisoned by your self delusions and self perpetuated conspiracies, reveling in your fantasies, your dark projections and paranoias. Because it was too delicious to you. 

When one day that epiphany comes about how you deified a tyrant and not a savior, it will do NONE of us any good whatsoever. It will be too late. It may already be.

Believe it or not, we are now your own hope. 

So enjoy yourselves while you can. 

Because it is going to be temporary

Did you know that progressives, which I consider myself to be as I understand it and not necessarily as it is defined by that group today, is what FDR actually had as his policy that he ran under but called it liberalism, because at the time you couldn't win as a liberal, which was actually conservatism before FDR won election?

And so today conservative supporting Trump, or Republicans for that matter, aren't either. For more on this try "Still Right" on C-SPAN2. I don't agree with all they say but it's a good survey on a topic we all right now, need to know more about.

"Classic Liberalists" today are actually true American conservatives. 

Most people don't have a clue what they are today, they are just part of the tribe they enjoy considering themselves a part of.

Trump is a populist, not a conservative Republican at all and once he's gone, poof, the GOP collapses. It won't go away because it's been a zombie political party for ten years or so now. 

But a political party has got to be based on ideals not as Trump and his GOP now base theirs on whatever Trump wants.

What's the problem in all this? A lack of decent education in America, suppressed by a lack of funding, by those who do not believe in either government of any functional design or taxes to support our infrastructure. 

Look, all you need to know right now for Joe Biden takes America not back to the past, but back to reason and consistency, honesty over lies and pure political power over governing a nation. Is it a perfect solution? No, this isn't science, nor does the Trump crowed believe in science anymore. And if you do but you support Trump, well, just think about the confusion in that stance for a moment. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Trump, Conservatives, GOP & Conduct Disorder with ODD

Something just occurred to me about the current bizarreness of the cohort of the conservative and Republican party.

I have a university degree in psychology, so I started searching on the comorbid psychopathology of conservatism and found this research on Dimensions of Oppositional Defiant Disorder as Predictors of Depression and Conduct Disorder in Preadolescent Girls.

Oddly enough, it fits.

Here's a video to give you an idea who Donald John Trump is, just by what we ALL know about. 

Have We Loved Him Enough?

What I realized was that this cohort of conservative Republicans were damaged, had been for years. In 2009 they knew it, in 2013 they knew it and they did NOTHING about it to FIX it. They put together a group to do an autopsy on what was wrong with them. 

Both times, they ignored and and pushed on until finally... 

Along comes Donald Trump. A predator, who saw a dysfunctional GOP and then moved on them knowing he could get away with abusing an already dysfunctional group, grabbed control of their dysfunction and emotions, AS WE'VE ALL SEEN, and so, here we are today. 

I mean, how does that NOT explain the situation we find our government in today? It fully does. Even to the point of them having daddy issues, an anti authority orientation (hating government) with an adoration and desire for being told what to do by a truly dumb autocrat.

So yes, these conservativse and Republicans are basically Trump loving dysfunctional teenage girls. with ODD, conduct disorder, and depression.

It's only a matter of time for the suicide. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Donald John Trump: Evangelical Corporate Con Man

 I've been waring about this for so long I can't remember when it started. You can search my blogs here and you'll find whole blogs devoted to both of these things.

Corporate Thought, or Corporate Thinking. And, Evangelism. I've complained about these forms of human and environmental abuse for years, written blogs about them, and now we're all living them and don't even realize it.

The first has cost us in so many areas and it has invaded everything. The second, well...the same.

And with PRES. Trump (and i use that term lightly, and inaccurately..."Pres." I mean), both are involved, deeply.

Corporate thought is about profit and using it in areas you should never use it. It's invaded our schools, government and religious institutions. 

The later of which, let's face it was already capitalist. You do something on earth you find profit in HEAVEN. But it is Evangelist movement, a very American born institution of grift and profit that has settled everywhere and is now massively in the Republican party. 

Put the two together in Donald Trump and you have...The Trump Administration. It's also why he leans so deeply into Putin, Autocrats and crime. Profit, because that is deeply entrenched in both of those forms of thinking, and cons. 

And that's the third, a hybrid of the first time. Confidence schemes. The Con. Which Don the Con has now perpetrated the biggest con on US in US history. 

A con requires using your emotions and decency, your good nature, good manners, anything good about you, against you and for the benefit of the criminal using it to harm you. And enhance their lifestyle. Typically done by sociopaths and/pr narcissists. Thus, Donald John Trump. 

So yeah, keep voting for him. Keep thinking he just has your best interests at heart.

Like any con's good "Mark". 

#Vote. And for God's sake, and YOUR OWN, NOT for Donald Trump! And NOT for some thrid party useless candidate. NOW is NOT the time for a "protest vote"! Decent Joe Biden, our only choice to rid ourselves of the Rat in the White House and his no longer GOP, his Conservative Populist Nationalist Racist Republican party.

The old GOP you may have voted for? It's now dead. Deal with it. They researched themselves in 2008 and again in 2012 and found themselves lacking. They suggested a massive reworking and they did...NOTHING. So now They, and we, have Donald Trump. He corrupts all he touches. 

The GOP, who gave us George H.W. Bush, who was a VP, head of the CIA once. Then his son, George W. Bush, who took us into an illegal and vastly regionally destabilizing war in Iraq that has affected the world until this day. From that descent long down the GOP slide of disgust to now Donald Trump who took over the GOP in a "hostile takeover" (Donald Trump, Jr.'s words) and strangled it to death so that now it's not just the zombie part it came to be known as in 2008, but the Donald Trump Puppet Zombie Party we all know and love to hate today.

As Grover Norquist said about the American Government and we now prefer to use against the GOP, "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." And that ladies and gentlemen and all what we now need to do to the once and no longer, GOP.

And Its Zombie Manufacturer, Donald John Trump. The US President with the three word serial killer name. 

Look. It's simple. Vote. For your future. For the future of America. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Remove Donald Trump from Presidency - 25th Amendment NOW

UPDATE 10/8/20: Wow, that's corruption at the head of government. #25thAmendmentNow Donald Trump Calls for AG Barr to Indict Joe Biden With 26 Days Until Election. Nancy Pelois calls for (FINALLY) the 25th Amendment, something that discussed after Trump was elected when his top intelligence and judicial officials interacted with Trump's failed ability to be briefed and attempts at obstructing and altering Russian tactics/operations against America.

UPDATE 10/4/20: 

My Twitter feed has updates now that Pres. Trump is in the hospital and no, he gets no slack. He nearly begged for this infection and easily 100,000 Americans are dead from his malfeasance in handling this COVID-19 pandemic. 

I guess my hiatus is over after the ludicrous performance of "Pres." Donald Trump last night, losing so badly to Vice President Joe Biden. There is no more time for rationalizing, "Oh Trump didn't mean THAT." Or explaining off, or being polite, or whatever that keeps Trump in office He has to go. NOW! With all due and extreme prejudice. 

Where are the Republican party? The new Putin & Trump Populist Party? Where are Congressional Republicans? Where are the Trump supporters claiming to be American? BE American! 

 I have only one thing to say.

25th Amendment NOW! Donald Trump needs to be removed from Office. There is no time for an election. An election has been made moot at this point by Trump's own actions and words.

"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by," Trump said at the debate, knowing full well what it means. No, it wasn't misspoken, as Trump tries to wrangle it the day after. 

Trump thinks Pretty boys, poor boys, proud or whatever are for some reason BOYS and to be sure they are immature and racists, bigots, domestic terrorists, are associated with police across the nation. 

To be sure, police officers have been fired for association with this hate group, white supremacist group of boys, so labeled by the FBI.

It is MOST definitely time for Donald Trump to be removed from office for reasons of incompetence and an inability to fulfill the duties of his office. 

New York Times, Thomas Friedman: "Trump sent a warning. Let's Take it seriously."
"I can't say this any more clearly. Our democracy is in terrible danger -- more danger than it has been since the Civil War, more danger than after Pearl Harbor, more danger than during the Cuban missile crisis and more danger than during Watergate. 
"[W]hen extremists go all the way and moderates just go away, the system can break. And it will break I saw it happen.
"I would like to think that such a thing could not happen in America. I'd like to think that...but I am very, very worried."

Will Democrats have to go to vote in November, armed to the teeth? How did this come to be? Donald Trump, MADE this happen! 

Weill Trump suddenly comes down with COVID-19 to reap the benefit in an election he is losing to seek compassion? It's not beyond him to pull something last minute in this election. Probably a few stunts. Probably very sleazy stunts. 

UPDATE 10/2/20: Donald Trump and wife Melania have tested positive after aide Hope HIcks did. And so, does the charade go on? 

Donald Trump is inviting both foreign and domestic enemies into his camp. This is not America!

25th Amendment - Section 4:

Constitution of the United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)

"Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."

Enough of this man in the Oval Office abusing America, murdering Americans from purposely fumbling the COVID-19 pandemic, and so much more. Even Putin, who helped put him into the presidency, is tired of Trump now. Still supporting him only for purposes of fracturing this country.

It is time.

25th Amendment...NOW!