August 18, 2017
Too many blogs now are regarding Donald Trump, Nazis types and followers.
Look, he was a mistake. End of story.
Now it's really all about cleaning up, removing the troublesome and getting back to real life.
End of story.
August 29, 2012
Branding articles
Jim Devitt – An Analysis of Best Practices for Social Media Marketing
Jim Devitt – How To Let Others Know That You Are The Author
K.S. Brooks – Tuesday Tutorial: SEO Plug-Ins
January 17, 2012Last week I was offered some advice, concerning my work time and the blog, by a professional Novel & Screenplay Consultant, Michele Wallerstein. The advice was to cut back yet again on my blog, as I have a pretty stiff work load.
So, I am going to eliminate the weekend quotes blog and put a blog out only on Mondays. That will increase my time to do research, enhance the quality of my work, and give me more time for writing my screenplays and prose.
I'm nearing the end of editing my novel, currently tentatively titled "Heaven". Once the manuscript is finished, I will send it back to my publisher. It is currently at 638 pages and I'm doing a final edit on it; I'm at page 400 right now. So, I'm getting there.
After I send the book off, I will start working again on my "America" screenplay (again, currently tentatively titled) that I have been working on with Producer Chris Soth since May 2011. I had finished the treatment and was just starting on the section fifteen pages (the second "minimovie") when I took the time off to revamp the book I have had in the editing queue at the publishers. The screenplay needs to be finished way ahead of 4th of July weekend so we can hopefully incorporate some free fireworks as it takes place over the 4th of July day celebration.
Last week I submitted my "HearthTales" screenplay to a production company who had asked for a copy to read.
Thanks for the interest and daily reading of the blog. I will write the occasional random blog as I see fit and have time or motivation. Sometimes things happen in the world and I just can't keep my mouth shut and feel a strong compulsion to say something.
It's hard really, to go down to once a week from once a day, because there is so much to comment on, so much that is going on around the world. We live in interesting times and it's hard not to comment upon it. But I have to focus on what is most productive for me right now, and that would be my screenplay and fiction writings.
All the best, and thanks for reading!
February 27, 2011
Due to my work load I am going to have to cut back on my blog entries. Two a day for a week, and one on the weekends, takes a lot of time to research and write. So I am going to have to cut back to a workable solution. I'm not sure yet what that is, but I'm sure it will evolve over time into whatever is most workable. The down side is I will have less blogs, the upside is that my work has been paying off. Screenplays are going around Hollywood, an anthology of short horror stories is in editing at the publisher's and I'm looking for a blurb by Clive Barker, if I can only get in contact with him, which isn't too easy now a days. It used to be far easier when he still lived in London, but those days are past; and good for him.
July 6, 2010
I've decided to try and put Humor pieces up at 4AM. The more serious pieces will go online at Noon. I want to go more the humor route, and I think we need humor first thing in the morning. But I also keep finding things to speak up about. So I'll post those for the Noon hour. The problem will be in trying to write enough humorous pieces and maybe this will force me to do better with that. Hopefully I will get better with it over time, too. Cheers!
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