Friday, October 11, 2024

What would Frank Zappa or Ayn Rand have to say about Trump & his MaGA today?

My older MaGA-saturated brother has much to say about so much nonsense in the Trump/MaGA field of ridiculousness. "MaGA" because they don't seem to understand or respect all our America. And until they do, they get to keep that lowercase letter "a" for their lack of understanding of who and what America really IS, and not just their perverse subculturish view of it.

I feel like that photo is from Shut up and play yer guitar, or something.

I have to bug him once in a while about it. His latest rant got me to wondering what his hero, Frank Zappa would have to say to him about it. Or Ayn Rand as she is such a darling of the Libertarian Republican types for their immature understanding of her and her own rather misplaced Objectivism.

So, my older brother by 7 years said:

"When the China Virus landed here in WA State the hot topic was the failing infrastructure, about plus or minus 162 bridges and overpasses and roads were in dire need to fixing or replacing . Then the Unemployment fund was raided for Millions upon millions or a billion It took no time to bury those stories about those huge losses. And not a peep about any of that since then, WHY NOT? Millions in to Billions were lost and not one person held accountable, Why NOT? Why did the investigation stop. Why didn't and still doesn't Ferguson sic his team on it? WHY is Bob ignoring everything Biden and the Radical left has done to Hurt the People that are forced to fund every despicable Deplorable thing Government has done to the WORKING People of this State?

"WHY? Because he promised them he would do nothing to get in their way, of destruction. of destroying this State.

 "HRC and her Gang are the Real Deplorables, the money grubbing lying cheating Hate the Middle class 2 tier Justice system the Lawfare creating Propaganda FAKE NEWS SPREADING Gaslighting flooding DemocRats And you keep voting for them sending them back term after term for decades WTF Wake the F**K up and Vote them OUT Make Washington a Great State Again I can remember when the whole West Coast was a Conservative strong hold. How did that flip 100% into Liberal Communist 3rd world shithole Banana Democracy ??? You did it so undo it is your Obligation to the Republic and the Flag for which is stands,, One Nation.

"V O T E Never again for a DemocRat that is the Problem creator and not a solution Y O U know what you must do, and should have done the last Presidential election..."

Uhhhh huh... so childish all that jr hi name calling like Trump loves so much and his crowds cheer for so often. Humiliating to America overall but, whatever...

To be clear, older bro is on the side of those "deplorable", which is Hillary Clinton's observation of what Trump spawned. That side of things always takes who they re and projects it onto their opposition ("No I'm not,  you are" Or as Trump said to Hillary in the debate years ago, "I'm not a puppet, you're a puppet", such, uh genius..."Genius"). 

Anyway, Washington has long been a great state, ever the more the more conservatives are contained.

OK what did ChatGPT think might be Frank Zappa's response be about Donald Trump today and his crazyed MaGA crowd?

"Ah, Trump’s back in the ring, folks! It’s like a bizarre circus act where the clown just keeps falling off the tightrope and somehow gets a standing ovation every time. Now we have a guy running for president who’s not only lost an election but is also a convicted felon. If that doesn’t say something about the state of our democracy, I don’t know what does!
"The MAGA movement, meanwhile, is still waving its banners like a group of devoted fans at a bad concert. 'Make America Great Again'? More like 'Make America Strange Again.' We’re living in a reality show where the rules of logic and decency have been thrown out the window, and the ratings keep climbing!
"But let’s get real—if we want to make America truly great, it’s going to take a lot more than catchy slogans and flashy rallies. We need to get back to the basics: critical thinking, genuine discourse, and maybe a little less of this carnival of ego. But until that happens, grab your popcorn, because the next episode is bound to be a wild ride!"

OK, OK to be fair, what might Frank say about his actually specific comments?

"Ah, the sweet symphony of outrage! It’s like a never-ending concert of complaints and conspiracies. You know, my friend, while you’re busy pointing fingers at politicians and labeling them as 'deplorable,' don’t forget that the real issue often lies in our own apathy.
"You want accountability? Sure, but remember that we’re all part of this crazy machine called democracy. If you’re frustrated with the infrastructure or the 'raided' unemployment fund, maybe it’s time to ask yourself: what are you doing about it?
And as for the political landscape changing from a 'Conservative stronghold' to whatever you want to call it now, that’s just the way it goes. People evolve, society evolves, and sometimes, the songs you don’t want to hear are the ones that reveal the truth.
"So before you go shouting about 'voting them out,' think about what you really want. Are you looking for change, or just a new set of puppets on the same old strings? Because if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself in a banana republic—where everyone’s throwing bananas, and nobody’s watching the show.
"And hey, maybe instead of waiting for the politicians to make things right, you could start a grassroots movement. Write a song! Call for action! Let’s turn that frustration into creativity. After all, isn’t that what makes life interesting?
"So wake up, but don’t just complain. Get in there and make some noise. Just don’t forget to keep it real and funky!"

The only answer there? He's doing as many do, Nothing. Just shouting into the ether of the Internet.

Now, what about Ayn Rand? What might be her POV on Trump & MaGA (Trump's MaGAFooled crowd), as she's so popular with the more philosophically immature of Republican leadership, for decades now. From ChatGPT:

Ayn Rand, the philosopher and novelist known for her philosophy of Objectivism, would likely have a complex and critical view of Donald Trump and the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement. Here are some potential perspectives she might offer:
Individualism vs. Collectivism: Rand emphasized individualism and the rights of the individual over the collective. She might criticize Trump for appealing to collective sentiments and nationalism that could undermine individual rights. The MAGA movement, with its focus on America-first policies, could be seen as promoting a form of collectivism that Rand would oppose.
Government Role: Rand believed in a minimal government that protects individual rights and does not interfere in the economy. She might critique Trump's administration for its regulatory policies and government interventions, particularly if they contradicted her ideals of laissez-faire capitalism.
Morality and Ethics: Rand’s moral philosophy centers on rational self-interest and the pursuit of one’s own happiness. She might find aspects of Trump’s behavior, including his rhetoric and decision-making, inconsistent with her views on rational ethics, especially if she perceives them as opportunistic or lacking integrity.
Populism: Rand was skeptical of populism and demagoguery. She could view Trump’s populist appeal and the emotional fervor of the MAGA base as detrimental to reasoned discourse and the philosophical foundations of a free society.
Capitalism: While Rand would likely appreciate some of Trump's pro-business policies, such as tax cuts and deregulation, she might still argue that his approach lacks a principled understanding of capitalism, focusing more on cronyism or favoring certain industries rather than advocating for free markets overall.
In summary, Rand would likely view Trump and the MAGA movement through a critical lens, focusing on the tension between individual rights, capitalism, and the collective ethos that populism can promote. Her philosophy would lead her to advocate for a society rooted in reason, individualism, and unregulated capitalism, which she might see as at odds with the current political climate.

OK but what might she say herself?

"In my view, the rise of populism and the appeal of movements like MAGA are fundamentally at odds with the principles of individualism and rational self-interest that I advocate. A society cannot thrive when its citizens are encouraged to sacrifice their own values and rights for the sake of the collective or a so-called national interest.

"Donald Trump’s brand of politics embodies a troubling blend of nationalism and emotional appeal, which undermines the very foundation of a free society. True freedom requires a government that protects individual rights, not one that seeks to impose a collective will upon its citizens.

"While I appreciate the necessity of capitalism and the importance of business, I am wary of any leader who uses cronyism or populist rhetoric to gain favor. Genuine capitalism flourishes in an environment free from government intervention, where individuals pursue their own happiness and success based on merit, not entitlement.

"We must remember that the path to a prosperous society lies in rational thought, personal responsibility, and the unwavering defense of individual rights. It is only through these principles that we can truly achieve greatness—not through empty slogans or the sacrifice of our values at the altar of nationalism."

This statement encapsulates Rand's core beliefs while addressing contemporary issues related to Trump and the MAGA movement.

Alright. Hang in there. All this nonsense will be over soon, hopefully, sooner than later.

All the best!

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